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  • "Who are you, God?" A teaching unit on the question of God for grades 3-6, Stuttgart 2001.
  • Religious education in the new school entry level. Perspectives on religious education and primary school pedagogy, Stuttgart 2003.
  • Theological conversations with children. Studies on the professionalization of students and impulses for research-based learning in religious education. Stuttgart 2007.
  • Theological conversations with young people. Experiences - examples - suggestions. Munich/Stuttgart 2012.
  • Klara and happiness. A summer full of surprises. Stuttgart 2013.
  • Klara and happiness. A summer full of surprises. Teacher's guide. Stuttgart 2013.

Book publications with other authors:

  • Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Reiß Annike: Die Lebenswelten von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Theology in distance learning. Religious pedagogical-catechetical course. Teaching letter 8. Würzburg 2010.


Series Contributions to Child and Youth Theology

  • Volume 1: Reiß, Annike: The religious education lesson from the perspective of individual pupils. Empirical studies from secondary school II. Kassel 2008.
  • Volume 2: Wilms, Nicole: Possibilities and limits of the transferability of mathematics didactic principles to religious education in grades 3-6. Kassel 2008.
  • Volume 3: Wicke, Michaela:"Sylvia van Ommen: Licorice candies."Bringing children's ideas of the afterlife into conversation, Kassel 2009.
  • Volume 4: Möller, Karina: Personal concepts of God among young adults. Empirical research in upper secondary schools in the greater Kassel area. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 5: Rodegro, Meike: Big Bang or Creation? An empirical investigation in religious education at upper secondary level. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 6: Bösefeldt, Ina: Male - Female - Divine. Gender-specific considerations of relationships with God and the understanding of God among adolescents from a predominantly non-denominational context. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 7: Burhardt, Katharina: Eighth graders discover an approach to miracle narratives. Insights into the research workshop "Theological Conversations with Young People" of the summer semester 2008. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 8: Klutz, Philipp: Philosophical and theological thinking. A contribution to the development of a curriculum for training. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 9: Ochs, Katharina: Ernst und das Licht. Theological conversations on Christology in the upper school. Kassel 2011.
  • Volume 10: Freudenreich, Delia: Spirituality of children - What constitutes it and how it can be promoted pedagogically. Research report on the psychological and pedagogical discussion in Anglophone countries. Kassel 2011.
  • Volume 11: Syrnik, Johanna/Wiesinger, Tino/Ziegler, Mario: Kompetenzorientierter Religionsunterricht: Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung eines Unterrichtsprojekts zum Thema "Sterben, Tod und Auferstehung" (Jahrgangsstufe 9). Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 12: Hamel, Sebastian: The importance of the theodicy question in theological discussions with children and young people - Surprising findings from a research project. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 13: Carolin Pfeil: Facets of the concept of God: Children in a 4th grade class write about their ideas of God in letters. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 14: Rode, Magdalena:Vom Umgang Jugendlicher mit der Leidfrage - Planung, Durchführung und Reflexion einer Unterrichtsreihe für die 10. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 15: Metzger, Nicole: "Stories are there to be told." An empirical study on the meaning, relevance and feasibility of a children's Bible by children. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 16: Rothenbusch, Nina: Student concepts of God. Empirical studies on the professionalization of perception. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 17: Schmidl, Sarah-Maria: The Professionalization of Students through Reflection Discussions: Illustrated by the Example of the "Research Workshop Theological Conversations with Young People". Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 18: Druschel, Katharina/Schmeier, Franziska/Surrey, Anna-Lena: What ideas do fourth-grade children have about death? Kassel 2012
  • Volume 19: Kaloudis, Anke: "On the border." Didactics of religion from a philosophy of religion perspective. Practical teaching considerations on anthropology in the upper secondary school with Paul Tillich, Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 20: Illner, Rebekka: Design and possible uses of a learning box on the Joseph narrative for a 4th grade class. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 21: Neruda, Stefanie: Theodicy. The breaking point of faith for young people? Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 22: Stahl, Annika: How does faith develop in people? An investigation into the personal beliefs of ninth grade students Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 23: Dern, Christian: Dialogical Bible didactics. Biblical whole writings of the Old and New Testaments in the secondary level of the Gymnasium - a practical teaching design. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 24: Kuindersma, Henk (ed.): Powerful Learning Environments and Theologizing and Philosophizing with Children. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 25: Fiedler, Frauke: Religious Education with Girls and Boys under the Age of Three in Selected Recent Designs: An examination of theoretical references and religious education practice. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 26: Krasselt-Maier, Judith: God is (not) a wise old man! Young people write about their ideas of God, their faith, their doubts. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 27: Kurth, Victoria: God as therapist? An investigation into the religious orientation of young people. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 28: Wagener, Elena: Creative writing in elementary school religious education using the example of the story of David, Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 29: Kiener, Robin Alexander: Do you know where we are going...? Theologizing and philosophizing with children about life after death. A practical book, Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 30: Dieterich, Veit-Jakobus/Büttner, Gerhard (eds.): "Do you know how many stars there are?" A cosmology (not only) for religion teachers. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 31: Ritz, Bettina: "I talk to God in my head". Empirical explorations in elementary school on the subject of prayer, Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 32: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Büttner, Gerhard (eds.): Children`s voices. Theological, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 33: Reiß, Annike: "You should believe something you have never seen." Theological conversations with young people on the subject of miracles. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 34: Faßhauer, Daniel: Church - Youth - Internet. The Regional Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck on the Internet - Accessibility and involvement of the young generation after confirmation by means of a special homepage. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 35: Kircher, Iris: Biographical learning in religious education teacher training. Kassel 2016.

