Practical phases

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Important Information about the Third Subject Catholic Religion - School Internships

Students in the third subject Catholic Religion can replace the school internships to be completed (SPSII/Praxissemester) with a subject didactic equivalent module. This does not apply to students who were enrolled in the subject of the extension examination before the winter semester 2016/17.

The content of the SPS II in the third subject (7 credits) is designed in such a way that this substitute performance can be achieved through different performances: possible are, for example, a reflection discussion on a teaching series, an elaboration on a teaching series, or a term paper on a subject-specific topic. However, students are also welcome to attend SPS II at their own discretion.

Contact persons are Annegret Reese-Schnitker and Helena Fernys-Adamietz.

Further information can be found on the central department pages.

Practical semester for L1 and L2 students

Basic information

The practical semester consists of a "block phase" and a "long phase", in which the students attend about 250 teaching hours at a school. In addition, on the university side, there is a preparatory seminar (usually as a block) and three flanking courses (core studies + subject didactics). No other courses should be taken during this period of study (3rd or 4th semester).


Only L2 students can complete the practical semester in Catholic Religion.

For L1 students, there is a range of courses related to teaching (with practical school components), which are located in the main study program (Module 21).  


Registration for the internship semester takes place centrally in January/February of each year, regardless of whether you want to take the module in the following winter or summer semester, i.e. in the 3rd or 4th semester.

We strongly recommend taking the practical semester in the 4th semester.

Contact: Mrs. Fernys-Adamietz

I will be happy to take the time to answer any specific questions you may have about SPS II Catholic Religion. You can contact me as follows:

... by e-mail:

... in person: Henschelstraße 2, Room 1128 (office hours: by arrangement)

Contact: Mrs. Fernys-Adamietz: More Infos

School Practical Studies (SPS II) for L3 and L4 students.

Basic information

SPS II is taken by students who are studying L3 or L4.

Prerequisites for completing SPS II Catholic Religion are:

1.       Proven successful completion of SPS I (including follow-up).

2.       Proven successful completion of the seminar "Introduction to Religious Education. Part I AND Part II"

3.       Proven successful completion of the seminar "Planning and Designing Religious Education".


You can take SPS II in Catholic Religion ONLY in the respective SUMMER semesters. Please keep this in mind when planning your studies.


Please register for the SPS II in Catholic Religion centrally via the homepage of the Department for Practical School Studies (or via Hispos). Please note the registration deadlines, which you can find on the homepage of the Department for Practical School Studies!

If you miss the registration deadline, you have the possibility to ask us if we still offer a list of late registrants (see contact options below).

Since the SPS II in Catholic Religion are ONLY offered in the summer semester, please register accordingly in the winter semester.

Contact: Mrs. Fernys-Adamietz

I am happy to take the time if you have specific questions about SPS II Catholic Religion. You can contact me as follows:

... by e-mail:

... in person: Henschelstraße 2, room 1128 (office hours: by appointment)

Contact: Mrs. Fernys-Adamietz: More Infos