
Between Metropolises and Upper Centers in the German Urban System

Regiopoles and regiopolitan regions are currently receiving a great deal of attention in urban systems research and in spatial planning policy. In spatial planning policy, regiopolises are assumed to be growth and innovation cores outside the metropolitan regions and are thus the bearers of hope for the support of equal living conditions in Germany. In 2019, for example, the conclusions of the Equal Living Conditions Commission recommend "promoting the development of the network of regiopolises." The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development are currently implementing this in the "Shaping Regions" program.

At the same time, from the point of view of urban system research, there is still a lack of clarity as to which functional and spatial dimension can be associated with regiopolises. What are the functions of regiopolises? How can regiopolises be spatially delimited? What is the relationship between regiopolises and their surrounding areas and metropolises and their metropolitan, possibly polycentric interdependencies?

These questions will be addressed in cooperation with the TU Dortmund University. On the basis of a critical review of the previous understanding of regiopolises, a further understanding of regiopolises and proposals for the empirical analysis of regiopolises will be developed.


Publikationen aus dem Projekt

  • Terfrüchte, T.; Growe, A. (2024): Spatial-functional patterns in the European urban system. Metropolitan functions in small and medium-sized towns. In: European Journal of Spatial Development. 21(2), 18–41.
  • Growe, A.; Terfrüchte, T. (2022): Bedeutende Städte jenseits der Metropolen? – Regiopolen und ihre Rolle im deutschen Städtesystem. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung.

Vorträge aus dem Projekt

  • Terfrüchte, T.; Growe, A. (2025): Europäische Städtesysteme im Vergleich – Die Bedeutung von Klein- und Mittelstädten als funktionale Kerne. Dortmunder Konferenz 2025. 10.-12.02.2025, Dortmund.
  • Growe, A.; Terfrüchte, T. (2024): Innovation functions in small- and medium-sized towns in the European urban system: between left behind places and borrowing size towns.
    The 36th AESOP Annual Congress 2024. 08.‑12.07.2024, Paris.
  • Growe, A (2022): Regiopolen als Wissensstandorte - Kleine Großstädte und ihre Rolle in der Wissensökonomie. 2. Fachforum “ Regiopolen und Regiopolregionen für Deutschland – ein Mehrwert für Regionen und ihre Städte!” im BBSR Programm “Region gestalten“, 10.11.2022. Bonn/Online.
  • Growe, A.; Terfrüchte, T. (2022): Development and supply function: an empirical-functional typification of smaller cities in Europe. Peer Reviewed Online Seminar "Small Towns and Metropolitan Cores: Functional Relations, Spatial Imaginaries and Cooperation Arrangements" of the ARL International Working Group "Small towns and metropolitan cores: towards cooperation?". 21.09.2022, Hannover/Online