Networked and Distributed Control Systems (NDCS)
- to analyze the topological properties of networked systems by using graph theory
- to study the behavior of networked systems in continuous and discrete time
- to design coupling laws for networked systems
- to solve optimization problems originating from Model Predictive Control or Machine Learning in a distributed way
Elements of matrix and graph theory
The Laplacian matrix
Averaging systems in continuous-time and discrete-time domains
Diffusively coupled linear systems
Control design for averaging and synchronization
Distributed optimization strategies
- Lecture Material
- F. Bullo. Lectures on Network Systems, 2019
- J. Lunze. Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems, 2019
- M. Mesbahi and M. Egerstedt. Graph Theoretic
Recommend Prerequisites
- Content of the courses Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems, and Optimization Methods
2L + 1T, 4 Credit Points
(L: lecture hours per week, T: tutorial hours per week)
The course is offered in the summer semester; the examination in the winter and summer semester (in English only).
Course Number
- to be inserted -
Assignment to Course Programs
Master of Electrical Engineering
Master of Mechatronics
Open as elective course within other Master programs