Supervised theses

Note: Registration for the final thesis is possible after attending an in-depth seminar and writing a corresponding term paper with Ms. Freudenberger-Lötz.

Supervised final theses 2023


Ann-Sophie Noll, Promoting the attitude of mindfulness in elementary school: Perspectives for religious education.

Chiara Kubitzek: "What remains is light." An investigation into the topic of "consolation" in elementary school

Elisa Rausch: Integrating mindfulness sustainably into everyday student life: Building blocks and perspectives

Evelyne Völk: School community through Christian values at Gotha Protestant elementary school: a beacon model?


Christina Dewald: Where does the world come from and what am I here for? An explorative study in lower secondary school

Juliane Döring: Grief counseling at school

Elisa Erlbeck: Learning from each other in interreligious dialog: A project with Muslim and Christian pupils in lower secondary school

Luisa Günther: Fear of loss as part of life: An explorative study

Cedrik Harenkamp: Methodological approaches to promoting a positive self-concept in religious education

Marilena Hassenpflug : How can the attitudes of gratitude and appreciation be promoted at school?

Melanie Kehm: Trialogical learning at the Erich Kästner School in Baunatal. Impulses for religious education

Johanna Sophia Schmidt: On the relevance of death and mourning in religious education
from the perspective of young people


Laura Antonia Brede: "I believe in God..." Insights into the development of faith and the image of God in children and young people today

Antonia Pfeil: The integration of gratitude, appreciation and mindfulness in religious education at grammar schools: An inspiring project week

Jonas Wippermann : Education for sustainable development: Tony Rinaudo's life's work as an opportunity for religious education

L4 Bachelor:

Veronika Arleen Göpfert: Effectiveness of the MBSR program for stress management in teachers

L4 Master:

Vanessa Dörrbecker: Teacher health.

Olga Eichwald: Mindfulness and inner strength in everyday life. Exercises for children.

Thomas Fischer: Children of Mathare in religious education with young people.

Supervised final theses 2022


Christin Morsch: "God is like raspberry ice cream". Empirical explorations of children's conceptions of God

Katrin Liénard: Christian scout work in times of crisis

Kristina Krieger: How can contemplation be implemented in everyday life?

Lara Schäfers: Opportunities of working with character strengths in elementary school - empirical explorations

Leonie Brosche: Holistic experience in religious education using the example of the barefoot path

Leonore Fischer: Mindfulness from the perspective of Christian faith: Building a strengthening attitude to life (not only) for teachers

Lisa Markert: Possibilities of promoting a grateful and appreciative attitude to life in the context of online teaching in elementary school

Melanie Emde: Picture books on death and grief from the perspective of children and young people

Michelle Allendorf: Gratitude in the midst of suffering? Perspectives for religious education in elementary school

Naja Harms: Mindfulness - a resource for teachers in their everyday work?

Sophia Altstadt: On happiness: Impulses for religious education in elementary school


Anja Schneider: What the Bible teaches us about the treatment of animals

Anna-Lena Tiggemann-Aydin: Invitation to Gratitude - Foundations and Impulses for Religious Education

Claudia Linge: On the meaning and benefits of gratitude diaries in lower secondary school: Impulses for religious education

Hannah Louisa Penz: The school presence dog - possible effects on the social behavior of pupils

Lisa Gallucci: Being mindful of creation - ideas for lower secondary level


Eike Vellmer: Using digital media in Protestant religious education lessons with children to differentiate and deepen the topic of creation

Lena-Juliana Hofmeister: How faith and science complement each other - ideas for religious education at lower secondary level

Sarina Krippner: The topic of "euthanasia" in theological discussion

Bachelor's degree

Franziska Tinz: Mindfulness in the everyday life of student teachers


André Goßrau: The tasks of teachers in ethically just judgment in Protestant religious education at vocational schools in the sense of enabling didactics

Dirk Löwer: How can religious education help to strengthen the personality of young people and develop a positive self-image and world view?

Florian Jäger: Autosuggestion and autogenic training in Protestant religious education at vocational schools. Starting points, implementation options and effects

Katharina Winciers: Fear in relation to sin - with Paul Tillich

Marlin Schünemann: Social justice as a topic for Protestant religious education at vocational schools

Max Quant: Preserving God's creation in religious education

Natascha Riebold: BIBELerleben - an experience-oriented practical concept for schools and parishes for the life-world and impulse-giving development of biblical content

Willi Dega: To what extent can mindfulness training influence the spirituality and health of pupils and teachers?

