2nd funding phase: Thinking texts dynamically

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Text complexity as a dynamic variable and text comprehension as a creative process of simplification, further development and variation of texts

Texts are dynamic quantities. The subproject takes this fundamental characteristic at its word: text comprehension can be understood as a targeted, reflected process of simplification, variation and transformation of texts and in this sense can be acquired as text competence. Therefore, subproject P37 focuses on the further development of text simplification methods as strategies of text comprehension in the Spanish classroom. We see this understanding as a conceptual shift: away from text as a ready-made static quantity that has to be dealt with, towards text as a dynamic quantity that can be creatively changed.

The text database KastELE (Kasseler Text- und Aufgabendatenbank Español Lengua Extranjera) plays a central role as a digital tool. Database-based events and workshops link our project with teacher training. Since the project focuses on Spanish texts and text comprehension in the Spanish classroom, international collaborations are planned. Interdisciplinary collaboration will be strengthened through the systematic use of jointly developed diagnostic tools. The methodological guiding principle is the implementation of a sustainable interdisciplinary diagnostic procedure with regard to formative evaluation in a specific course and over the entire duration of the study.


Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott (Fachgebietsleitung »Romanische Sprachwissenschaft« / Geschäftsführende Direktorin IfR)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak (Fachgebietsleitung »Fremdsprachenlehr- und -lernforschung: Didaktik des Französischen und Spanischen«)


Subproject of PRONET2 "Professionalization through networking - continuation and potentiation (2019-2023) | Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint quality initiative for teacher education of the federal and state governments.