Reading traces. Religion book for elementary school

  • Reading traces. Religion book for the 1st/2nd school year, edited by Petra Freudenberger-Lötz. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2010f. (textbook, audio CD, picture cards, teacher's guide).
  • Reading traces. Religion book for the 3rd/4th school year, edited by Petra Freudenberger-Lötz. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2011 (textbook, audio CD, picture cards, teacher's guide).

The elementary school (moderation of a theme booklet)

  • Moderation of issue 6/2012 with the main topic "Children ask for the truth. Interpretations of reality in religious education."
  • Moderation of issue 2/2017 (together with Alina Bloch) on the main topic "Martin Luther"

Joint editorships:

Treasure chest of religion

  • Together with Müller-Friese, Anita (ed.): Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for subject-linking lessons at the new elementary school. Volume 1, Stuttgart 2004.
  • Together with Müller-Friese, Anita (ed.): Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for interdisciplinary teaching at the new elementary school. Volume 2, Stuttgart 2005.

Yearbook for children's theology

  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Mittendrin ist Gott." Children think about God, life and death. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes: Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Time is always there." How children experience high times and holidays, Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 3, Stuttgart 2004.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Churches are pretty Christian." Experiences and interpretations of children. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 4, Stuttgart 2005.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Vielleicht hat Gott uns Kindern den Verstand gegeben." Results and Perspectives of Child Theology , Yearbook for Child Theology, Volume 5, Stuttgart 2006.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Man kann Gott alles erzählen - auch kleine Geheimnisse." Children experience and shape spirituality. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 6. Stuttgart 2007.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): Mit Kindergartenkindern theologische Gespräche führen. Contributions of children's theology to elementary education. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2008.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "sehen kann man ihn ja, aber anfassen...?" Approaches to the Christology of Children: Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 7, Stuttgart 2008.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "In den Himmel kommen nur, die sich auch verstehen." How children talk about religious difference. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 8. Stuttgart 2009.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "In der Mitte ist ein Kreuz." Children's theological approaches in elementary education . Yearbook for children's theology, vol. 9. Stuttgart 2010.
  • Together with Kraft, Friedhelm and Schwarz, Elisabeth (eds.): "...Jesus would say: Not bad!" Children's theology and competence orientation. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Riegel, Ulrich (ed.): "...I would also like it if he would help me." Building the image of God in childhood and adolescence. Yearbook for Children's Theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Gott gehört so ein bisschen zur Familie." Thinking about happiness and salvation with children. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 10. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Kraft, Friedhelm and Schlag, Thomas (eds.):"Wenn man daran noch so glauben kann, ist das gut."Foundations and Impulses for a Youth Theology. Yearbook for Youth Theology, Volume 1. Stuttgart 2013.