Supervised final theses 2021


Alina Buchenau: "Living appreciation" - A teaching project in elementary school religion lessons using the example of the picture book "The Ugly Five" by Axel Scheffler

Ann-Kathrin Haas: Gratitude - The key to the treasure trove of our lives. Impulses for religious education in elementary school

Bastian Wetterau: "Suddenly I can believe..." Development of a pupil-oriented teaching unit to resolve the apparent conflict between theology and science

Franziska Döll: Meditating with children - ideas for religious education lessons in elementary school

Isabell Hartrampf: Designing biblical paths: Opportunities for religious education in elementary school

Isabell Kreske: Promoting mindfulness in elementary school - a self-designed children's book as a religious education impulse

Leonie Schultze: On the development of gratitude in children - an explorative study

Louisa Marie Wenzel: The opportunity for interreligious learning in theological conversations - a theoretical consideration and an attempt at a practical connection

Lukas Paschold: Religious education for sustainable development - impulses for teaching in elementary school

Malwina Schenk: Promoting gratitude in elementary school religious education - inspired by a Godly Play story


Anna Scharmakowski: On the way to gender-neutral religious education

Anne Guleiof: Art pedagogical impulses for religious education

Julia Wartenberg-Demand: The attitude of gratitude as a task of religious education: Impulses of the Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast

Nora Linnemann: Mindfulness as a significant element of religious education


Alicia Butscher: What significance does appreciation have for the personal development of pupils?

Dennis Döring: The problem of theodicy as a religious education challenge in the classroom. The relevance of the question of theodicy in the spectrum of subject science and subject didactics

Ulla Braner: The relevance of "ecological theology" in religious education. Theological and ethical impulses of creation - mindfulness experiences in nature - religious education and interdisciplinary perspectives


Vanessa Dörrbecker: The importance of developing a well-founded attitude in school education


Carolin Scheffler: Interreligious learning in Protestant religious education at vocational schools. Approaches to concept development through a survey

Nina Koopmann: Protestant religious education at vocational schools and the pastoral aspects. A multi-perspective based on guided interviews

Sarah Altmann: Distance learning in the pandemic - digitalization as a challenge and opportunity in Protestant religious education at vocational schools

Supervised theses 2020


Janina Bunte: Religious education in the context of a globalized society. A qualitative study on the future viability of the subject at elementary school.

Katharina Fabel: Acquiring skills critical of racism - approaches to thinking and acting for religious education in elementary school

Lara Gabler: The future of our religious education - Is a dialogical interreligious model like the Hamburg religious education also conceivable in Lower Saxony? A quantitative survey of religious education teachers.

Luise Grünhagen: Change in religious education in schools? Opportunities for interreligious religious education

Jan Hanske: Comparative theology - a theoretical approach to interreligious dialog as a model for society and schools

Dorothea Hoffmann: Who will catch me? About hope over death in elementary school religious education

Salome Klonk: The importance of the teacher's faith in religious education.

Tabea Maus: Guilt and forgiveness in elementary school religious education

Nina McLean: Addressing the question of theodicy with the help of selected children's literature in elementary school religion lessons

Franziska Neumann: How the attitude of gratitude can be anchored in one's own life and in everyday school life

Katharina Röse: Children encounter other religions - interreligious learning in the form of theological discussions in elementary school

Jonas Witt: The Hamburg way of dialogical religious education for all - opportunities and challenges of interreligious learning and pluralistic conditions


Sophie Bertram: To what extent can the approach of inclusion be reconciled with current religious didactic concepts?

Moritz Engelbrecht: Appreciation in religious education - How pupils experience appreciation through appreciative communication

Laura Heck: Conflict management in religious education - social learning in lower secondary level as a religious education challenge

Lena Illian: Mindfulness in religious education at secondary level 1: Impulses from the mindfulness teacher Thich Nhat Hanh

Anna Janisch: The importance of appreciation from the perspective of people with a traumatic experience

Anna Wilcke: A break in faith or the end of faith? Why young people start to doubt God


Lena Deist: The attitude of gratitude in the reality of young people's lives: An empirical exploration based on the book "66 days of experiencing gratitude"

Stefanie Galitzki: How do children and young people interpret death? Empirical explorations and consequences for religious education

Lea Hartmann: Getting into conversation about ego-consciousness: A topic with great potential for religious education

Kathleen Stauffenberg: Young people and their existential questions: An empirical exploration with relevance for religious education


Lucie Dahmer: The importance of the teacher in theological discussions with small groups

Kristin Kerst: Designing teaching and learning processes in vocational school religious education

Lisa-Maria Mummert: Faith development in theology studies

Georg Häbel: The fascination of pilgrimage.

