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Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne
The religious education team in October 2022

Subject area management

Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Prof. Dr. Annegret Reese-Schnitker

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Scientific and pedagogical staff

Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Tina Krasenbrink

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Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Helena Fernys-Adamietz

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Doctoral students, research assistants and research group team

Image: Kurt Wiarda

Doctoral candidates

  • Dr. Daniel Bertram
  • Michael Christoph

Doctoral candidates: Read More
Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne
Person photo group at tableImage: Paavo Blafield


Lecturers of the last two years

  • Dr. Daniel Bertram
  • Lukas Golla
  • Otmar Leibold
  • Jesus Nicolas Sola Requena
  • Dr. Nele Spiering-Schomborg
  • Jan Uhlenbrock

Former lecturers

  • Jörg Albrecht
  • Katharina Barba
  • Rebekka Burke
  • Philipp Ernst
  • Christian Espelage
  • Helena Fernys-Adamietz
  • Dominic Fröhle
  • Katharina Goeb
  • Melanie Heczko
  • Martha Heizer
  • Dr. Guido Hunze
  • Horst Kaufmann
  • Sigrid Krämer
  • Birgit Menzel
  • Theresa Michel
  • Dr. Andrea Paul
  • Dr. Paul Petzel
  • Associate Professor MMag. Dr. Regina Polak
  • Katharina Salamon-Klose
  • Gregor Späte
  • Barbara Wanka

Former employees

Former department head

Substitute professorships

  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Silvia Arzt (deputy professor in the summer semester 2011, winter semester 2011/12 and winter semester 2015/16)
  • Associate Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauerth (substitute professor in the winter semester 2015/16)
  • Dr. Alexander Schimmel (substitute professor in SS 2013 and WS 2013/14)

Former research and teaching staff

  • Dr. Daniel Bertram
  • Philipp Ernst
  • Dr. Marcel Franzmann
  • Dominic Fröhle
  • Marion Hanser
  • Birgit Menzel
  • Dr. Andrea Paul
  • Raphael Schlehahn
  • Jesus Sola Requena
  • Dr. Nele Spiering-Schomborg