
Name, Forename Contact
Prof. Dr. Backes, Claudia
Physical Chemistry of Nanomaterials
Backes, Claudia
Prof. Dr. Baumert, Thomas
Head of Experimental Physics III - Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Lasercontrol
Baumert, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Benyoucef, Mohamed
Heisenberg Professor: Quantum Nano Photonics
Benyoucef, Mohamed
Prof. Dr. Bley, Andreas
Discrete Optimization
Head of Section Engineering Mathematics WA
Deputy Managing Director
BAFöG Representative
Bley, Andreas
Prof. Dr. Borromeo Ferri, Rita
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Examination Committee Teaching & Academic Advisory Service L2
Borromeo Ferri, Rita
Prof. Dr. Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi
Theoretische Physik III - Arbeitsgruppenleiter
apl. Prof. Dr. Demekhin, Philipp
Theoretische Atom- und Molekülphysik
Prof. Dr. Di Fuccia, David-Samuel
Head of chemistry education
Foto von David Di Fuccia
Prof. Dr. Disser, Karoline
Prof. Dr. Ehresmann, Arno
Experimentalphysik IV - Dünne Schichten und Synchrotronstrahlung
Ehresmann, Arno
Prof. Dr. Eichler, Andreas
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Directorate Member
Academic Advisory Service L3/​L4
Eichler, Andreas
Prof. Dr. Faust, Rüdiger
Professor of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: R. Faust
Faust, Rüdiger
Prof. em. Dr. Fricke, Burkhard
Theoretische Physik I - Theoretische Atom- und Molekülphysik
Prof. Dr. Friedmann, Elfriede
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Engineering Mathematics
Friedmann, Elfriede
Prof. Dr. Garcia, Martin E.
Ständiger Gast
Theoretische Festkörper- und Ultrakurzzeitphysik
Garcia, Martin E.
Prof. Dr. Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Working group leader
Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Prof. Dr. Giesen, Thomas
Experimentalphysik V Laborastrophysik
Giesen, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Gutekunst, Kirstin
Head of Department Molecular Plant Physiology
Image: Gutekunst
Gutekunst, Kirstin
Prof. Dr. Knees, Dorothee
Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Lindner, Felix
Engineering Mathematics
Examination Committee Bachelor/​Master
Lindner, Felix
Prof. Dr. Matzdorf, René
Experimentalphysik II - Oberflächenphysik
Prof. Dr. Meister, Andreas
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Head of Engineering Mathematics at HoPla
Contact Person Intership Module
Meister, Andreas
Prof. Dr. Mikosch, Jochen
Heisenberg Professorship - Structural Molecular Dynamics
Mikosch, Jochen
Prof. Dr. Mütze, Torsten
Discrete Mathematics
Mütze, Torsten
Prof. Dr. Pastor, Gustavo Miguel
Gruppenleiter Theoretische Physik I
apl. Prof. Dr. Petersen, Sebastian
Institute of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Rathgeb-Schnierer, Elisabeth
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Academic Advisory Service L1
Prof. Dr. Regensburger, Georg
Computer Algebra
Prof. Dr. Reithmaier, Johann Peter
Technische Physik
Prof. Dr. Schaffrath, Raffael
Head of Department Microbiology
Foto von Prof. Dr. Schaffrath
Prof. Dr. Seiler, Werner M.
Algebra and Differential Equations
Directorate Member
Academic Advisory Service Bachelor/​Master
Seiler, Werner M.
Prof. Dr. Singer, Kilian
Experimentalphysics I - Head of group
Singer, Kilian
Prof. Dr. Specovius-Neugebauer, Maria
Partial Differential Equations and Continuum Mechanics
Directorate Member
Prof. em. Dr. Spreckelsen, Kay
Didaktik der Physik
Prof. Dr. Stengl, Monika
Professur für Tierphysiologie
Professorship for animal physiology
Stengl, Monika
Prof. Dr. Wodzinski, Rita
Fachgebietsleiterin Didaktik der Physik
Fachgebietsleiterin Prof. Dr. Rita Wodzinski
Replacement professor
Name, Forename Contact
Dr. Eiter, Thomas
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Eiter, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Levandovskyy, Viktor
Computer Algebra
Levandovskyy, Viktor