Handbook on theologizing with children

  • Together with Büttner, Gerhard, Kalloch, Christina and Schreiner, Martin: Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014.

Believe yourself

  • Together with Florian Karcher and Germo Zimmermann (eds.): Selbst glauben. 50 religious education methods and concepts for churches, youth work and schools. Volume 2 of the contributions to missionary youth work. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2017 (im.E.)

The religion course book

  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 1. Workbook for religious education in the 5th/6th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2015. Teacher's handouts for the Religion 1 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2016.
  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 2. workbook for religious education in the 7th/8th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2016. Teacher's handouts for the Religion 2 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2017.
  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 3. workbook for religious education in the 9th/10th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2017. Teachers' handouts for the Religion 3 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2018 (in preparation).

Contributions in an anthology:

  • "Maybe God will cry with me then, and he wants to comfort me ..." How children's ideas of God can be accompanied by religious education - A workshop report from teacher training, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds), "Mittendrin ist Gott." Children think about God, life and death. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002, 129-138.
  • Free work in elementary school religious education: new publications, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Mittendrin ist Gott." Children think about God, life and death. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002, 150-160.
  • "People will always think of me because I gave birth to the Savior." Children see Mary, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003, 180-185.
  • Identity and life cycle. Impulses for religious guidance in the family, kindergarten and elementary school. In: Hofmann, Hubert/Stiksrud, Arne (eds.), Giving shape to life. Erik H. Erikson from an interdisciplinary perspective, Vienna 2004, 279-289.
  • "I can rely on him to protect me." Our first baptismal remembrance celebration. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2004, 93f.
  • "I would like to know more about death ..." Addressing existential questions from primary school children. In: Denner, Lieselotte/Schumacher, Eva, Reflecting on and shaping transitions in elementary and primary education - contributions to a fundamental education. Bad Heilbrunn 2004, 257-269.
  • "It tickles me everywhere, and I don't feel abandoned. Praying in religious education." In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Churches are pretty Christian." Experiences and interpretations of children. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 4, Stuttgart 2005, 163-167.
  • What stones tell. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Müller-Friese, Anita (eds.), Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for interdisciplinary teaching in the new elementary school. Stuttgart 2006, 127-152.
  • "When you read the story, you get courage ..." Reflecting on grief, memory and hope in elementary school. In: Bizer, Christoph et al, What is good religious education? Yearbook of Religious Education, Volume 22, Neunkirchen-Vluyn 2006, 182-192.
  • Action-relieved reflection as a motor for the professionalization of students. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Vielleicht hat Gott uns Kindern den Verstand gegeben." Results and perspectives of child theology. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 5, Stuttgart 2006, 79-85.
  • Do people have free will or is their fate predetermined? In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga, Does God exist? The big issues of religion. Children ask - researchers answer. Munich 2007, 96-103.
  • Mixed grades in religious education: Current perspectives. In: de Boer,Heike/Burk, Karlheinz/Heinzel, Friederike (eds.), Lehren und Lernen in jahrgangsgemischten Klassen. Beiträge zur Reform der Grundschule, Vol. 123. Frankfurt a.M. 2007, 196-208.
