
Have you always wanted to move through your building design?

Would you like to experience what your workplace looks like in the Sahel desert?

Since December 2022, FB 06 has had a Laboratory for Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality, or short vrar:lab.


What is the vrar:lab?

In VR (virtual reality), users are placed in an artificially generated (rendered) environment with the help of glasses equipped with screens and can physically move around there. The position and movements are recorded by sensors and displayed on the glasses in real time. This creates the impression of being in this environment.

In AR (augmented reality), users also wear glasses, but these allow them to see the real environment transparently. This environment is enriched by projections onto the lenses of these glasses. For the wearer of these glasses, artificially created objects appear to be present in reality.

Both techniques make it easier to imagine complex 3D objects or spatial situations. Theoretically, both methods can also enable collaborative work. However, this is not yet integrated in our expansion stage.

The vrar:lab was set up by the Departments of Design and Building Theory, Structural Design, Experimental and Digital Design and Construction and Theory of Architecture and Design in cooperation with the c:lab.


The equipment of the vrar:lab includes:

3 HTC Vive 2 pro VR glasses with 2 controllers each

4 VR glasses Metaquest 2 with 2 controllers each

3 AR glasses MS Hololens 2

2 iPads

5 Galaxy Tabs

2 high-performance graphics workstations with 32 GB Ram with 24 GB VRAM on the RTX-3090 TI graphics card

3 notebooks with 32 GB RAM and RTX-3070 graphics cards

1 projector

Contact us

Contact c:lab
Till Henker: henker@asl.uni-kassel.de

Contact for technical and project-related advice
Harun Faizi (Department of Design and Building Theory): faizi@asl.uni-kassel.de