Supervised theses 2019


Jacqueline Fisseler: God as companion?! Multifaceted images of God as a basic task of religious education

Melanie Hiepe: Community through diversity in the elementary school in Zell am See. Impulses for religious education practice.

Teresa Landau: Observations on approaches to faith in interreligious dialog: Empirical findings in the context of the project seminar "Children's Academy - World Religions in Dialogue"

Maria Montag: Does the medium of picture books help children to communicate on the subject of "dying and death"?

Hannes Hafer: Dealing with ideas of God that deviate from the norm: A construction kit for dealing with two extreme images of God that are fundamentally different in themselves, yet both can be discovered at the end of primary school.

Saskia Herbort: On the development of concepts of God in autistic children: A journey of discovery and its relevance for religious education


Carlotta Bothe: Building blocks of an appreciative school culture

Amy Lois Engel: Dealing with digital media in religious education - Empirical explorations on the topic of happiness and gratitude

Franziska Estreich: Young people's ideas of God - empirical research and impulses for cooperation between church youth work and religious education

Marcel Jung: Topic: "Confessional-cooperative religious education as the future model of religious education? - Backgrounds, teaching models and empirical findings"

Annemarie Koch: Student perspectives on suicide as a topic of religious education

Frank Lothar Löber: Appreciation in marriage and family and its impact on children and young people

Annalena Müller: Appreciation in interreligious dialog - the practical field of children's academies

Nicola Nina Orth: Is there life after death? Theological discussions with young people

Regina Schütt: What is the significance of reflecting on one's own religious development in religious education?

Johanna Sennhenn: Dealing with suffering and crises - empirical explorations in confirmation classes

Stephanie Bremer: You should (not) make a picture of God for yourself - courage to form your own image of God

Gesa Elsner: Talking about death and grief: Impulses for religious education at lower secondary level


Valentin Stein: Theological conversations: building blocks of a pioneering religious education

Henning Weigel:Rituals and their significance in the school context

Christoph Handke: What role does the church currently play for learners at school and university? Empirical explorations and reflections on religious education

Sandra Hanel: A Bible for young people?! Theoretical considerations and suggestions for the practical implementation of a youth Bible

Saskia Kosin: Theological discussions in interreligious learning groups

Lukas Schott: Star Wars in grammar school religious education? Possible applications, opportunities and limitations


Thomas Fischer: Why denominational religious education should be maintained at primary school level


Sebastian Fabel: Individualized learning in Protestant religious education in a class at a part-time vocational school

Larissa Hensel: Accompanying faith development - opportunities for good religious education from the pupils' perspective

Supervised final theses 2018


Lea Bärg Isaak: The use of methods in theological conversation - an empirical exploration in elementary school

Kira Florek: "I feel accepted and important." Exploring the topic of "appreciation" with pupils

Nadine Jöst: The development of concepts of God in childhood and adolescence. Empirical insights from theological conversations

Jasmin Kwirandt: Children develop their image of God. Empirical exploration of the development of pupils' ideas of God as part of the research workshop

Laura Schurstein: Supporting multifaceted concepts of God: Empirical discoveries in elementary school

Sarah Sharon Wencke: Religious elements in everyday school life and their significance for living together in the Protestant elementary school in Nordhausen


Laura Fenstermann: Death and mourning in religious education at lower secondary level using the example of "Oskar and the Lady in Pink"

Annemarie Koch: Pupils' perspectives on suicide as a topic of religious education

Laura Masannek: Conceptions of God in childhood and adolescence. What ideas of God do children at elementary school and young people at lower secondary level have today?

