- Professor
Prof. Dr. Claudia Backes
Physical Chemistry of Nanomaterials
Telephone +49 561 804-4425
Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert
Head of Experimental Physics III - Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Lasercontrol
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef
Heisenberg Professor: Quantum Nano Photonics
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bley
Discrete Optimization
Head of Section Engineering Mathematics WA
Telephone +49 561 804-4650
Deputy Managing Director
BAFöG Representative
Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4768
Email borromeo[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri
Examination Committee Teaching & Academic Advisory Service L2
Prof. Dr. Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
Theoretische Physik III - Arbeitsgruppenleiter
apl. Prof. Dr. Philipp Demekhin
Theoretische Atom- und Molekülphysik
Prof. Dr. David-Samuel Di Fuccia
Prof. Dr. Karoline Disser
Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann
Experimentalphysik IV - Dünne Schichten und Synchrotronstrahlung
Telephone +49 561 804-4060
Email ehresmann[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Experimental physics IV
Web Detail page
Prof. Dr. Andreas Eichler
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4310
Email eichler[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Andreas Eichler
Directorate Member
Academic Advisory Service L3/L4
Telephone +49 561 804-4310
Email eichler[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Andreas Eichler
Image: Sonja RodeProf. Dr. Rüdiger Faust
Professor of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Managing Director of the Institute of Chemistry
Image: R. FaustProf. em. Dr. Burkhard Fricke
Theoretische Physik I - Theoretische Atom- und Molekülphysik
Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Telephone +49 561 804-4329
Email friedmann[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann
Engineering Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-3190
Email friedmann[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Department Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann
Telephone +49 561 804-4329
Email friedmann[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann
Prof. Dr. Martin E. Garcia
Theoretical solid-state and ultrafast physics
Telephone +49 561 804-4480
Email garcia[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Martin E. Garcia
Prof. Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer
Working group leader
Telephone +49 561 804-4601
Prof. Dr. Thomas Giesen
Experimentalphysik V Laborastrophysik
Telephone +49 561 804-4775
Email t.giesen[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Welcome page
Web Detail page
Prof. Dr. Kirstin Gutekunst
Head of Department Molecular Plant Physiology
Telephone +49 561 804-4070
Email kirstin.gutekunst[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Kirstin Gutekunst
Image: GutekunstProf. Dr. Dorothee Knees
Telephone +49 561 804-4355
Email dknees[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees
Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Felix Lindner
Telephone +49 561 804-4349
Email lindner[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Felix Lindner
Engineering Mathematics
Examination Committee Bachelor/Master
Image: Sonja RodeProf. Dr. René Matzdorf
Experimentalphysik II - Oberflächenphysik
Telephone +49 561 804-4772
Email matzdorf[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Startseite
Web Detail page
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Telephone +49 561 804-4631
Email meister[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Head of Engineering Mathematics at HoPla
Telephone +49 561 804-2898
Email meister[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Department Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Contact Person Intership Module
Telephone +49 561 804-4631
Email meister[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Department Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Telephone +49 561 804-4631
Email meister[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister
Image: Sonja RodeProf. Dr. Jochen Mikosch
Heisenberg Professorship - Structural Molecular Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Torsten Mütze
Discrete Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Miguel Pastor
Group leader Theoretical Physics I
Telephone +49 561 804-4780
apl. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Petersen
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-6388
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Rathgeb-Schnierer
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Academic Advisory Service L1
Prof. Dr. Georg Regensburger
Computer Algebra
Image: Sonja RodeProf. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier
