

  • "Who are you, God?" A teaching unit on the question of God for grades 3-6, Stuttgart 2001.
  • Religious education in the new school entry level. Perspectives on religious education and primary school pedagogy, Stuttgart 2003.
  • Theological conversations with children. Studies on the professionalization of students and impulses for research-based learning in religious education. Stuttgart 2007.
  • Theological conversations with young people. Experiences - examples - suggestions. Munich/Stuttgart 2012.
  • Klara and happiness. A summer full of surprises. Stuttgart 2013.
  • Klara and happiness. A summer full of surprises. Teacher's guide. Stuttgart 2013.

Projects, offers and supervised theses, doctorates & habilitations

More detailed information on the following contents can be found on the pages linked here:

Book publications with other authors:

  • Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Reiß Annike: Die Lebenswelten von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Theologie im Fernkurs. Religious pedagogical-catechetical course, teaching letter 8, Würzburg 2010.


Publication series Contributions to child and youth theology

  • Volume 1: Reiß, Annike: The religion lesson from the perspective of individual pupils. Empirical studies from secondary school II. Kassel 2008.
  • Volume 2: Wilms, Nicole: Possibilities and limits of the transferability of mathematics didactic principles to religious education in grades 3-6. Kassel 2008 .
  • Volume 3: Wicke, Michaela: "Sylvia van Ommen: Liquorice candies." Bringing children's ideas of the afterlife into conversation. Kassel 2009.
  • Volume 4: Möller, Karina: Personal concepts of God among young adults. Empirical explorations in upper secondary school in the greater Kassel area. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 5: Rodegro, Meike: Big Bang or Creation? An empirical study in religious education at upper secondary level. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 6: Bösefeldt, Ina: Male - Female - Divine. Gender-specific reflections on relationships with God and adolescents' understanding of God in a predominantly non-denominational context. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 7: Burhardt, Katharina: Eighth graders discover an approach to miracle narratives. Insights into the research workshop "Theological Conversations with Young People" of the summer semester 2008. Kassel 2010 .
  • Volume 8: Klutz, Philipp: Philosophical and theological thinking. A contribution to the development of a curriculum for training. Kassel 2010.
  • Volume 9: Ochs, Katharina: Ernst und das Licht. Theological conversations on Christology in the upper school. Kassel 2011.
  • Volume 10: Freudenreich, Delia: Spirituality of children - What constitutes it and how it can be promoted pedagogically. Research report on the psychological and pedagogical discussion in Anglophone countries. Kassel 2011.
  • Volume 11: Syrnik, Johanna/Wiesinger, Tino/Ziegler, Mario: Kompetenzorientierter Religionsunterricht: Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung eines Unterrichtsprojekts zum Thema "Sterben, Tod und Auferstehung " (Jahrgangsstufe 9). Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 12: Hamel, Sebastian: The significance of the theodicy question in theological discussion with children and young people - Surprising findings from a research project. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 13: Carolin Pfeil: Facets of the concept of God: Children in a 4th grade write about their ideas of God in letters. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 14: Rode, Magdalena:Vom Umgang Jugendlicher mit der Leidfrage - Planung, Durchführung und Reflexion einer Unterrichtsreihe für die 10. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 15: Metzger, Nicole: "Geschichten sind doch dazu da, weiterzählt zu werden." An empirical study on the meaning, relevance and feasibility of a children's Bible by children. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 16: Rothenbusch, Nina: Student concepts of God. Empirical studies on the professionalization of perception. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 17: Schmidl, Sarah-Maria: The Professionalization of Students through Reflection Discussions: Illustrated by the Example of the "Research Workshop Theological Conversations with Young People". Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 18: Druschel, Katharina/Schmeier, Franziska/Surrey, Anna-Lena: What ideas do fourth-grade children have about death? Kassel 2012
  • Volume 19: Kaloudis, Anke: "Auf der Grenze." Religionsdidaktik in religionsphilosophischer Perspektive. Practical teaching considerations on anthropology in the upper secondary school with Paul Tillich. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 20: Illner, Rebekka: Design and possible uses of a learning box on the Joseph narrative for a 4th grade class. Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 21: Neruda, Stefanie: Theodicy. A breaking point of faith for young people? Kassel 2012.
  • Volume 22: Stahl, Annika: How does faith develop in people? An investigation into the personal beliefs of ninth grade students. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 23: Dern, Christian: Dialogical Bible didactics. Biblical whole writings of the Old and New Testaments in the secondary level of the Gymnasium - a practical teaching design. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 24: Kuindersma, Henk (ed.): Powerful Learning Environments and Theologizing and Philosophizing with Children. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 25: Fiedler, Frauke: Religious Education with Girls and Boys under the Age of Three in Selected Recent Designs: An examination of theoretical references and religious education practice. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 26: Krasselt-Maier, Judith: God is (not) a wise old man! Young people write about their ideas of God, their faith, their doubts. Kassel 2013.
  • Volume 27: Kurth, Victoria: God as therapist? An investigation into the religious orientation of young people. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 28: Wagener, Elena: Creative writing in elementary school religious education using the example of the story of David. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 29: Kiener, Robin Alexander: Do you know where we are going...? Theologizing and philosophizing with children about life after death. A practical book. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 30: Dieterich, Veit-Jakobus/Büttner, Gerhard (eds.): "Weißt du, wieviel Sternlein stehen?" Eine Kosmologie (nicht nur) für Religionslehrer/innen. Kassel 2014.
  • Volume 31: Ritz, Bettina: "I talk to God in my head". Empirical explorations in elementary school on the subject of prayer. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 32: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Büttner, Gerhard (eds.): Children`s voices. Theological, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 33: Reiß, Annike: "Man soll etwas glauben, was man nie gesehen hat." Theologische Gespräche mit Jugendlichen zur Wunderthematik. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 34: Faßhauer, Daniel: Church - Youth - Internet. The Regional Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck on the Internet - Accessibility and involvement of the young generation after confirmation by means of a special homepage. Kassel 2015.
  • Volume 35: Kircher, Iris: Biographical learning in religious education teacher training. Kassel 2016.

