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Online lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Silvia Hagleitner: "Being able to hope and love - as spiritual resources (for the teaching profession)" on June 19, 2024

Digital guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Viera Pirker: "Religious learning in a culture of digitality" on November 18, 2023

8th Religious Education Theological Study Day "Theology and Diversity" on November 8, 2023

7th Religious Education Theological Study Day on June 15, 2023

Guest lecture by Prof. em. Dr. Stephan Leimgruber: "Interreligious learning using the example of Christians in dialogue with Muslim women" on May 11, 2023

On Thursday, May 11, 2023, Prof. em. Dr. Stephan Leimgruber gave an interesting lecture on the topic "Interreligious learning using the example of Christians in dialogue with Muslim women" in the Gießhaus.
For many years he has been dealing with this topic, in particular with the potentials of "dialogical encounter learning" between believers of the three Abrahamic religions, and has published numerous articles on this topic.

After a short welcome and introduction by Annegret Reese-Schnitker and locating the lecture among others within the ecumenical and interdisciplinary event "Interreligious Learning and Interreligious Dialogue - Religious Plurality as a Systematic and Religious Pedagogical Challenge" in cooperation with Thalia Riedl from IEvTh, Stephan Leimgruber started with an overview of the conception and the basics of interreligious learning.

He especially emphasized the importance of "encounters as the royal road of interreligious learning". Interreligious learning always takes place in dialogue at eye level and can only be based on a perception that is free of prejudice. In this way, all the key competencies of (inter)religious learning can be promoted.

In addition to the known five competencies that were defined by the KMK and included in the core curricula, he also named a sixth: the anamnetic competency, i.e. the competency that relates to history and the present and thus draws lessons from history for the present and can point to the future.

Image: Helena Fernys-Adamietz
Image: Helena Fernys-Adamietz
Image: Helena Fernys-Adamietz
Image: Helena Fernys-Adamietz

He concluded his lecture with exemplary basic contents of interreligious learning for religious education, in which he repeatedly focused on the commonalities of the religions.

Afterwards there was time for some questions and an exchange.