Technische Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4430
Prof. Dr. Raffael Schaffrath
Head of Department Microbiology
Telephone +49 561 804-4175
Prof. Dr. Werner M. Seiler
Algebra and Differential Equations
Telephone +49 561 804-4276
Email seiler[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Web Detail page
Directorate Member
Telephone +49 561 804-4276
Email seiler[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Werner M. Seiler
Image: Sonja RodeProf. Dr. Kilian Singer
Experimentalphysics I - Head of group
Prof. Dr. Maria Specovius-Neugebauer
Directorate Member
Prof. em. Dr. Kay Spreckelsen
Didaktik der Physik
Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl
Professur für Tierphysiologie
Professorship for animal physiology
Prof. Dr. Rita Wodzinski
Fachgebietsleiterin Didaktik der Physik
- Replacement professor
PD Dr. Yana Kinderknecht (Butko)
Vertr. Prof. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und Kontinuumsmechanik
Dr. Karolina Klockmann
Vertr. Prof. Analysis/Stochastik
Telephone +49 561 804-4614
Prof. Dr. Viktor Levandovskyy
Computer Algebra
- Secretary
Sandra Berner
Experimentalphysics I -Secretary
Telephone +49 561 804-4358
Experimentalphysik VI - Sekretariat
Quantum Nano Photonics - Secretariat
Telephone +49 561 804-4085
Petra Bock
Office Molecular Plant Physiology
Telephone +49 561 804-4787
Sekretariat Fachgebiet Botanik
Telephone +49 561 804-4181
Image: Alexander Bock PhotographyKim Böhling
Office - Theoretical Physics III
Telephone +49 561 804-4785
Secretariate - Theoretical Physics III
Secretariate - Theoretical Physics III
Petra Draude
Technical Physics - Secretary
Telephone +49 561 804-4586
Ruth Freitag
Office of Prof. Borromeo Ferri/Prof. Eichler
Telephone +49 561 804-4620
Birgit Gössel
Office Wilhelmhöher Allee 73
Telephone +49 561 804-6416
Karoline Hartwig
Sabrina Herzig
Office of Prof. Rathgeb-Schnierer
Telephone +49 561 804-4353
Rabia Hosseini
Institute Office
Telephone +49 561 804-4619
Birgit Jaeger
Telephone +49 561 804-4219
Birgit Jaeger
Petra Kasper
Assistant Experimental Physics III
Telephone +49 561 8044660
Liliana Kirch
Secretariat of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: S. FürmeierChristine Ostmann
Sekretariat der Ingenieurmathematik
Telephone +49 561 804-2891
Anje Pösel
Office of the Research Group for Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4632
Image: Sonja RodeDr. Christiane Potzner
Institute Office
Telephone +49 561 804-4308
Sigrid Schneider
Sekretariat Chemische Hybridmaterialien
Gabriele Schoenewolf-Kuppstadt
Experimentalphysik II - Sekretariat
Telephone +49 561 804-4260
Andrea Schwarz
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4634
Image: E. KlassSina Strocki (Dipl.-Ing. FH)
Sekretariat für das Fachgebiet Didaktik der Physik
Image: Sina StrockiMartina Syborg
Office of the Research Group Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4692
Andrea Wecker
Experimentalphysik IV - Sekretärin
Telephone +49 561 804-4061
Annette Westermann
Sekretariat Experimentalphysik V
Telephone +49 561 804-4792
Christina Wollenhaupt
Telephone +49 561 804-4784
Sema Yilmaz
Telephone +49 561 804-4605
- PhD candidate
M. Sc. Muhammad Ahmad
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4703
David Ailabouni
Drees & Sommer Projektmanagement und bautechnische Beratung GmbH
M. Sc. Nano Yannic Mitja Altmann
PhD student of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Stefan Aull
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4505
M. Sc. Sekvan Bagatur
PhD Student
Deepika Bais
Doktorandin - FG Neupert
Telephone +49 561 804-4241
Sahar Bakhshi
Doctoral Candidate - Theoretical Physics II
Othmane Benhayoun
Doctoral candidate - Theoretical Physics II
Telephone +49 561 804-4323
Manika Bhardwaj
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4505
M. Sc. Dana Bloß
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorandin
Telephone +49 561 804-4001
Pauline Böhnert
Telephone +49 561 804-4180
Cindy Brachmann
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4180
MSc Frauke Caliebe
MSc Johanna Caliebe
Research Associates
Telephone +49 561 804-4776
Image: Jeremias GutekunstYajun Chang
Telephone +49 561 804-4241
M. Sc. Giagkos-Ion Chlomoudis
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4703
M.Sc. Nadi Dixit
Research associate (PhD student)
Image: Nadi DixitM. Sc. Sina Dörr
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4101
M.Sc. Alexander Edwards
Research associate (PhD student)
Anna Elms
PhD Student
Mauro Ariel Forlino
Doctoral candidate - Theoretical Physics II
Martin Garro Gonzalez
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4122
Image: E. KlassM.Sc. Alena Rukmini Geffert
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Telephone +49 561 804-4322
Moritz Göb
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4339
Tim Göbel
PhD student
Katharina Görlitz
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4202