Reading traces. Religion book for elementary school

  • Reading traces. Religion book for the 1st/2nd school year, edited by Petra Freudenberger-Lötz. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2010f. (textbook, audio CD, picture cards, teacher's guide).
  • Reading traces. Religion book for the 3rd/4th school year, edited by Petra Freudenberger-Lötz. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2011 (textbook, audio CD, picture cards, teacher's guide).

The elementary school (moderation of a theme booklet)

  • Moderation of issue 6/2012 with the main topic "Kinder fragen nach der Wahrheit. Interpretations of reality in religious education."
  • Moderation of issue 2/2017 (together with Alina Bloch) on the main topic "Martin Luther"

Joint editorships:

Religion treasure chest

  • Together with Müller-Friese, Anita (ed.): Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for subject-linking lessons at the new elementary school. Volume 1, Stuttgart 2004.
  • Together with Müller-Friese, Anita (ed.): Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for interdisciplinary teaching at the new elementary school. Volume 2, Stuttgart 2005.

Yearbook for children's theology

  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Mittendrin ist Gott." Children think about God, life and death. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Zeit ist immer da." Wie Kinder Hoch-Zeiten und Festtage erleben. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 3, Stuttgart 2004.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Churches are pretty Christian." Experiences and interpretations of children. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 4, Stuttgart 2005.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Vielleicht hat Gott uns Kindern den Verstand gegeben." Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Kindertheologie. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 5. Stuttgart 2006.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Man kann Gott alles erzählen - auch kleine Geheimnisse." Kinder erfahren und gestalten Spiritualität. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 6. Stuttgart 2007.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): Mit Kindergartenkindern theologische Gespräche führen. Contributions of child theology to elementary education. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2008.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Sehen kann man ihn ja, aber anfassen...?" Zugänge zur Christologie von Kindern. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 7. Stuttgart 2008.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "In den Himmel kommen nur, die sich auch verstehen." Wie Kinder über religiöse Differenz sprechen. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 8. Stuttgart 2009.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "In der Mitte ist ein Kreuz." Kindertheologische Zugänge im Elementarbereich. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 9. Stuttgart 2010.
  • Together with Kraft, Friedhelm and Schwarz, Elisabeth (eds.): "...Jesus would say: Not bad!" Kindertheologie und Kompetenzorientierung. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Riegel, Ulrich (ed.): "...I would also like it if he would help me." Baustelle Gottesbild im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard and Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "Gott gehört so ein bisschen zur Familie." Mit Kindern über Glück und Heil nachdenken. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 10. Stuttgart 2011.
  • Together with Kraft, Friedhelm and Schlag, Thomas (eds.): "Wenn man daran noch so glauben kann, das ist gut." Grundlagen und Impulse für eine Jugendtheologie. Yearbook for Youth Theology, Volume 1. Stuttgart 2013.