Denise Mock: Youth - theodicy - music. Impulses for religious education at lower secondary level

Meike Stawicki: Gratitude as an attitude to life - impulses from the life's work of Brother David Steindl-Rast for religious education work with children and young people


Patricia Heide: "Religion meets everyday life" - On the trail of religion in everyday life. Interfaces, empirical explorations and consequences for Protestant religious education

Sabrina Kuhaupt: Living appreciation in religious education - creative impulses for implementation

Johanna Rössing: Death and mourning at school - religious education teachers as companions for children and young people

Julia Schnaidt: Competence and task spectrum of student mentors in the Kassel research workshop, illustrated by examples from the winter semester 2017/2018

Theresia Vonderau: On the removal of taboos surrounding death and grief in schools

Laura Weingart: Gratitude makes you happy! The effect of gratitude on people and the importance of gratitude for everyday school life


Nicole Schreiber: The importance and impact of dialog for interreligious learning in a pluralistic society

Vanessa Rau: Plurality as a key objective of schools and the challenge for denominational religious education - how learners perceive and assess this

Supervised theses 2017


Annika Becker: The Presentation of the Biblical Creation Narrative in Children's Bibles - Reflections on a Concept Appropriate for Children and Adults

Katharina Gaida: Development of faith in Christianity and Islam - opportunities and challenges for interreligious teaching and learning in schools

Katharina Heß: Death in the family: How can schools help? Options for action and limits of elementary school after the death of a schoolchild's relative

Mariana Lapschies: Criteria for helpful children's books on the subject of death - an empirical exploration

Franziska Müller: Children's ideas about the afterlife and their relevance for religious education in elementary school

Marlen Neurath: Appreciation in religious education at elementary school - impulses based on selected picture books

Sabine Ruf: The importance of the aesthetic dimension in elementary school religious education



Theresa Appel: How can I understand biblical miracle stories? Suggestions for teachers at secondary level I using the example of healing miracles

Olesja Giese: "Falling into dependence" - a suitable topic for religious education?

Johanna Höper: Jesus' actions as a model for interreligious encounters? Impulses for teaching at secondary level I

Regina Linker: What does "faith" mean for young people? An approach via trust

Karina Lübke: Biographical learning as an approach to the topic of "fate" - insights from the 2016/17 research workshop

Melanie Oppermann: "Death - and then what?" Ideas of young people using the example of a teaching unit in an 8th grade class



Andrea Nicole Theresa Czuppon: Theological conversations in bilingual religious education lessons in the upper school

Juliane Hartung: Break-in points of happiness in adolescence? Empirical findings and impulses for religious education at lower secondary level

Alexandra Hermann: How can young people deal with strokes of fate and what role does faith play in this?

Mona Herzog: Criticism of religion in open lessons at upper secondary level

Tobias Klotzbücher: On the presence of a culture of recognition and appreciation in Protestant religious education - an empirical exploration

Sebastian König: Of aliens, atheists and scientists - How unusual approaches can lead to astonishing results

Elisabeth Wahl: Prayer in an interreligious perspective - A comparison of how Christian and Muslim young people understand prayer



Lena Kirbach: Salafism - A Challenge in Theological Conversations

Robert Minnerup: Individual support in vocational school religious education - Necessary skills for religious education teachers

Nathalie Schmitt: Young people in sects. Presentation of the sect phenomenon and analysis of the potential effects of membership on coping with the developmental tasks of adolescence using the example of Jehovah's Witnesses

Katrin Schütz: The role of the teacher in theological discussions against the background of an interreligious classroom

Supervised theses 2016


Julia Glübert: Sustainable religious education! The Waldau Open School concept from the pupils' perspective

Jasmin Grützfeld: Children reflect on the importance of appreciation for their own lives - findings from the research workshop "Theological conversations with children" in summer semester 2016

Juliane Kratzenberg: Reading aloud conversations in elementary school religious education using the example of the biblical story of Zacchaeus

Vanessa Lüter: The importance of creative expression when dealing with existential topics in elementary school religious education lessons

Jessica Schneider: What ideas about the afterlife do children in Year 4 develop? Empirical research and consequences for religious education



Carolin Allmeroth: Religious education impulses for an appreciative school culture

Markus Franke: The use of Godly Play in connection with theological conversations in lower secondary school

Katharina Gisselmann: What interests children when it comes to grief, death and dying? Empirical explorations and consequences for religious education

Jessica Kickstein: On the trail of one's own finiteness: encounters with death at extracurricular places of learning in Kassel

Matthias Klusch: Conditions for the success of good teaching from a religious education perspective