M.Sc. Niklas Golchert
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4168
M. Sc. Florian Graßme
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4569
Gero Grunewald
PhD student of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: G. GrunewaldJulia Hädrich
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Didaktik der Physik
M. Sc. Emilia Jasmiina Heikura
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorandin
Telephone +49 561 804-4046
Dipl.-Phys. Doris Herberth
Telephone +49 561 804-4773
M. Sc. Byungryul Jang
Doktorand Theoretische Physik I
M. Sc. Christian Janzen
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4063
Lars Kaduhr
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4180
M. Sc. Ranbir Kaur
Research assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4248
M. Sc. Timm Knickrehm
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4101
M.Sc. Heinrich Kraus
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Telephone +49 631 31600-4068
M. Sc. Adrian Krone
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4001
M. Sc. Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorandin
Telephone +49 561 804-4198
Sascha Lang
Theoretical Physics III - Doctoral Candidate
M. Sc. Rasika Liyanage
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4012
M. Sc. Lutz Marder
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4198
C. Inès Kana Mebou
Doctoral candidate - Theoretical Physics II
Telephone +49 561 804-4408
M.Sc. Lisa Meyer
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Telephone +49 551 7092990
Email lisa.meyer[at]dlr[dot]de
M. Sc. Tim Nowack
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4569
MSc Florian Paul
Image: PrivatAnika Petersen
PhD student of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Fabian Peterß
Telephone +49 561 804-4160
Ricky-Joe Plate
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4609
Liliana Ramos Moreno
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4122
Image: E. KlassDipl.-Biol. Sebastian Regett
Research associate (PhD student)
Telephone +49 561 804-4032
Email sebastian.regett[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Dipl.-Biol. Sebastian Regett
Image: Sebastian RegettM. Sc. Habib ur Rehman
Research assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4737
Pablo Rojas
Doctoral candidate - Theoretical Physics II
Telephone +49 561 804-4253
M.Sc. Regina Schimpf
Research associate (PhD student)
Katrin Schröder
Sohail Shoaib
Doktorand - FG Neupert
Telephone +49 561 804-4726
M. Sc. Yahya Shubbak
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4046
Dipl.-Phys. Gunnar Stegmann
Doktorand Theoretische Physik I
Telephone +49 561 804-4556
MSc Nadine Strabel
Image: PrivatNico Strauß
Theoretical Physics III - Doctoral Candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4577
M.Sc. Stephanie Swenson-Friedrich
Research associate (PhD student)
Telephone +49 561 804-4322
Image: Stephanie Swenson-FriedrichM.Sc. Yusaku Terao
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4001
MSc Marius Theune
Research Associates
Telephone +49 561 804-4186
Image: Jeremias GutekunstJan Thieme
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
Telephone +49 561 804-4609
M. Sc. Andreea Tomita
Experimentalphyisik IV - Ehemalige
M. Sc. Nano Johann Tonhäuser
Doktorand - Experimentalphysik II
Felipe Trolldenier
Telephone +49 561 804-4223
M. Sc. Özlem Urcan
Research assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4737
Francesco Verciani
Discrete Maths
Telephone +49 561 804-4192
M. Sc. Arne Vereijken
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4063
M. Sc. Johannes Viehmann
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4001
Aditi Vijayan
Telephone +49 561 804-4241
Lorena Vogt
PhD student of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: S. FürmeierDaniel Walpert
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4052
Alexander Weber
Research associate
Website Alexander Weber
M. Sc. Lukas Wolfram
PhD Student
M. Sc. Jonas Ziebarth
PhD Student
Huleg Zolmon
Telephone +49 561 804-4727
Katharina Zupfer
PhD Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4202
- Private lecturer
PD Dr. Michael Oeljeklaus
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4627
PD Dr. Sigrun Ortleb
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Contact Person Intership Module
Image: Sonja RodePD. Dr. Ina Pfeiffer
Email ipfeiff[at]gwdg[dot]de
Website PD. Dr. Ina Pfeiffer
Image: Ina Pfeiffer
- Research assistant
Natalie Ahne
Research associate
Image: Picture PeopleMarcus Aichmayr
Computer Algebra
Telephone +49 561 804-4468
Ahmadreza Alidousti-Shahraki
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Telephone +49 561 804-3459
Marie Althoff
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4351
M. Sc. Nano Yannic Mitja Altmann
Doktorand - Experimentalphysik II
Telephone +49 561 804-4264
