International Food Business and Consumer Studies (Master)

Studierende auf dem Campus Witzenhausen

The MSc International Food Business and Consumer Studies (IFBC) is a joint degree program of two German Universities: The University of Kassel in Witzenhausen (Organic Agricultural Sciences) and the University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Nutritional, Food and Consumer Sciences).
All IFBC modules are taught in English.

The politics of food in society, involving manufacturers, retailers, consumers and health professionals, are complex and continually evolving. This programme prepares graduates to take on responsible tasks in national and international food business companies, as well as in food certification organisations.

In particular, they are qualified to manage complex processes in food industry, trade and in the agricultural sector. They are able to develop and market food products and related services according to the needs of different consumer groups, taking into account the principles of sustainability.

Application procedure and examination administration of the program is organised by the University of Kassel. Further information on course contents, admission criteria and the application procedure can be found here:

Ge­ne­ral pro­gram­me in­for­ma­ti­on

Final degree: Master of Science (Joint Degree)

Beginning of study: Winter semester

Period of study: 4 semester

Language of instruction: English

Admission restrictions: No

Study information day (in German language)

Study information day (in German language): Details

Joint Degree program in cooperation with Fulda University of Applied Sciences. Combining the expertise and facilities of both academic institutions. Lectures are at Witzenhausen campus (Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences) and Fulda campus (Faculty of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Sciences). A semesterticket for regional transport is included in the semester fee.

Students with an undergraduate degree acquired in Germany should gain 12 ECTS credits at an international partner university.

Exceptions are possible.

Application procedure for the winter semester

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on with a de­gree ear­ned in Ger­ma­ny


jährlich 01.06. - 01.09.

Please apply for this course via the online application portal for master’s degree courses at the University of Kassel.

How to apply

Ap­p­­li­­ca­­ti­on with a de­gree ear­­ned outs­i­de Ger­­ma­­ny

Ap­p­­li­­ca­­ti­on pe­­ri­od

annual 01.12. - 01.03.

If you pursued your Bachelor degree at a university outside Germany, you need to apply via uni-assist. uni-assist will pre-evaluate your application on behalf of the University of Kassel and inform you if further documents are required. 

How to apply


Prospective students and applicants

For information on our degree programmes and assistance with questions regarding application and enrolment procedures, general admission requirements, deadlines, the semester fee etc., please contact our student enquiries support team (Information Studium).


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