Patrick Kuhn: Confirmation camps - the EKKW's confirmation camp of the future

Penelope Leonhardt: Developing biblical parables through the use of film material

Sophie Weinreich: The importance of appreciation in religious development

Karen Wiegand: Heterogeneity as a challenge and opportunity in theological discussions at lower secondary level



Christina Günther: "We have to put ourselves in the shoes of others." Social learning in theological discussions

Anna Mezdech: Strengthening the self-concept during the transition from elementary school to secondary school using the example of a religious education vacation program

Karen Philipp: InterFaith - An example of successful interreligious dialog

Imke Steffen: How is the relationship between creation and evolution dealt with in biology lessons? Empirical explorations and consequences for religious education

Gabriel Tetzner: Promoting talents and abilities through appreciation: Scout pedagogy as a model for religious pedagogygogik



Sven Engebrecht: What does Protestant religious education contribute to competence building in vocational education? An empirical study based on a teacher and student survey on the importance and assessment of Protestant religious education at the vocational Konrad Zuse School in Hünfeld.

Johannes Fröhlich: Conducting self-directed and individualized theological discussions with adolescents and young adults. What are the opportunities and risks for teaching?

Friedrich Härterich: Designing Protestant religious education at vocational schools that is compatible with plurality

Natascha Meiberth-Brück: The role of the teacher in theological discussion and its reflection in the professionalization process of students

Klaus-Henning Rist: The contribution of religious education at vocational schools to the promotion of educational maturity

Elvira Salzwedel: The educational goal of plurality skills - an educational goal creates religious orientation in vocational religious education

Supervised theses 2015


Christina Düster: The influence of religious education on the development of one's own faith: An empirical study of pupils' perspectives in elementary school.

Stephanie Gerth: Conducting theological discussions in the classroom. An empirical exploration in elementary school.

Marie Sophie Kitzinger: Students advising students. Insights into the Kassel research workshop

Jasmin Schröder: "Where does the world come from?" Development of a diagnostic instrument to survey pupils' positions



Jessica Brandau: Video sequences from the research workshop as impulses for the professionalization of teacher action in theological conversation

Lena Heinemeier: How do students interpret basic theological questions? Results from the research workshop "Theological Conversations" at IGS Kaufungen in the winter semester 2013/2014 and in the summer semester 2014

Katharina Kimm: Theological conversations in class 1?! Challenges and coping strategies

Anna Tießen: "Oh, you can see it that way too?" Promoting multi-perspective thinking in the transition from child to adolescent using the example of the understanding of creation


Saskia Erfurth: Taizé song - more than just a song! An empirical exploration of the musical approach to prayer through a Taizé song.

Annika Krusche: Experiences of God by high school students - a comparative study in the context of research on youth theology

Peter Löber: If you have comforted yourself, you will be glad to have known me. Death as part of life



Jacqueline Hassenpflug: Values education in vocational training - Are values and moral education promising indicators for entry into vocational training?

Sonja Kühn: Visible Learning - Teaching effectively through the eyes of the learners. An exploration of Protestant religious education in vocational schools

Hanna Rohmund: Individualization in school lessons: A catalog of criteria - an exploration in Protestant religious education at vocational schools

Markus Schenn: The contribution of vocational school religious education to the promotion of vocational socialization

Michael Schwebius: Individualized Learning in Protestant Religious Education at Vocational Schools - Requirements and Reality

Bachelor of Social Work online (of the YMCA - University of Kassel):
Cindy Gresselmeyer: Real virtuality as a challenge for practical youth work Recognizing virtual socialization traces of young people

Supervised theses 2014


Maria Jetter: Criteria that make a good children's Bible - from the perspective of children in 3rd grade and from a scientific point of view



Laura Degenhardt: How can I imagine God when I pray? Answers from different religions

Jennifer Grabenbauer: Creation and evolution? How religious education can support children in interpreting reality from multiple perspectives

Alena Herrmann: What questions do young people have when they think about the afterlife and life after death? Empirical exploration and impulses for religious education

Carolin Holy: How do young people perceive the development of their faith? Insights from an empirical study and impulses for religious education



Maria Rauschenberg: Strengthening the female image of God! High school students reflect on their image of God

Marius Wehe: Student teachers majoring in religion in Kassel and their images of God. On individual concepts of God and the implications for the didactics of religious education in upper secondary school