Dr. Markus Antoni
Telephone +49 561 804-4223
Dr. Jens Appel
Research Associates
Telephone +49 561 804-4186
Image: Jeremias GutekunstClaudia Arbeitmann
Postdoc - Theoretical Physics II
Telephone +49 561 804-4482
José Pablo Barquero González
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Email jopbgon[at]student.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website José Pablo Barquero González
Dr. Bernd Bauerhenne
Experimentalphysics I - PostDoc
Dr. Marina Birkenstock
Research associate
Telephone +49 561 804-4617
Email marinabirkenstock[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Dr. Marina Birkenstock
Image: Picture PeopleDr. Marko Böhm
Research Associates
Telephone +49 561 804-4282
Image: Jeremias GutekunstJanne Bothor
Research associate
Niclas Bradtke
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4464
Dr. Sofia Brenner
Discrete Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4192
Email sbrenner[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Leonie Brumm
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4351
Dr. Bernd Büchler
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-3194
Theresa Büchter
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4691
Image: Sonja RodeDr. Jonas Bugase
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Telephone +49 561 804-4354
Barış Can Ülkü
M. Sc. Physik Elena Ramela Ciobotea
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4495
Image: privatDr. Petru Cioica-Licht
RG Analysis and Applied Mathematics -- Stochastics
Telephone +49 561 804-4587
Research Assistant
Image: P. Cioica-LichtM. Sc. Physik Sagnik Das
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4436
Dr. Ivo de Sena Oliveira
Paula Deuermeier
Research associate
Image: Lengemann Photographie KasselSoumi Dutta
PhD Student
Dr. Natalia Filimonova
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Telephone +49 561 804-4618
Dr. Susanne Flock
Scientific staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Timo Flückiger
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4478
Dr. Dr. Mareike Frevert
Research associate
Image: Fotostudio OrendtDr. Sven Fürmeier
Scientific staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: S. FürmeierDr. Foad Ghasemi
Telephone +49 561 804-4703
M. Sc. Physik Mirali Gheibi
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4495
Dr. Ines Goldhausen
Research associate
Dr. Stuart John Goldie
Telephone +49 561 804-4569
Dr. Daniela Guicking
Research associate
Image: Daniela GuickingDr. Nina Gusman
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4697
Philipp Hahn
Discrete Optimisation
Dr. Andreas Hans
Subgroup leader spectroscopy and physics with synchrotron radiation
Dr. Lars Hering
Dr. Rico Huhnstock
Teilgruppenleiter Funktionale dünne Schichten
Telephone +49 561 804-4354
Dr. Dmitry Ivanov
Postdoc - Theoretical Physics II
Telephone +49 561 804-4460
Dr. Thomas Izgin
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Hannah Klaproth
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4351
Dr. Roland Klassen
Research Associates
Telephone +49 561 804-4340
Michael Klinger
PhD Student
Dr. Mikhail Kochiev
Research assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4248
Julian Körtling
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4623
Dr. Stefan Kopecz
Institute of Mathematics
Dr. Ulrike Kürpick
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Experimentalphysik II
Telephone +49 561 804-4263
Dr. Narayan Kundu
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Postdoc
Telephone +49 561 804-4763
Dr. Anen Lakhal
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lucia Marchionne
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4691
Sophie Markefka
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4528
Dipl.-Biol. Meike Meißner
Research associate
Dr. Maximillian Merkel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Niklas Metzendorf
PhD Student
Lars Meyer-Odewald
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Biologie und Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4523
M. Sc. Physik Mashood Tariq Mir
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4129
Merlin Mouafo Wouodjie
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4678
Dr. Matthias Orth
Algebra and Differential Equations
Telephone +49 561 804-4367
Dr. Deepak K. Pandey
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Postdoc
Telephone +49 561 804-4763
Image: E. KlassDr. Jenny Plath
Telephone +49 561 804-4232
Dr. Hery Randriamaro
Computer Algebra (Humboldt-Fellow)
M. Sc. Materials Science Simon Ranecky
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4025
Dr. Madhusree Roy Chowdhury
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Telephone +49 561 804-4168
Dr. Mania Sabouri
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Telephone +49 561 804-4163
Julia Salzmann