Handbook on theologizing with children

  • Together with Büttner, Gerhard, Kalloch, Christina and Schreiner, Martin: Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014.

Believe yourself

  • Together with Florian Karcher and Germo Zimmermann (eds.): Selbst glauben. 50 religious education methods and concepts for churches, youth work and schools. Volume 2 of the contributions to missionary youth work. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2017 (im.E.)

The religion course book

  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 1. workbook for religious education in the 5th/6th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2015. Teacher's handouts for the Religion 1 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2016.
  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 2. workbook for religious education in the 7th/8th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2016. Teacher's handouts for the Religion 2 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2017.
  • Together with Dierk, Heidrun, Landgraf, Michael and Rupp, Hartmut (eds.): Das Kursbuch Religion 3. workbook for religious education in the 9th/10th school year. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2017. Teachers' handouts for the Religion 3 course book. Stuttgart/Braunschweig 2018 (ed.).

Contributions in an anthology:

  1. "Maybe God will cry with me then, and he wants to comfort me ..." How children's ideas of God can be accompanied by religious education - A workshop report from teacher training, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Mittendrin ist Gott." Kinder denken nach über Gott, Leben und Tod. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002, 129-138.
  2. Free work in elementary school religious education: new publications, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Mittendrin ist Gott." Kinder denken nach über Gott, Leben und Tod. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 1, Stuttgart 2002, 150-160.
  3. "People will always think of me because I gave birth to the Savior." Children see Mary, in: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Kinder als Exegeten. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003, 180-185.
  4. Identity and life cycle. Impulses for religious guidance in the family, kindergarten and elementary school. In: Hofmann, Hubert/Stiksrud, Arne (eds.), Giving shape to life. Erik H. Erikson from an interdisciplinary perspective, Vienna 2004, 279-289.
  5. "I can rely on him to protect me." Our first baptismal remembrance celebration. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Children as exegetes. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2004, 93f.
  6. "I want to know more about death ..." Addressing existential questions from primary school children. In: Denner, Lieselotte/Schumacher, Eva, Reflecting on and shaping transitions in elementary and primary education - contributions to a fundamental education. Bad Heilbrunn 2004, 257-269.
  7. "It tickles me everywhere, and I don't feel abandoned. Praying in religious education." In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Kirchen sind ziemlich christlich." Erfahrungen und Deutungen von Kindern. Jahrbuch für Kindertheologie, Vol. 4, Stuttgart 2005, 163-167.
  8. What stones tell. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Müller-Friese, Anita (eds.), Schatztruhe Religion. Materials for interdisciplinary teaching in the new elementary school. Stuttgart 2006, 127-152.
  9. "When you read the story, you get courage ..." Reflecting on grief, memory and hope in elementary school. In: Bizer, Christoph et al, What is good religious education? Yearbook of Religious Education, Volume 22, Neunkirchen-Vluyn 2006, 182-192.
  10. Action-relieved reflection as a motor for the professionalization of students. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Vielleicht hat Gott uns Kindern den Verstand gegeben." Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Kindertheologie. Yearbook for Child Theology, Volume 5, Stuttgart 2006, 79-85.
  11. Do people have free will or is their fate predetermined? In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga, Gibt's Gott? The big issues of religion. Children ask - researchers answer, Munich 2007, 96-103.
  12. Mixed grades in religious education: Current perspectives. In: de Boer,Heike/Burk, Karlheinz/Heinzel, Friederike (eds.), Lehren und Lernen in jahrgangsgemischten Klassen. Beiträge zur Reform der Grundschule, Vol. 123. Frankfurt a.M. 2007, 196-208.
