Guest researcher

Visiting Research Stays

Visiting research stays should not be shorter than a period of six months (especially for visiting PhD students).

When first contacting us, please send the following information by mail (summarized in this order in a pdf):

  1. Letter of Motivation (maximum 2 pages), including information on
    1. on the planned research activity during the stay (with references to why the research fits well into the working group, e.g. by establishing references to research projects or publications of the working group)
    2. the (planned or secured) financing of the stay (in which funding program and for how long have funds been secured to carry out the stay, or will they be applied for at what time, or is self-financing planned) and
    3. the planned start and end of the stay.
  2. Proof of language skills, if the native language is not German or English: CEFR B2 in German or English (or equivalent of another language certificate, e.g. IELTS 5.0-6.0 or TOEFL iBT 72-94 or Cambridge Certificate FCE).
  3. (for visiting PhD students only): Letter of recommendation

No letter of invitation can be issued for requests without this information.