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4351
Hendrikje Schmidtpott-Schulz
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Anna Schneider
Telephone +49 561 804-4655
Dr. Christoph Schomburg
Research associate
Image: Christoph SchomburgDr. Alexander Schrodt
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Matthias Seiss
Algebra and Differential Equations
Dr. Viktor Shcherbakov
Analysis (Humboldt-Fellow)
Telephone +49 561 804-4677
Dr. Krishna Kant Singh
Telephone +49 561 804-4313
Annabelle Speer
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4623
Dr. Athanasios Stylianou
Dr. rer. nat. Waldemar Töws
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Theoretische Physik I
Telephone +49 561 804-4571
Dr. Sandra Treffkorn
M. Sc. Physik Arne Ungeheuer
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4129
M. Sc. Optische Technologien Sudheendran Vasudevan
Research Fellow
Telephone +49 561 804-4025
Dr. Michael Vogel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Dr. Daniel Wallenta
Engineering Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-7675
Thorsten Weber
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4478
Dr. Peter Zahariev
Experimentalphysics I - PostDoc
Dr. Tobias Zier
Postdoc - Theoretische Physik II
Telephone +49 561 804-4405
- Teacher for special tasks
Dr. Dörthe Janssen
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Robert Labus
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-2895
Dr. Dorothee Cosima Stylianou
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4612
- Part-time lecturer
Dr. Alexander Breier
Telephone +49 561 804-4789
Dr. Guido Fuchs
Telephone +49 561 804-4797
Iris Krug
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Manuela Witzel
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Prof. em. Bernd Wollring
Didactics of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4630
- Educational team member
Nora Benz
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4698
Miroslava Czapp
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4309
Silke Franz
Educational associate
Image: Fotostudio BärDr. Silke Friedrich
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4658
Sabine Wiegand
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4764
Thomas Wolf
Didactics of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4309
- Administrative technical team member
Dirk Albert
Technischer Mitarbeiter - Technische Physik
André Arand
Telephone +49 561 804-4796
Andreas Arend
Experimental Physics I - Technician
B.Sc. Maggie Bersch
Administrative-technical staff
Dipl. Chem. Thomas Ebert
Telephone +49 561 804-4429
Romy Freund
Technische Assistentin
Telephone +49 561 804-4727
Kerstin Fuchs
Technische Mitarbeiterin - Technische Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4280
Sonja Fuhrmann
Technical Assistent
Heidemarie Gärtner
Laboratory technician
Telephone +49 561 804-4776
Image: Alexander Bock PhotographyDipl.-Phys. Christian Gerbig
Technical Staff
Telephone +49 561 804-4743
Image: E. KlassUwe Gernhardt
Technischer Mitarbeiter - Experimentalphysik II
Telephone +49 561 804-4127
Karin Große-Mohr
Technische Assistentin
Telephone +49 561 804-4655
Dr. Anja Heiderich
Laboratory technician
Telephone +49 561 804-4079
Image: Alexander Bock PhotographyKlaus Hofmann
Institute of Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4117
Dipl. Chem. Marija Kiurski
Telephone +49 561 804-4569
Alisa Lämmle
Image: Alexander Bock PhotographyWolfgang Lengemann
Technischer Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4514
Cornelia Moritz
Experimentalphysics I - Technician
Telephone +49 561 804-4504
Janine Müller
Technische Assistentin
Telephone +49 561 804-4727
Andreas Oberhofer
Institut für Physik - Vorlesungsassistent
Telephone +49 561 804-4230
Karsten Peters
Laboratory technician
Telephone +49 561 804-4314
Birgit Pletsch-Viehmann
Technical staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Anje Pösel
Adm. tech. team member
Telephone +49 561 804-4632
Image: Sonja RodeDr. Christiane Potzner
Directorate Member
Ute Ramus
Technical staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Dr. Horst Rottke
Technical Staff
Telephone +49 561 804-4743
Dipl.Phys. Cristian Sarpe
Technical Staff
Telephone +49 561 804-4319
Florian Schnabel
Technischer Mitarbeiter - Technische Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4565
A. Schröder
Experimentalphysik IV - Technischer Mitarbeiter
Telephone +49 561 804-4157
Anna Sengül
Technische Mitarbeiterin - Technische Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4331
Birgitt Simon
Technical Assistent
Telephone +49 561 804-4178
Klaus Steinbock
Technischer Mitarbeiter - Technische Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4589
Dr. rer. nat. Waldemar Töws
IT Beauftragter FB 10
Telephone +49 561 804-4571
Kai Triebel
Manager of the chemical storage
Telephone +49 561 804-4645
Image: Guthardt, R.