  • Von Menschenfischern und Rettungstachern - Mit Zweitklässlern im Gespräch über die Jüngerberufung in Mk 1, 16-20. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Sehen kann man ihn ja, aber anfassen...?" Approaches to the Christology of Children. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 7, Stuttgart 2008, 186-192.
  • The parable of the benevolent father from the perspective of sixth graders. In: Bachmann, Michael/Woyke, Johannes (eds.), Amazingly vivid and disturbingly understandable? Studies and impulses on Bible didactics. Neukirchen Vluyn 2009, 59-67.
  • "I didn`t know that God can speak ..." Theological Conversations with Children. Changes and Challenges for Teacher Training. In: Iversen, Gertrud Yde/Mitchell, Gordon/Pollard, Gaynor (eds.), Hovering over the face of the deep. Philosophy, theology and children. Münster 2009, 85-93.
  • Perceiving and promoting learning levels in structured theological discussions. In: Fischer, Dietlind (ed.), Lernen beobachten - Leistung beurteilen im Religionsunterricht der Grundschule. Seelze-Velber 2010, 74-83.
  • Competence orientation and children's theology in reading traces 1st/2nd grade. In: Kraft, Friedhelm/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schwarz, Elisabeth (eds.), "...Jesus would say: Not bad!" Children's theology and competence orientation. Stuttgart 2011 (in preparation).
  • Theological conversations with children and young people. Conceptual foundation and empirical findings. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Riegel, Ulrich (eds.), "... I would like that too, if he would help me." Building the image of God in childhood and adolescence. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011 (ed.).
  • "All my friends believe in God, but they can't explain why." Students discover children's approaches to the question of God. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Riegel, Ulrich (eds.), "... I would like that too, if he would help me." Building the image of God in childhood and adolescence. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  • "Will I always find answers to my questions?" In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), "Why are you even born if you have to die again anyway?" Children ask - researchers answer, Volume 2. Munich 2011.
  • How old is God? Or: Why we have so many questions. In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), "Why are we even born if we have to die again anyway?" Children ask - researchers answer, Volume 2. Munich 2011, 10-16.
  • Pupils theologically (understanding of God). In: Rothgangel, Martin/Adam, Gottfried/Lachmann, Rainer (eds.), Religionspädagogisches Kompendium. 7th, completely revised edition. Göttingen 2011.
  • Death and new life from the perspective of children. In: Breitsameter, Christof (ed.), Hope for completion. Christian Eschatology in the Context of World Religions (Theology in Contact 19). Hamburg 2012.
  • Does religious education need youth theology? A contribution from the perspective of youth theological research in Kassel. In: Schlag, Thomas/Schweitzer, Friedrich et al, Youth Theology. Basics - examples - critical discussion. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2012, 118-129.
  • Child and death. In: Breitsameter, Christof (ed.), Emergency pastoral care. A handbook. Münster 2012, 156-165.
  • Why do people read the Bible? In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), Was macht Jesus in dem Brot? Research on the church, faith and Christianity. Children ask - researchers answer - Munich 2013, 122-129.
  • Pupils - in a theological perspective. In: Rothgangel, Martin/Schlag, Thom-as/Schweitzer, Friedrich (eds.), Basics of Religious Education. Göttingen 2014, 239-250.26 Conducting theological conversations. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 69-75.
  • Conducting theological conversations. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 69-75.
  • Faith - belief. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 208-213
  • God. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 226-233.
  • God as companion. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 234-238.
  • Creation. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 424-431.

Articles in professional journals:

  • "We belong together." Learning to understand others through picture books. In: Primary school 4/1993, 49-51.
  • From picture book to own story. In: Praxis Grundschule 6/1994, 43-44.
  • "You, I trust you to do something!" The teacher's role in independent work. In: Primary School 6/1996, 61-63.
  • Where independence can grow: Expert rounds. In: Primary school 10/1997, 41-42.
  • Giving children the floor: Theology from the child. In: Religion today 33/March 1998, 32-39.
  • Jesus says: "If your mother comforts you, she is salt to you." In: entwurf 1/1999, 44-47.
  • Ideas about God. In: Schönberger Hefte 1/1999, 2-8.
  • Marvel - ask - ponder. Philosophizing with primary school children. In: Religion today 37/March 1999, 34-38.
  • Creative writing in religious education. A teaching impulse for the primary level. In: Religion today 38/June 1999, 80-84.
  • Research-based learning in elementary school RE using the example of the church in the Middle Ages. In: entwurf 3/1999, 19-25.
  • "Jesus always tells such good stories ..." Parables as an impulse to think about God with children. In: design 2/2000, 31-33.
  • "There I painted death and there the happy thoughts." Reflecting on death and life with children in the early years. In: entwurf 1-2/2001, 26-30.
  • Social learning in the early years classroom. The contribution of religious education. In: Primary school 1/January 2003, 41-44.
  • "With Jesus, God's world is with us and we are with God." Thinking with children about the Kingdom of God. In: Primary School Religion 2/2003, 8-10.
  • "Do you actually know why religious education is so valuable?" Religion as a treasure chest. In: Primary school religion 1/2004, 12-17.
  • Asking about God. Children's books to get started with religion. In: Primary School Religion 1/2004, 38-40.
  • Insights into the "Research workshop theological conversations with children." In: Müller, Peter/Kosack, Walter/Kurtz, Jürgen (eds.), karlsruher pädagogische beiträge 57/2004, 107-131.
  • A ray of strength from God. Forgiveness of sins - a topic for elementary school! In: entwurf 4/2004, 15-19.
  • "Does the devil have power over us?" Or: The fruitful moment in theological conversations with children. In: Loccumer Pelikan 4/2004, 183-186.
  • "There was another question on the children's hearts ..." Videography in elementary school teaching - opportunities for teachers and pupils to develop their conversational skills. In: entwurf 1/2005, 15-18.
  • Theological conversations with children in elementary school. In: KatBl 130 (2005), 348-351.
  • "The Bible won't let you go ..." Experiences with "The Bible for children and everyone in the house" in elementary school religious education. In: Oberthür, Rainer/Burrichter, Rita, Die Bibel für Kinder und alle im Haus. A work aid with all the pictures of the Bible on 32 color transparencies. Munich 2007, 113-123.
  • Research-based learning with the Bible in elementary school. In: entwurf 2-3/2007, 20-25.
  • Older people learn from younger people. An ecumenical devotion on new paths. In: Praxis Gemeindepädagogik 2/007, 47-48.
  • "The Bible is actually true." Dealing with the question of truth in children's theology. In: Praxis Gemeindepädagogik 3/2007, 20-22.
  • Courage for the little elephant! Reading fun for children (part 18). In: Primary school 12/2007, 30-32.
  • Conducting theological discussions with children and young people. Challenges and opportunities. In: entwurf 2/2008, 39-43.
  • Theological conversations with children. The approach of children's theology. In: Praxis Grundschule 6/2008, 4-8.
  • Theologizing with young people. A new approach to religious education? In: PT 3/2010, 158-162.
  • Children ask for the truth. Challenge and opportunity for religious education. In: Primary school 6/2012, 6-11.
  • "It would be impractical if you could see God." Theologizing with children. In: Church Office of the EKD (ed.), Gott neu vertrauen. The magazine for the Reformation anniversary. Hanover 2016, 81.
  • The hub of the big questions. On the processes of asking and seeking answers. In: KatBl 1/17, 32-35.

Articles in specialist journals or anthologies together with other authors:

  • Together with Lübbermann, Jan/Nessler, Miriam and Oberle Anette: "Alles ist ganz dunkel. Only God is there." Thinking with children about the origin of the earth. In: Religion today 41/March 2000, 8-13.
  • Together with Karcher, Margrit: "Everyone is God's child." Experiences from a cooperation project with disabled children. In: entwurf 3/2000, 40-41.
  • Together with Büttner, Gerhard and Thierfelder, Jörg: What did Jesus do on Holy Saturday? In: entwurf 3/2002, 25-29.
  • Together with Hoyer-Hensel, Birgitta and Nowak, Jutta: "Ich bin (jetzt) Schulkind." Presentation of a confessional-cooperative and subject-linking work aid for beginning lessons. In: Battke, Achim/Fitzner, Thilo/Isak, Rainer/Lochmann, Ullrich (eds.), School Development - Religion - Religious Education. Profile and Opportunity of Religion in the School of the Future, Freiburg/Basel/Vienna 2002, 119-126.
  • Together with Büttner, Gerhard: "Eigentlich gibt Gott Verwarnungen, dass sie sich ändern!" Kindertheologische Überlegungen zur "Pädagogik Gottes". In: Bizer, Christoph et al, Die Gewalt und das Böse. Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik Volume 19, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2003, 145-152.
  • Together with Rauscher, Christine and Zöbeley, Angelika: "This house has been saved today." Children design the house of Zacchaeus. In: Müller, Peter (ed.), World - Images - Worlds. Contributions to the dialog between art and theology. Karlsruhe (karlsruher pädagogische beiträge - Sonderband 1) 2003, 145-157.
  • Together with Müller, Peter: Theological conversations with children. In: Krautter, Adelheid/Schmidt-Lange, Elke (eds.), Arbeitshilfe Religion Grundschule. 2nd school year, 2nd half volume, Stuttgart 2003, 7-13.
  • Together with Schreiner, Martin: "Kommt alle her, dann werden wir mehr." Kinder deuten das Pfingstfest. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Zeit ist immer da." Wie Kinder Hoch-Zeiten und Festtage erleben. Jahrbuch für Kindertheologie, Vol. 3, Stuttgart 2004,109-116.
  • Together with Maaß, Hans: Wir geben nicht auf! Die Opferung Isaaks als Unterrichtsversuch in einer vierten Klasse. in: entwurf 2/2005, 19-23.
  • Together with Büttner, Gerhard: "Hey Father, heal the man". The healing of the deaf-mute (Mk 7:31-37) as interpreted by primary school pupils. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "... You always have a piece of God in you." Interpreting biblical stories with children. Volume 2: New Testament, Stuttgart 2005, 85-94.
  • Together with Weizenhöfer, Stefanie: "Die Liebe strahlt in die Dunkelheit". Janusz Korczak as a topic for religious education in elementary school. In: entwurf 4/2005, 19-23.
  • Together with Becker, Romina, "It's not just about money, but also about forgiveness ..." A learning path to the parable of the unmerciful servant (Mt 18, 21-35). In: Primary School Religion 1/2006.
  • Together with Kraft, Friedhelm: Theologizing with Children in Classrooms in Germany. In: Schreiner, Peter/Kraft, Friedhelm/Wright, Andrew (Eds.), Good Practice in Religious Education in Errope. Examples and Perspectives of Primary Schools. Schriften aus dem Comenius-Institut, edited by Volker Elsenbast, Vol. 15. Berlin 2007, 87-100.
  • Together with Reiß, Annike: Theologische Gespräche mit Jugendlichen. An insight into the work of the Kassel research workshop on the possibilities of youth theology. In: KatBl 134 (2009), 97-102.
  • Together with Zeeh-Silva, Brigitte: Starting with religion in elementary school religious education. In: KatBl 134 (2009), 254-259.
  • Together with Reiß, Annike, Kognitive Aktivierung im theologischen Gespräch mit Jugendlichen. In: Feindt, Andreas/Elsenbast, Volker/Schreiner, Peter/ Schöll, Albrecht (eds.), Kompetenzorientiertung im Religionsunterricht. Befunde und Perspektiven. Münster/New York/Munich/Berlin 2009, 247-262.
  • Together with Reiß, Annike: Die Speisung der 5000 ... im Gespräch mit Achtklässlern/innen. In: entwurf 3/2009, 50-54.
  • Together with Möller, Karina: The Prayer of Manasseh. In: Dressler, Bernhard/Schroeter-Wittke, Harald (eds.), Religionspädagogischer Kommentar zur Bibel. Leipzig 2012, 400-403.
  • Together with Reiß, Annike: Didactics of theologizing with children and young people. In: Grümme, Bernhard/Lenhard, Hartmut/Pirner, Manfred L.(eds.): Religionsunterricht neu denken. Innovative approaches and perspectives in religious didactics. A workbook for students and teachers. Stuttgart 2012.
  • Together with Christian Butt: Kreuzestheologie als Hoffnungstheologie? A classroom study on young people's patterns of interpretation. In: GuL 1/2012, 94-107.
  • Together with Raphael Döhn, Youth Theology. The Kassel way. In: RpB issue 70/2013, 13-20.
  • Together with Annike Reiß: Bibel erzählen - Impulse für das Theologisieren mit Jugendlichen. In: Fuchs, Monika E./Schliephake, Dirk (ed.), Bibel erzählen. Neukirchen- Vluyn 2014,169-183.