Alexander Conte: Competence orientation in Protestant religious education - especially at vocational schools

Anna-Lena Leurle: Promoting interreligious skills in Protestant religious education at vocational schools - using the example of food traditions in the monotheistic religions

Lisa Niebling: How do I analyze a theological discussion? Quality criteria put to the test

Supervised theses 2013


Jennifer Hinz: Children reflect on their own religious socialization -
an empirical investigation at elementary school

Julia Rautenkranz: Death and mourning in elementary school religious education. Using the example of the picture book "Daisies for Omima"

Bettina Ritz: How children pray - empirical research in elementary school



Lisa Haust: Mommy, how big is heaven? Children reflect on the development of their personal concept of God

Franziska Nitze: Learning to use theological commitment: Impulses for professionalization in religious education

Franziska Redanz: The concept of sin in the field of tension between lifeworld and theological tradition - teaching ideas for secondary level I



Janine Griese: Basic multi-perspective understanding in religious education. Assessment - research situation - consequences for teaching practice at secondary level

Johanna Kallies-Bothmann: Topic: The basic hope of resurrection - empirical explorations in adolescence

Victoria Kurth: God as therapist? An investigation into the religious orientation of adolescents

Nadine Schockmann: "I've never thought about that before ..." Developing theological foundations in adolescence

Julia Speck: "Stage dark, curtain, light" - Performing play as an impulse for theological discussions with young people



Ibrahim Aykal: Interreligious learning in religious education

Alexander Füller: Intercultural/interreligious skills
as a compulsory component of initial and in-service teacher training

Elvira Karatsev: Conformity in religious education. Conceptions of God held by teachers and their students - An empirical exploration from the research workshop 'Asking about God'

Christoph Leurle: Independent learning in religious education at vocational schools

Lena Schermuly: Young people's conceptions of God - an empirical exploration at upper secondary level

Supervised theses 2012


Lisa-Marie Nardone: Box of methods - theological conversations with children

Elena Oppermann: Creative writing in elementary school religious education using the example of the story of David

Elise Reuschel: Image impulses as structuring elements in theological conversations - a guide for teachers and their school classes



Susanna Faust: The change in the image of God among children and young people - questioning the development from a theistic to a deistic view

Katrin Liebetrau: Pupils interpret Old Testament stories - Empirical explorations of 1 Kings 3:16-27

Lisa Steinbrecher: Theological conversations in children's worship: observations and impulses for practice



Daniela Heinz: Children interpret biblical narratives - development of material for independent work for grades 5 and 6

Jasmin Jilg: The importance of cooperative learning methods for theological discussions with young people: Findings from the Kassel research workshop

Michael Köhler: How children pray - an interview and its significance for the interreligious project "Discovering religions"

Sarah-Maria Schmidl: The professionalization of students through reflective discussions in the context of practical school studies: The example of the research workshop "Theological conversations with young people"

Anne Siemon: Learning to understand world religions: A teaching project in year 8 based on "Nathan the Wise "

Annika Stahl: How does faith develop in people? An investigation into the personal beliefs of ninth-grade students

Andrea Tann: Learning to discover and shape my landscape of faith. A teaching project and its relevance for religious education

Friederike Ullmann: "The New Testament" - A Glee episode as a challenge for theological discussion with young people

Nicolai Weigel: Theological conversations in large and small groups - opportunities and limitations of a religious education method in regular lessons

Julia Wulf: Theological conversations in religious education with "": The film sequences and their teaching opportunities



Ibrahim Aykal: Interreligious learning in religious education lessons

Christoph Leurle: Independent learning in religious education at vocational schools

Sarah Luc: Anti-Semitism in Germany - possibilities for embedding prevention options in current curricula

Christian Rhensius: The importance of business ethics in vocational secondary schools

Supervised theses fall 2011

Janina Anacker: In search of happiness with Grandpa Henri. Impulses for religious education in elementary school

Annegret Aselmann: Approaches to faith in adolescence: findings from the Kassel research workshop

Anne-Sophie Fischer: Transformation of faith: A developmental task in the transition from child to adolescent

Sandra Fröhlich: The development of concepts of God during the transition from childhood to adolescence: Findings from an individual case study as part of the Kassel Research Workshop

Hermann Sebastian Hamel: The significance of the question of theodicy in theological discussions with children and adolescents