- Project leader
PD Dr. Susanne Neupert
Leiterin Nachwuchsforschergruppe "Single cell analysis within neuronal networks"
Telephone +49 561 804-4781
- Project team member
Daryan Peter Max Alter-Klanke
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Dr. Thordis Arnold
Coordinator training group "multiscale clocks"
Julian Auell
Bachelorstudent - Theoretische Physik II
Simeon Bürger
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4003
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Burk
Telephone +49 561 804-4012
Lara Deters
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Jan Peter Hartung
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4168
Nils Hemje-Oltmanns
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Joel Herrmann
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4003
Robin Ise
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4168
Marie Kempkes
Masterstudentin - Theoretische Physik II
Gabriel Klassen
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4015
Fabian Loibersbeck
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Sophie Mauer
Telephone +49 561 804-4083
Kira Anouk Niemann
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Aaron Nyerges
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
B.Sc. Florian Ott
Experimentalphysik IV - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4005
Pascal Plattenberg
Masterstudent - Theoretische Physik II
Aljoscha Range
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
Alisa Anjulie Röring
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
B.Sc. Simon Rubik
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
M. Sc. Rebecca Schaf
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Leon Schwarz
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Bayar Shaabo
Telephone +49 561 804-4380
B. Sc. Abdulrahman Shubbak
Experimentalphysik IV - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4001
Julia Strukova
Bachelor student - Theoretical Physics II
B.Sc. Mitra Varun Vanakalapu
Experimentalphysik IV - Masterstudent
M. Sc. Nikolai Weidt
Experimentalphysik IV - Doktorand
Telephone +49 561 804-4046
Email nw[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Yannik Werner
Bachelorstudent - Theoretische Physik II
B.Sc. Rebecca Westhof
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Christopher Wilke
Experimentalphysik IV - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4003
Malwin Xibraku
Master student - Theoretical Physics II
B. Sc. Christina Zindel
Experimentalphysik IV - Masterstudentin
Telephone +49 561 804-4004
B. Sc. David Zionski
Experimentalphysik IV - Masterstudent
- Student assistant
Amir Aghajani
Rozhan Ali
Experimentalphysics VI - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4023
M. Sc. Nano Yannic Mitja Altmann
Studentischer Vertreter Direktorium
Babak Behjati
Experimentalphysics VI - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4083
Samuel Blatt
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Student Assistant
Image: E. KlassJay Chotaliya
Master student - Theoretical Physics II
Klaus de Paula Schneesche
Experimentalphysics - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4505
Miles DeWitt
Experimentalphysics I - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4501
Lukas Germeroth
Master Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4122
Image: privatSteffen Leinberger
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Student Assistant
Telephone +49 561 804-4763
Image: E. KlassAlexander Lipskij
Master student - Theoretical Physics II
B.Sc. Physik Isa Mehdioghlu
Studentische Hilfskraft
Telephone +49 561 804-4313
Vladislav Mikhailovskii
Experimentalphysics I - Masterstudent
B. Sc. Thies Neumann
Lasse Nuß
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Student Assistant
Image: E. KlassJimiben Patel
Master student - Theoretical Physics II
Marie Peter
Experimentalphysics VI - Bachelorstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4083
Mahsoum Shafkat
Experimentalphysics I - Bachelorstudent
B. Sc. Dimitri Sharikow
Master Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4604
Nirmal Thani
Janko Umbach
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Student Assistant
Image: E. KlassXiaoyu Zhou
Experimentalphysics I - Masterstudent
Telephone +49 561 804-4505
- Academic replacement
Christine Clever
Directorate Member
Angelina Göbel-Knapp
Directorate Member
Jessica Käsinger
Deputy Student
Telephone +49 561 804-4738
Jonas Kalveram
Member Board of Directors
- Graduate
Dr. rer. nat. Pia Kutzer
Dr. rer. nat. Volker Lutter
Doktorand, jetzt System Engineer, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH
Inga Schirmer
Bachelor-Studentin - FG Neupert
Nicolas Schüler
Theoretical Physics III - Doctoral Candidate
Lara Marie Tomasch
Theoretical Physics III - Student assistant
- Former …
John Abbott
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Wael R. Abdel-Fattah
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Kay Achmetli
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Marlene Adrian
Abschluss: 4. April 2019
Khalid Adrigal
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Maria Afrooz
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4616
Dr. Florian Ahrend
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Mario Albert
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dipl.-NanoSc. Alla Albrecht
