Eindhoven Day 4

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Yes, the world championship title really is a great success. But receiving the Community Award is almost even better. That is the spirit of RoboCup. Although of course all teams compete with each other, tips, tricks and hardware are shared. All Maze teams were asked to vote for the team that made the most effort in terms of communication and knowledge transfer. BioBrause very much deserved the title!

The much too difficult super team challenge led to about half of the teams giving up. Four exactly identical arenas were set up, of which only half were used on average. And despite the hardware transfer from an OnStage team that BioBrause met at the Junior Party, and despite working late into the night, not a single superteam managed to pass the challenge. That is more than a pity.

Victory party? Oh, we already had one on Saturday evening when we had dinner on the terrace of our vacation home with our visiting relatives and friends from Germany.

The journey back was just as smooth as the journey here.

Next year is the European Championship in Italy and the World Cup in Brazil. I'll be happy to accompany (one) team(s) to Italy again if at least one qualifies. I won't be flying to Brazil. Let's see.

Final film by Ben.