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Curricula and educational standards
Literature databases
- Comenius-Institut Münster
Evangelische Arbeitsstätte für Erziehungswissenschaft e. V. (Note: Continue with database login)
Online magazines
Materials for religious education
- Gymnasiumpädagogische Materialstelle (GPM) of the Religious Education Center Heilbronn
Materials for religious education classes
- Lehrer-Online
Offer to facilitate the preparation and design of lessons with the help of the Internet as well as the opening of a professional discussion
- Project 'Images in Religious Education' of the Institute for Religious Education at the University of Leipzig
Image bank arranged according to the curriculum of religious education, exhibition of religious art by Leipzig students, course on image editing and various contributions on religious education
- Religious Education Portal of the Catholic Church
- RPI-Virtuell - Religious education platform of the EKD
- Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet (ZUM)
Sources relevant to religious and ethics education; teaching units for Protestant religious education, Catholic religious education and ethics education arranged according to curricula
Religious education networks
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Religionspädagogik und Katechetik (AKRK)
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Religionspädagogik und Katechetik (AKRK) is an association of scientifically working religious educators in German-speaking countries (statutory from Germany and Austria).
- German Association of Catechists (dkv)
The dkv is the Catholic professional association for religious education and upbringing in Germany with the largest number of members. In the dkv, about 9,000 Christians are committed to the further development and sustainability of religious education and upbringing. - Society for Scientific Religious Education (GwR)
Association of religious educators active in teaching and research at universities and institutes that serve religious education training and continuing education.
Church official texts
a. Religious Education
- Religious education in schools (resolution of the joint synod of the dioceses of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1974, fundamental for Catholic confessional religious education).
- The Formative Power of Relig ious Education (1996).
- Guidelines on educational standards: lower secondary ( 2004), primary (2006).
- The future of denominational religious education (2016).
b. Catechesis
- Working Paper: The Catechetical Work of the Church (Synod, 1974).
- General Directory for C atechesis (1997).
- Offering the faith in contemporary society. Letter to the Catholics of France (2000).
- Catechesis in Changing Times (2004).