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Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Tina Krasenbrink

Research assistant at the Chair
for Religious Education
University of Kassel, IKTh

Henschelstraße 2, Room 1138A
34127 Kassel
Phone: 804-3491
E-mail: tina.krasenbrink[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Short vita

  • Since June 2024: Research assistant in the Department of Religious Education at the Institute of Catholic Theology, University of Kassel
  • 2021-2024: Student assistant at the Institute of Catholic Theology and in the PRONET2 project
  • 2019-2024: Studies of Catholic Theology and Spanish for the teaching profession at grammar schools at the University of Kassel. Examination thesis:"A gender-sensitive analysis of students' conceptions of God. An empirical-qualitative interview study". Graduation: First state examination, May 2024.

Office hours

by arrangement