Rebekka Illner: Design and possible uses of a learning box on the Joseph narrative for a 4th grade class


Rebecka Filpe: Children's and young people's concepts of happiness. Findings from the Kassel research workshop

Manuela Janz: Experiencing God?! - Implementation and evaluation of a prayer project with young people

Claudia Stöcker: Learning to analyze classroom discussions. Impulses from the research workshop "Theological conversations with young people"

L 3

Isabella Thierolf: How eleventh graders see Jesus Christ: An empirical exploration of the Christology of young people

Supervised theses spring 2011


Esther Abel

The question of God in elementary school religious education

Natalie Henkel

Children describe God - an empirical study on primary school pupils' ideas about God

Andrea Mistarehée

Christian festivals throughout the year: Impulses for religious education in elementary school

Carolin Pfeil

Facets of the concept of God: Children in a 4th grade write about their concept of God in letters


Stephanie Schmidt

Breaking points of faith in a fourth grade class - challenges and opportunities for religious education in elementary school



Daniela Jahn
Life - Death - Dying: Pupils' hope of resurrection in the upper school

Julia Neumann

"The Simpsons" as a basis for teaching religious education at lower secondary level - an experiment


Katrin Nadolle:

The job description of the religious education teacher. Reflection on the profession of religious education teacher at vocational schools

Supervised theses fall 2010


Julika Bette

Creative approaches to children's ideas of God in grades 1 and 2 (from 1.9., exam spring 2011)

Simone Dubbel

"Pelle the cat is looking for God" - picture books in elementary school teaching

Judith Fohrst

When Jesus' parables meet a child's sense of justice... The parable of the benevolent father in elementary school

Antje Musmann

Children of primary school age find approaches to the meaning of baptism


Mirjam Lichtenfels

Young people ask about happiness. Insights into the research workshop "Theological conversations with young people" in the winter semester 2009/2010

Hanna Julia Naß

Thinking about happiness with children - consequences for religious education in the transition between primary and lower secondary school

Franziska Riedel

Pupils teaching pupils in religious education.

Julian Schoch

"Learning box: World religions in RE in grades 6 and 7"

Stephanie Thomsen

Happiness as a topic in religious education: planning a teaching unit for grades 9 and 10

Johanna Zahrte

Pupils interpret pupils' statements: Children's conceptions of God in grade 5


Lea Böcher

The theodicy question in the upper school using the example of the novel "The Hut"

Katharina Ochs

Ernst and the light. Theological discussions on Christology in the sixth form

Anthea Rösler

Films in the sixth form using the example of the Matrix trilogy

Elisabeth Schreiber

Jesus films in religious education: overview and possible uses in secondary schools


Kristin Lindenberger

Opportunities and limitations of film didactics in Protestant religious education at vocational schools using the example of "Star Wars"

Verena Simon

Life perspectives of vocational school students and the importance of religion in their lives

Supervised theses spring 2010


Stefan Staats
How children imagine the omnipresence of God. Empirical explorations in the early years classroom.

Daria Meinert
Children ask about death - Dealing with the topics of death and mourning in elementary school.


Katja Efinger
The implementation of Exodus 3 in religious education lessons at lower and upper secondary schools

Nadine Kirchner
Theological discussions in interreligious learning groups in religious education at lower secondary level

Ann-Christin Petersen
The problem of theodicy in middle adolescence - experiences from the research workshop on theological conversations with young people

Carolin Reinhardt
Concepts of God of religiously and non-religiously socialized pupils aged 11-13 years


Thekla Bodenstein
The use of questionnaires in religious education using the example of the topic of miracles

Salomon Ebert
Eugen Rostenstock-Huessy: An orientation for religious education

Mario Sauerland
Possible uses of biblical miracle stories in religious education at secondary levels I and II


Susanne Lohr
The development of approaches to pastoral care in schools and their current embedding in the school environment

Sarah Schalles
Use and evaluation of the portfolio in religious education at vocational schools

Lars Teufert
E-portfolios and their possible applications in Protestant religious education at vocational schools and in the second phase of teacher training

Stephan Wennemuth
Promoting sustainable learning in Protestant religious education at vocational schools

Supervised theses fall 2009


Meike Fornacon
Theological conversations on children's ideas of God in the early years classroom. A study at Simmershausen elementary school

Matthias Giepen
Studies on the concept of death in third and fourth graders using children's pictures