  13. Von Menschenfischern und Rettungstachern - Mit Zweitklässlern im Gespräch über die Jüngerberufung in Mk 1, 16-20. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Sehen kann man ihn ja, aber anfassen...?" Zugänge zur Christologie von Kindern. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 7, Stuttgart 2008, 186-192.
  14. The parable of the benevolent father from the perspective of sixth graders. In: Bachmann, Michael/Woyke, Johannes (eds.), Amazingly vivid and disturbingly understandable? Studies and impulses on Bible didactics, Neukirchen Vluyn 2009, 59-67.
  15. "I didn`t know that God can speak ..." Theological Conversations with Children. Changes and Challenges for Teacher Training. In: Iversen, Gertrud Yde/Mitchell, Gordon/Pollard, Gaynor (eds.), Hovering over the face of the deep. Philosophy, theology and children. Münster 2009, 85-93.
  16. Perceiving and promoting learning in structured theological discussions. In: Fischer, Dietlind (ed.), Lernen beobachten - Leistung beurteilen im Religionsunterricht der Grundschule. Seelze-Velber 2010, 74-83.
  17. Competence orientation and children's theology in reading traces 1st/2nd grade. In: Kraft, Friedhelm/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schwarz, Elisabeth (eds.), "...Jesus would say: Not bad!" Kindertheologie und Kompetenzorientierung. Stuttgart 2011 (in preparation).
  18. Theological conversations with children and young people. Conceptual foundation and empirical findings. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Riegel, Ulrich (eds.), "... I would like that too, if he would help me." Building the image of God in childhood and adolescence. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011 (ed.).
  19. "All my friends believe in God, but they can't explain why." Students discover children's approaches to the question of God. In: Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Riegel, Ulrich (eds.), "... I would like that too, if he would help me." Building the image of God in childhood and adolescence. Yearbook for children's theology, special volume. Stuttgart 2011.
  20. "Will I always find answers to my questions?" In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), "Why are you even born if you have to die again anyway?" Children ask - researchers answer, Volume 2. Munich 2011.
  21. How old is God? Or: Why we have so many questions. In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), "Why do we come into the world at all if we have to die again anyway?" Kinder fragen - Forscherinnen und Forscher antworten, Vol. 2. Munich 2011, 10-16.
  22. Pupils theologically (understanding of God). In: Rothgangel, Martin/Adam, Gottfried/Lachmann, Rainer (eds.), Religionspädagogisches Kompendium. 7th, completely revised edition. Göttingen 2011.
  23. Death and new life from the perspective of children. In: Breitsameter, Christof (ed.), Hope for completion. Christian Eschatology in the Context of World Religions (Theology in Contact 19). Hamburg 2012.
  24. Does religious education need youth theology? A contribution from the perspective of youth theological research in Kassel. In: Schlag, Thomas/Schweitzer, Friedrich et al, Youth Theology. Basics - examples - critical discussion. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2012, 118-129.
  25. Child and death. In: Breitsameter, Christof (ed.), Emergency pastoral care. A handbook. Münster 2012, 156-165.
  26. Why do people read the Bible? In: Biesinger, Albert/Kohler-Spiegel, Helga (eds.), Was macht Jesus in dem Brot? Knowledge about the church, faith and Christianity. Children ask - researchers answer - Munich 2013, 122-129.
  27. Pupils - in a theological perspective. In: Rothgangel, Martin/Schlag, Thom-as/Schweitzer, Friedrich (eds.), Basics of Religious Education. Göttingen 2014, 239-250.26 Conducting theological conversations. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 69-75.
  28. Conducting theological conversations. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 69-75.
  29. Faith - belief. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 208-213
  30. God. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 226-233.
  31. God as companion. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 234-238.
  32. Creation. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Kalloch, Christina/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), Handbuch Theologisieren mit Kindern. Introduction - key topics - methods. Stuttgart/Munich 2014, 424-431.