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Swetlana Altmann
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
M. Sc. Sascha Apazeller
Abschluss im November 2014
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
PD Dr. Andreas Assion
01.01.2000 bis 14.07.2004
Dr. Eyram Atiawotse
Ehemaliger- Experimentalphysik II
Prof. Dr. Andrés Ávila
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Dr. Christian Bär
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Dipl.-Phys. Ronja Bäumner
Abschluss im März 2006
Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Barner
Emeriti and Retired Professors
Damian Bartocha
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Tim Bayer
Abschluss: 29. Juni 2012
Abschluss im Juni 2006
Georg Becker
Abschluss im August 2011
Margit Becker
Office of Engineering Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-2891
Andreas Bednarek
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Physik
B. Sc. Lukas Belz
Vertr.-Prof. Ralf Benölken
Didactics of Mathematics
Josselin Bernardoff
Doktorand - Experimentalphysik I
Dr. Michael Besser
Didactics of Mathematics
Sascha Bickhardt
Abschluss im September 2017
Abschluss im September 2015
Dr. Robert Bienert
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Apl. Prof. Dr. Bernd Billhardt
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Philipp Birken
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
M. Sc. Physik David Bischof
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Prof. em. Dr. Werner Blum
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Tobias Blumenstein
Abschluss im Dezember 2012
Abschluss im August 2010
Anna Böttcher
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolten
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bosbach
Emeriti and Retired Professors
M. Sc. Physik Christian Bräuer
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Vanessa Brandenstein
Abschluss im Februar 2013
Abschluss im August 2010
Dr. Hendrike Braun-Knie
Graduation: 1 December 2016
Paul Breiding
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Sascha Bremicker-Trübelhorn
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Roland Brode
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Alexander Bruch
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Edith Brühl
bis 09/2004
Prof. Dr. Brüll
Discrete Mathematics
Engineering Mathematics
M. Sc. Thomas Büchling
Oliver Buhl
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl. Phys. Jörn Burbank
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl. Phys. Nils Burbank
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
M.Sc. Johanna Chantzos
Master-Studentin, jetzt Doktorandin MPI für extraterrestrische Physik
Dr. Etienne Nana Chiadjeu
Institute of Mathematics
M. Sc. Physik Elena Ramela Ciobotea
Erasmus Student
Image: privatLisa Claus
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Andreea-Elena Cojocaru
Cedric Corley
Abschluß im Januar 2016
Dr. Dawid Wieslaw Crivelli
PostDoc - Experimentalphysik I
Prof. Dr. Michael Cuntz
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Markus Debatin
Experimentalphysik I - PostDoc
Dr. Sascha Deinert
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Bo Deng
Experimentalphysics I - PhD candidate
B. Sc. Sarah Deumel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Luis Diaz
former group member - theoretical physics I
Dr. Pedro Ruiz Diaz
former group member - theoretical physics I
Dr. Swantje Dölle
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Didaktik der Physik/ Doktorandin laufend
Simon Dörsam
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Prof. em. Dr. Hilmar Drygas
Daniel Eckersberg
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Özge Efendi
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Christian Eichler
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Bettina Eick
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
B. Sc. Ilian Eilmes
Dr. Thomas Eiter
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4613
Email thomas.eiter[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Website at the WIAS
Dr. Dieter Engel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Lars Englert
Abschluss: 12. Dezember 2013
Abschluss im März 2005
Andris Erglis
Theoretische Physik III - Alumni
Tianyu Fang
Experimentalphysik I - Doktorand
Matthias Fetzer
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Frank Fischer
Discrete Optimization
Kornelia Fischer
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dipl. Phys. Manuel Fohler
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Prof. Dr. J. S. Armand Eyebe Fouda
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Quedenfeld Frank-Michael
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Frederik Franz
Abschluss im September 2016
Janine Franz
Theoretische Physik III - Alumni
Prof. em. Dr. Helmut Freitag
Former working group leader, currently associated to the working group and curator of the herbarium
Image: Helmut FreitagChristian Gallinger
Pädagogischer Mitarbeitender (Sekundarstufe) Didaktik der Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4208
Dr. Alexander Gaul
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Florian Georg
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl.-Phys. Christian Gerbig
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Abschluss am 28. Mai 2009
