doku:lab - Documentation and Media Workshop

The doku:lab is the documentation center of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel, which offers the classic remit of a so-called grey room (archive of student work) for the faculty and much more, such as grey literature from institutions, authorities, the Lucius Burckhardt Archive and the Migge Collection. The doku:lab is known to many under its former name Infosystem Planung (ISP) / Grauer Raum. Our team is looking forward to your visit!


Our OPAC (online catalog) offers the possibility to search in our documented media stock with over 46,000 titles. Below you will find a work in progress list with external links to interesting pages.

OPAC I Online Catalog

Research is controlled via the library management system KOHA! The research can be used from the network of the University of Kassel (eduroam), during our opening hours in the doku:lab or from home via VPN connection.

University network or VPN connection required!

Our Tip

The Koha user account login allows you to independently manage your personal account data, create your own literature lists, renew items, reserve or pre-order media.

Team doku:lab // Contact Persons

People from the Faculty of ASL work in the doku:lab team. We are students, academic staff and specialists from technology and administration and your contacts for all aspects of the documentation and media workshop.

B.Sc. Lara Eckhardt
Student assistant doku:lab

Media and Documentation Services


Image: Ruby Lüpke

Anna Gruber
Student assistant doku:lab

Media and Documentation Services

Image: Margarete Arnold

B.Sc. Rouven Hahn
Student Assistant doku:lab

Media and Documentation Services


Image: Anna Gruber

Ruby Lüpke
Student assistant doku:lab

Media and Documentation Services

Submission of Student Work

The doku:lab has been archiving your student work since the 1970s. This includes diploma theses, dissertations, student research projects, master theses and bachelor theses.

This large pool of student work reflects the teaching and research of our faculty. It enables us to build our own academic work on the knowledge acquired and previous achievements of other students. This knowledge from the past decades is preserved and will not be lost to the next generation. This principle corresponds to today's open access.

  • We will receive two copies of your work. One copy is provided color-printed and one copy is provided digitally on CD.
    Please hand in your student work (project work, student research project, Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, etc.) with the admission form to the Office for Student Affairs and Examinations. The work will remain there for the time being.
  • We collect all student work that has been assessed with a grade of 1.7 or better. The Office for Student Affairs ans Examinations will inform us of the grade. If your work has been assessed with a grade of 1.7 or better, we will archive it for our records. If your grade is 2.0 or higher, the work will be ready for you to collect.

We only accept stapled or bound works. For stability on the shelf, they should be covered with thick cardboard (cover or spine). Works consisting of individual plans should be folded and packed in lockable, stable folders (A4).

Please list on the cover:

  • Title
  • Author

Please list on the first inner page:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Type of work (BPS, introductory studio work, study, project, diploma or master's thesis)
  • Supervisor
  • Processing period

The CD should be glued into a paper CD case in the back cover of the book. PDF, TIFF, GIF and JPEG or HTML are suitable file formats. Please refrain from all other formats (including Word files).

Loans and Loan Periods

The majority of our publications can be borrowed. During opening hours, we issue the library card required for borrowing. Please bring your identity card or passport with proof of registration.

Loan Periods

  • The loan period is 4 weeks. We are happy to set up semester collections with an extended loan period for academic purposes.
  • The renewal period is a further 4 weeks. The items can be renewed up to three times, provided that they have not been ordered in advance.
  • A maximum of 20 items can be borrowed.

Contribution towards expenses ...

  • The contribution towards expenses is 0.50 € per title and reminder week.
  • In case of loss we charge a replacement fee of 20,- €.


During opening hours in person at the doku:lab, by telephone or outside opening hours by email.


Our film archive consists of a collection of over 4,500 films relevant to architecture and planning. The film archive may only be used for the purposes of study, research and teaching!

Contributions for the archive?

We are happy to include your own film contributions made in the course of studies, research and teaching at the Faculty in the film archive. For further information, please contact the staff by e-mail or during opening hours.

Loan I Research

The collection is listed in the online catalog and can be easily researched using the search term "Video" in the search mask under the category "Serien". Films that are available on DVD can be borrowed directly.

Lucius Burckhardt Archive

The Lucius Burckhardt Archive in the doku:lab contains media on the subject of Lucius Burckhardt and the Spaziergangswissenschaft (Science of walking) initiated by him.

There are media available with which Lucius Burckhardt taught and researched directly. A media collection with the help of which Lucius Burckhardt's academic work can be reconstructed. Documents on teaching preparation, correspondence, films and slides are a particular treasure. The collection can be viewed during our opening hours.