Articles in professional journals:

  1. "We belong together." Learning to understand others through picture books In: Grundschule 4/1993, 49-51.
  2. From picture book to own story. In: Praxis Grundschule 6/1994, 43-44.
  3. "Du, ich trau dir was zu!" On the teacher's role in independent work. In: Primary School 6/1996, 61-63.
  4. Where independence can grow: Expert rounds. In: Primary school 10/1997, 41-42.
  5. Giving children the floor: Theology from the child. In: Religion today 33/March 1998, 32-39.
  6. Jesus says: "If your mother comforts you, she is salt to you." In: entwurf 1/1999, 44-47.
  7. Ideas about God. In: Schönberger Hefte 1/1999, 2-8.
  8. Marvel - ask - ponder. Philosophizing with primary school children. In: Religion today 37/March 1999, 34-38.
  9. Creative writing in religious education. A teaching impulse for the primary level. In: Religion today 38/June 1999, 80-84.
  10. Research-based learning in elementary school RE using the example of the church in the Middle Ages. In: entwurf 3/1999, 19-25.
  11. "Jesus always tells such good stories ..." Parables as an impulse to think about God with children. In: design 2/2000, 31-33.
  12. "I drew death there and happy thoughts there." Reflecting on death and life with children in the early years. In: entwurf 1-2/2001, 26-30.
  13. Social learning in the early years classroom. The contribution of religious education. In: Primary school 1/January 2003, 41-44.
  14. "With Jesus, God's world is with us and we are with God." Reflecting with children on the Kingdom of God. In: Primary School Religion 2/2003, 8-10.
  15. "Do you actually know why religious education is so valuable?" Religion as a treasure chest. In: Primary school religion 1/2004, 12-17.
  16. Asking about God. Children's books to get started with religion. In: Primary School Religion 1/2004, 38-40.
  17. Insights into the "Forschungswerkstatt theologische Gespräche mit Kindern." In: Müller, Peter/Kosack, Walter/Kurtz, Jürgen (eds.), karlsruher pädagogische beiträge 57/2004, 107-131.
  18. A ray of strength from God. Forgiveness of sins - a topic for elementary school! In: entwurf 4/2004, 15-19.
  19. "Does the devil have power over us?" Or: The fruitful moment in theological conversations with children. In: Loccumer Pelikan 4/2004, 183-186.
  20. "There was another question on the children's hearts ..." Videography in elementary school teaching - opportunities for teachers and pupils to develop their conversational skills. In: entwurf 1/2005, 15-18.
  21. Theological conversations with children in elementary school. In: KatBl 130 (2005), 348-351.
  22. "The Bible won't let you go ..." Experiences with "The Bible for children and everyone in the house" in elementary school religious education. In: Oberthür, Rainer/Burrichter, Rita, Die Bibel für Kinder und alle im Haus: A work aid with all the pictures of the Bible on 32 color transparencies, Munich 2007, 113-123.
  23. Research-based learning with the Bible in elementary school. In: entwurf 2-3/2007, 20-25.
  24. Older people learn from younger people. An ecumenical devotion on new paths. In: Praxis Gemeindepädagogik 2/007, 47-48.
  25. "The Bible is actually true." Dealing with the question of truth in children's theology. In: Praxis Gemeindepädagogik 3/2007, 20-22.
  26. Courage for the little elephant! Reading fun for children (part 18). In: Primary school 12/2007, 30-32.
  27. Conducting theological discussions with children and young people. Challenges and opportunities. In: entwurf 2/2008, 39-43.
  28. Theological conversations with children. The approach of children's theology. In: Praxis Grundschule 6/2008, 4-8.
  29. Theologizing with young people. A new approach to religious education? In: PT 3/2010, 158-162.
  30. Children ask for the truth. Challenge and opportunity for religious education. In: Primary school 6/2012, 6-11.
  31. "It would be impractical if you could see God." Theologizing with children. In: Church Office of the EKD (ed.), Gott neu vertrauen. The magazine for the Reformation anniversary. Hanover 2016, 81.
  32. The hub of the big questions. On the processes of asking and seeking answers. In: KatBl 1/17, 32-35.

Articles in specialist journals or collective works together with other authors:

  1. Together with Lübbermann, Jan/Nessler, Miriam and Oberle Anette: "Alles ist ganz dunkel. Only God is there." Thinking with children about the origin of the earth. In: Religion today 41/March 2000, 8-13.
  2. Together with Karcher, Margrit: "Everyone is God's child." Experiences from a cooperation project with disabled children. In: entwurf 3/2000, 40-41.
  3. Together with Büttner, Gerhard and Thierfelder, Jörg: What did Jesus do on Holy Saturday? In: entwurf 3/2002, 25-29.
  4. Together with Hoyer-Hensel, Birgitta and Nowak, Jutta: "Ich bin (jetzt) Schulkind." Presentation of a confessional-cooperative and subject-linking work aid for beginning lessons. In: Battke, Achim/Fitzner, Thilo/Isak, Rainer/Lochmann, Ullrich (eds.), School Development - Religion - Religious Education. Profile and opportunity of religion in the school of the future. Freiburg/Basel/Vienna 2002, 119-126.
  5. Together with Büttner, Gerhard: "Eigentlich gibt Gott Verwarnungen, dass sie sich ändern!" Kindertheologische Überlegungen zur "Pädagogik Gottes". In: Bizer, Christoph et al, Violence and Evil. Yearbook of Religious Education Volume 19, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2003, 145-152.
  6. Together with Rauscher, Christine and Zöbeley, Angelika: "This house has been saved today." Children design the house of Zacchaeus. In: Müller, Peter (ed.), Welt - Bilder - Welten. Beiträge zum Dialog zwischen Kunst und Theologie. Karlsruhe (karlsruher pädagogische beiträge - Sonderband 1) 2003, 145-157.
  7. Together with Müller, Peter: Theological conversations with children. In: Krautter, Adelheid/Schmidt-Lange, Elke (eds.), Arbeitshilfe Religion Grundschule. 2nd school year, 2nd half volume, Stuttgart 2003, 7-13.
  8. Together with Schreiner, Martin: "Kommt alle her, dann werden wir mehr." Kinder deuten das Pfingstfest. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Zeit ist immer da." Wie Kinder Hoch-Zeiten und Festtage erleben. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 3, Stuttgart 2004,109-116.
  9. Together with Maaß, Hans: We won't give up! The sacrifice of Isaac as a teaching experiment in a fourth grade class. In: entwurf 2/2005, 19-23.
  10. Together with Büttner, Gerhard: "Hey father, heal the man". The healing of the deaf-mute (Mk 7:31-37) as interpreted by primary school pupils. In: Büttner, Gerhard/Schreiner, Martin (eds.): "... You always have a piece of God in you." Interpreting biblical stories with children. Volume 2: New Testament, Stuttgart 2005, 85-94.
  11. Together with Weizenhöfer, Stefanie: "Die Liebe strahlt in die Dunkelheit". Janusz Korczak as a topic for religious education in elementary school. In: entwurf 4/2005, 19-23.
  12. Together with Becker, Romina, "It's not just about money, but also about forgiveness ..." A learning route to the parable of the unmerciful servant (Mt 18, 21-35). In: Primary School Religion 1/2006.
  13. Together with Kraft, Friedhelm: Theologizing with Children in Classrooms in Germany. In: Schreiner, Peter/Kraft, Friedhelm/Wright, Andrew (Eds.), Good Practice in Religious Education in Errope. Examples and Perspectives of Primary Schools. Schriften aus dem Comenius-Institut, edited by Volker Elsenbast, Vol. 15. Berlin 2007, 87-100.
  14. Together with Reiß, Annike: Theologische Gespräche mit Jugendlichen. An insight into the work of the Kassel research workshop on the possibilities of youth theology. In: KatBl 134 (2009), 97-102.
  15. Together with Zeeh-Silva, Brigitte: Starting with religion in elementary school religious education. In: KatBl 134 (2009), 254-259.
  16. Together with Reiß, Annike, Kognitive Aktivierung im theologischen Gespräch mit Jugendlichen. In: Feindt, Andreas/Elsenbast, Volker/Schreiner, Peter/ Schöll, Albrecht (eds.), Kompetenzorientiertung im Religionsunterricht. Findings and perspectives. Münster/New York/Munich/Berlin 2009, 247-262.
  17. Together with Reiß, Annike: Die Speisung der 5000 ... im Gespräch mit Achtklässlern/innen. In: entwurf 3/2009, 50-54.
  18. Together with Möller, Karina: The Prayer of Manasseh. In: Dressler, Bernhard/Schroeter-Wittke, Harald (ed.), Religionspädagogischer Kommentar zur Bibel. Leipzig 2012, 400-403.
  19. Together with Reiß, Annike: Didactics of theologizing with children and young people. In: Grümme, Bernhard/Lenhard, Hartmut/Pirner, Manfred L.(eds.): Religionsunterricht neu denken. Innovative approaches and perspectives in religious didactics. A workbook for students and teachers. Stuttgart 2012.
  20. Together with Christian Butt: Kreuzestheologie als Hoffnungstheologie? A classroom study on young people's patterns of interpretation. In: GuL 1/2012, 94-107.
  21. Together with Raphael Döhn, Youth Theology. The Kassel way. In: RpB issue 70/2013, 13-20.
  22. Together with Annike Reiß: Bibel erzählen - Impulse für das Theologisieren mit Jugendlichen. In: Fuchs, Monika E./Schliephake, Dirk (ed.), Bibel erzählen. Neukirchen- Vluyn 2014,169-183.