Nele Lovis Hacke
Taizé elements in religious education at elementary school

Liane Heckmann
The religious knowledge of preschool children. Empirical explorations at the end of kindergarten

Nico Röhn
Theological conversations in the early years classroom. A project at Oberelsungen elementary school in the summer semester 2009

Nadine Wiederhold
Trinity from the perspective of first and second graders


Christina Lohmeyer-Braun
Entry points of faith from childhood to adolescence: Empirical explorations

Cornelia Dalpke
"Where is God?" Working on the question of God with eighth graders


Stephanie Görk
Promoting multidimensionality in religious education at lower secondary level

Karina Möller
Personal conceptions of God among young adults. Empirical explorations in upper secondary school in the greater Kassel area

Dominik Klippel
Suffering and God - from the perspective of young people in lower secondary school

Tina Schmittmann
Suffering and God - from the perspective of young people in upper secondary school

Jana Zihrul
Studies on the connection between religious education and religious development in lower secondary school in the context of a school for learning support

Supervised theses spring 2009


Christiane Wilhelm
Easter in religious education at elementary school


Lena Gebhard
The Song of Solomon and its relevance for young people in lower secondary school

Alexandra Johannes
Miracles in action - a teaching project on theological conversations in grade 8


Sarah Grauel
Popular music in religious education at lower secondary level

Nina Marlen Müller
Bilingual religious education: possibilities and limitations

Johanna Syrnik and Mario Ziegler
Theological discussions in upper secondary school using the example of the healing of blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)

Elena Wollschläger
When the belief in miracles comes in puberty ... Development of the understanding of miracles and consequences for the didactics of miracles in lower secondary school


Katja Fend
Occupational relevance in religious education at vocational schools

Melanie Held
Self-organized learning in religious education at vocational schools

Carina Hucke
Interreligious learning from a Protestant perspective

Regina Werhahn
Euthanasia as a topic for Christian-ethical judgment formation in religious education at vocational schools

Supervised theses spring 2008

Ann-Kathrin Bema
"Are angels the children of God?" Primary school children's ideas about angels and their significance for religious education

Lena David
"God is moving". The children's book by Irma Krauß in elementary school religion lessons.

Stefanie Klinner
What significance does prayer have in religious education at secondary level I? development of didactic perspectives

Florian Kraft
Masahiro Kasuya: "Jan wonders". A comparison of theological interpretations by first and fourth graders

Susann Machold
The importance of rituals at the start of school

Klara Magdsick
Children's conceptions of heaven and their relevance for religious education

Christina Müller
The significance of the themes of "death" and "resurrection" in picture books. An analysis of recent publications

Nadja Nagler
"What makes children happy?" Philosophical discussions with primary school children

Michaela Putz
Possibilities and opportunities for cooperation between elementary school and church communities using the example of planning and holding a church service

Marc Sittig
Theologizing with children using the example of the children's book "Hello, is someone there?" by Jostein Gaarder

Sonja Thiemann
Theological discussions with sixth graders using the example of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)

Clarissa Vernikos
Death, grief and hope - topics for elementary school religious education?

Michaela Wicke
"Sylvia van Ommen: Licorice candies". Bringing children's ideas of the afterlife into conversation - perspectives for RE in elementary school

Carolin Wilke
The significance of the Joseph narrative for religious education at lower secondary level

Supervised theses fall 2008

Annika Böhlke
Opportunities and dangers when dealing with the topic of "death" in elementary school religion lessons

Katharina Burhardt
Eighth graders discover an approach to miracle stories. Insights into the research workshop "Theological conversations with young people" in the summer semester 2008

Monika Fabian
"Who is God?" An investigation into primary school children's ideas of God based on the picture book "God" by Paul Verrept

Sarah Guthardt
"Gustav, tell us about the past!" - A children's book on the subject of death as a challenge and opportunity for religious education

Michael Kiefer
The problem of theodicy in elementary school

Erika Pfeiffer
What makes a good children's Bible?

Judith Schäfer
New impulses for religious education in adolescence using the example of the research workshop "Theological conversations with young people"

Benjamin Scherp
In search of God with children

Lilian Schwardmann
Isn't Grandpa freezing in the cold coffin? Children ask about death

Melanie Wehmeier
Identity through baptism? Systematic theological and religious education perspectives