  • In conversation with "Education in a plural world" by Karl Ernst Nipkow. Consequences for initial elementary school lessons. In: Schönberger Hefte 4/1999, 8-11.
  • Brüning, Barbara, When life reaches its limits. Philosophizing with fairy tales about borderline situations, Bad Münder 2000. In: Religion heute 43/September 2000, 172-173.
  • Brüning, Barbara, Philosophizing in elementary school. Berlin 2001, in: Religion today 50/June 2002, 130.
  • Plieth, Martina, Child and death. Dealing with children's ideas of horror and images of hope, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2001. In: ZPT (54) 2/2002, 221-223.
  • Müller, Peter/Büttner, Gerhard/Heiligenthal, Roman/Thierfelder, Jörg, Die Gleichnisse Jesu. Ein Studien- und Arbeitsbuch für den Unterricht, Stuttgart 2002. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003, 194-196.
  • Itze, Ulrike/Plieth, Martina, Death and Life. Shaping hope with children in elementary school, Donauwörth 2002, in: Grundschule Religion 4/2003, 32.
  • "The Bible gives a lot to think about in my life ..." "The Bible for children and everyone in the house" by Rainer Oberthür and Rita Burrichter from the perspective of children. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Kirchen sind ziemlich christlich" Erfahrungen und Deutungen von Kindern. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 4, Stuttgart 2005, 198-202.
  • Grethlein, Christian/Lück, Christhard, Religion in the Primary School. A compendium. Göttingen 2006. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "You can tell God anything, even little secrets." Children experience and shape spirituality. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 6. Stuttgart 2007, 180-182 (together with Albrecht, Daniela)
  • Kammeyer, Katharina, "Dear God, Amen!" Theological and empirical studies on prayer in the horizon of theological conversations with preschool children, Stuttgart 2009. In: KatBl 135 (2010), 231-232.
  • Zimmermann, Mirjam, Children's theology as theological competence of children. Fundamentals, methodology and aim of children's theological research using the example of the interpretation of Jesus' death. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2010, in: Theologische Literaturzeitung June 2011, 706-708.
  • Reents, Christine/Melchior, Christoph, Die Geschichte der Kinder- und Schulbibel. Protestant - Catholic - Jewish. In: Primary school 6/2012, 28.

Articles on the Internet

  • Insights into the research workshop "Theological conversations with children." In : theo-web 2/2004, 76-95.
  • Theological conversations with children. Opportunities and challenges for teacher training. In: theo-web 1/2007, 12-20.
  • On the professionalization of students in theological conversations with children. In: theo-web 2/2007, 7-26.
  • Religious education in elementary school. In: theo-web 1/2011 (in preparation).

Collaboration on the publication of audiovisual media:

  • "Dieux? La Parole aux enfants", produced by Guy Rainotte and Gabriela Radermacher at meromedia, Paris 2010 (DVD; documentation of teaching sequences, interview excerpts and sequences from the Kassel research workshop).
  • Theologizing with children. Basics, impulses and practical examples. A documentary film by Guy Rainotte in collaboration with Gabriela Radermacher. German production including translation and dubbing: University of Kassel, Petra Freundenberger-Lötz and team.