Bachelor / Master Theses (BAMA)
Module: FB16 - 9018.17
- Supervision:
Prof. Dr. O. Stursberg and Scientific staff of the group - Extent
Bachelor thesis / Master thesis: length according to the examination regulations of the relevant degree program; each thesis comprises obligatory the preparation of written document (the thesis) and an oral presentation within the scientific colloquium of the lab
- Content:
For a defined problem of Control and System Theory, the student studies the relevant literature, develops an own solution, often implements a corresponding control algorithm, evaluates the solution, and prepares a written and oral presentation of the results.
- Prerequisites:
- necessary for the B.Sc. thesis: successful completion of the courses Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik, Lineare und Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme, Matlab Grundlagen; depending on the chosen subject, the course Discrete Event Systems and Control can be important, too.
- necessary for the M.Sc. thesis: completion of the Bachelor program (ideally with a focus on control systems), and successful completion of the courses Lineare Optimale Regelung, Adaptive and Predictive Control; depending on the chosen subject, also the following courses should have been completed: Optimization Methods, Robust and Optimal Control, Hybrid and Networked Control Systems.
- Recommendation:
For students of the B.Sc. program in Electrical Engineering, the duration of the B.Sc. thesis is only 9 weeks. To enable a more rigorous study of a topic, it is recommended to thematically couple the B.Sc. thesis with the preceding project work (duration as well 9 weeks).
Open Topics
Topics of the thesis (B.Sc. / M.Sc.) are typically related to the research projects of the group. For inquiries on currently open topcis, interested students should contact the secretary of the group using: rst(at)
Please provide the following information:
- degree program,
- number of completed semesters in the program,
- completed courses offered by Control and System Theory
- topic(s) of interest (possibly with reference to the themes listed here)
- desired starting date
The starting dates can be defined flexibly upon requests.
Recently Completed Theses
N. Hanke | M.Sc. | Synchronisation vernetzter Oszillatoren auf Basis von Modellen schltender affiner Systeme |
P. Stowitz | M.Sc. | Erreichbarkeitsanalyse zur Sicherheitsüberprüfung von Reglern, die durch neuronale Netzwerke repräsentiert werden. |
T. Trummel | M.Sc. | Optimale Synchronisierung von vernetzten heterogenen Oszillatoren durch angepasste Kopplung |
J. Arend | M.Sc. | Optimale Regelung von Bodenlagern via Deep Reinforcement Learning |
E. Boyar | M.Sc. | Hindernisvermeidung mit Hilfe von adaptiven Straffunktionen |
J. Liao | M.Sc. | Effiziente und robuste prädiktive Regelung mit Ausgangsrückführung und zeitvariablen Zustandsbeschränkungen |
D. Hieb | M.Sc. | Deep Reinforcement Learning mit garantierter Einhaltung von Beschränkungen für zeitdiskrete lineare Systeme mit additiver Störung |
N. Yunping | M.Sc. | Robust control approaches to limit the spread of the Corona virus represented by the SIS model |
M. Neumann | M.Sc. | Indifikation von 2D-Temperaturfeldern bei der additiven Fertigung |
M. Omayrat | M.Sc. | Modeling and Control of Rumor Spreading in Social Networks |
V. Schmidtke | M.Sc. | Verteilte Modellprädiktive Regelung für vernetzte Systeme mit zeitlich veränderlicher Kopplung der Systemdynamiken - Distributed Model Predictive Control for Networked Systems with Time-Varying Coupling of the Dynamics |
A. Wakkaf | M.Sc. | Untersuchung des Einflusses der Abtastzeit auf die Schätzung datengetriebener Prozessmmodelle zum Zweck der Anomaliedetektion |
D.U. Lind | B.Sc. | Auf neuronalen Netzen basierende Fehlererkennung für Gebäudeheizungssysteme |
P. M. Karl | B.Sc. | Studying the Performance of ADMM for Networked Systems |
A. Metzker | B.Sc. | Regelung eines mobilen inversen Pendels via Kommunikationskanal |
M. Rüger | B.Sc. | Modellprediktive Regelung des Temperaturprofils in additiven Feritigungsprozessen |
A. Siewert | B.Sc. | Effizientes On-line Lernen von optimalen Policies/Strategien für die Regelung |