
Name, ForenameContact
Berner, Sandra
Experimentalphysics I -Secretary
Experimentalphysik VI - Sekretariat
Quantum Nano Photonics - Secretariat
Berner, Sandra
Bock, Petra
Office Molecular Plant Physiology
Sekretariat Fachgebiet Botanik
Image: Alexander Bock Photography
Bock, Petra
Böhling, Kim
Office - Theoretical Physics III
Secretariate - Theoretical Physics III
Secretariate - Theoretical Physics III
Böhling, Kim
Draude, Petra
Technical Physics - Secretary
Draude, Petra
Freitag, Ruth
Office of Prof. Borromeo Ferri/​Prof. Eichler
Freitag, Ruth
Gössel, Birgit
Office Wilhelmhöher Allee 73
Gössel, Birgit
Hartwig, Karoline
Sekretariat - Theoretische Physik I
Sekretariat - Theoretische Physik III
Hartwig, Karoline
Herzig, Sabrina
Office of Prof. Rathgeb-Schnierer
Herzig, Sabrina
Hosseini, Rabia
Institute Office
Hosseini, Rabia
Jaeger, Birgit
[Translate to Englisch:] Foto Frau Jaeger
Jaeger, Birgit
Jaeger, Birgit
Kasper, Petra
Assistant Experimental Physics III
Kasper, Petra
Kirch, Liliana
Secretariat of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: S. Fürmeier
Kirch, Liliana
Ostmann, Christine
Sekretariat der Ingenieurmathematik
Ostmann, Christine
Pösel, Anje
Office of the Research Group for Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Image: Sonja Rode
Anje Pösel
Dr. Potzner, Christiane
Institute Office
Potzner, Christiane
Schneider, Sigrid
Sekretariat Chemische Hybridmaterialien
Schneider, Sigrid
Schoenewolf-Kuppstadt, Gabriele
Experimentalphysik II - Sekretariat
Schoenewolf-Kuppstadt, Gabriele
Schwarz, Andrea
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Assistant
Image: E. Klass
Andrea Schwarz
Strocki, Sina (Dipl.-Ing. FH)
Sekretariat für das Fachgebiet Didaktik der Physik
Image: Sina Strocki
Strocki, Sina
Syborg, Martina
Office of the Research Group Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Syborg, Martina
Wecker, Andrea
Experimentalphysik IV - Sekretärin
Wecker, Andrea
Westermann, Annette
Sekretariat Experimentalphysik V
Westermann, Annette
Wollenhaupt, Christina
Wollenhaupt, Christina
Yilmaz, Sema
Yilmaz, Sema