  1. In conversation with "Education in a plural world" by Karl Ernst Nipkow. Consequences for the initial lessons at elementary school. In: Schönberger Hefte 4/1999, 8-11.
  2. Brüning, Barbara, When life reaches its limits. Philosophizing with fairy tales about borderline situations, Bad Münder 2000. In: Religion heute 43/September 2000, 172-173.
  3. Brüning, Barbara, Philosophizing in elementary school. Berlin 2001, in: Religion today 50/June 2002, 130.
  4. Plieth, Martina, Child and Death. Dealing with children's ideas of horror and images of hope, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2001. In: ZPT (54) 2/2002, 221-223.
  5. Müller, Peter/Büttner, Gerhard/Heiligenthal, Roman/Thierfelder, Jörg, Die Gleichnisse Jesu. Ein Studien- und Arbeitsbuch für den Unterricht, Stuttgart 2002. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Im Himmelreich ist keiner sauer." Kinder als Exegeten. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 2, Stuttgart 2003, 194-196.
  6. Itze, Ulrike/Plieth, Martina, Death and Life. Shaping hope with children in elementary school, Donauwörth 2002, in: Grundschule Religion 4/2003, 32.
  7. "Die Bibel gibt viel zum Nachdenken über mein Leben ..." "Die Bibel für Kinder und alle im Haus" by Rainer Oberthür and Rita Burrichter from the perspective of children. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Kirchen sind ziemlich christlich" Erfahrungen und Deutungen von Kindern. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 4, Stuttgart 2005, 198-202.
  8. Grethlein, Christian/Lück, Christhard, Religion in the Primary School. A compendium. Göttingen 2006. In: Bucher, Anton A./Büttner, Gerhard/Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra/Schreiner, Martin (eds.), "Man kann Gott alles erzählen, auch kleine Geheimnisse." Kinder erfahren und gestalten Spiritualität. Yearbook for Children's Theology, Volume 6. Stuttgart 2007, 180-182 (together with Albrecht, Daniela)
  9. Kammeyer, Katharina, "Lieber Gott, Amen!" Theologische und empirische Studien zum Gebet im Horizont theologischer Gespräche mit Vorschulkindern, Stuttgart 2009. In: KatBl 135 (2010), 231-232.
  10. Zimmermann, Mirjam, Children's theology as theological competence of children. Fundamentals, methodology and aim of children's theological research using the example of the interpretation of Jesus' death. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2010, in: Theologische Literaturzeitung June 2011, 706-708.
  11. Reents, Christine/Melchior, Christoph, Die Geschichte der Kinder- und Schulbibel. Protestant - Catholic - Jewish. In: Primary school 6/2012, 28.

Contributions on the Internet

  • Insights into the research workshop "Theological Conversations with Children." In : theo-web 2/2004, 76-95.
  • Theological conversations with children. Opportunities and challenges for teacher training. In: theo-web 1/2007, 12-20.
  • On the professionalization of students in theological conversations with children. In: theo-web 2/2007, 7-26.
  • Religious education in elementary school. In: theo-web 1/2011 (in preparation).

Collaboration in the publication of audiovisual media:

  • "Dieux? La Parole aux enfants", produced by Guy Rainotte and Gabriela Radermacher at meromedia, Paris 2010 (DVD; documentation of teaching sequences, interview excerpts and sequences from the Kassel research workshop).
  • Theologizing with children. Basics, impulses and practical examples. A documentary film by Guy Rainotte in collaboration with Gabriela Radermacher. German production including translation and dubbing: University of Kassel, Petra Freundenberger-Lötz and team.