Image: E. KlassM. Sc. Miriam Gerstel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
B. Sc. Katharina Getfert
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Florian Göllner
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
M. Sc. Jendrik Gördes
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Nadine Götte
Abschluss: 6. September 2017
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Goldmann
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Tobias Grabsch
Abschluß im Dezember 2015
Dr. Oksana Graefe (geb. Bazhan)
Abschluss: 07. Juli 2005
Christopher Grob
Discrete Optimization
B. Sc. David Grüber
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Lars Haag
Abschluss: 30. Juni 2010
Abschluss im Juni 2003
Dr. Irina Haar
Ehemalige - Experimentalphysik II
Saeed Hadjizadeh
Telephone +49 561 804-4778
Prof. i.R. Dr. Herbert Haf
Dr. Jürgen Hager
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Camilla Hahn
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Alexander Hammermeister
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Sailer Hannelore
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Gregor Hartmann
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Harmen Hawer
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
B. Sc. Immanuel Hecken
Dipl. Phys. Rainer Hentges
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Benjamin Herath
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
B.Sc. Julian Hertlein
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Frank Heyde
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
M. Sc. Physik Philipp Hillmann
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Abschluss im Januar 2017
Abschluss im Januar 2014
M. Sc. Hai Hoang
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Tobias Hofmann
Didactics of Mathematics
Mirella Hofmeister
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Didaktik der Physik
Dr. Raphael Hohmann
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Pädagogische Mitarbeitende (Sachunterricht) Didaktik der Physik
Dr. Xaver Holzapfel
Abschluss im Oktober 2014
Abschluss im April 2012
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Dennis Holzinger
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
StEx. Carolin Honisch
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
PD Dr. Alexander Horn
15.03.2008 bis 14.03.2010
Dr. Christian Horn
Abschluss: 21. November 2007
Dr. Peter Horn
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Henning Huckfeldt
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Rico Huhnstock
Abschluss im November 2014
Gudrun Humburg
Ehemalige - Experimentalphysik II
Dipl.-Phys. Steven Ingunza
Bogdan-Constantin Ispas
Daniel Jablonowski
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
B. Sc. Physik Nikolai Jelzow
Abschluss im Mai 2015
Dr. André Jüdes
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Dipl.-NanoSc. Kerstin Kämpf
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Dr. Tillmann Kalas
Graduation on 10 February 2010
M. Sc. Benjamin Kambs
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl. Phys. Christian Kant
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Alexander Karney
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Alexander Kastner
Abschluss: 13. Februar 2020
Katrin Keller
Didactics of Mathematics
M. Sc. Mona Kempkes
Dr. Bahar Khonsari
PhD Student
Dr. Witoslaw Kielich
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl.-NanoSc. Holger Klein
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Melanie Klinke
Ehemalige - Experimentalphysik II
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Stephan Klumpp
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Knie
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Iris Koch
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dipl.-Phys. Jens Köhler
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Abschluss im April 2006
Prof. i.R. Dr. Wolfram Koepf
Computer Algebra
Telephone +49 561 804-4207
Janina Krawitz
Didactics of Mathematics
Fabian Kreißl
Email fkreissl42[at]web[dot]de
Kerstin Krimmel
Didactics of Mathematics
André Krug
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Marc Krug
Abschluss: 28. April 2010
Abschluss am 27.01.2005
Dr. Sebastian Kübler
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Christopher Kurth
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Physik
M. Sc. Nano Nicolas Ladda
Abschluss im Mai 2021
Dr. Maria Landrock
PhD Student
Dr. Stefan Langer
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dipl.-NanoSc. Jannick Langfahl-Klabes
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Hangyeol Lee
12/2017 until 01/2024
Niklas Lehne
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dipl.-Phys. David Lengemann
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Michael Liebendörfer
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Dirk Liese
Abschluss: 18. April 2007
Frieder Lindel
Theoretische Physik III - Alumni
Andreas Linß
Discrete Optimisation
Telephone +49 561 804-4348
B. Sc. Arthur Linß
Dr. Michael Lochner
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Georg Loho
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Kai Ludolph
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Yongming Luo
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Christian Lux
Abschluss: 17. Juli 2015
Abschluss am 21. September 2009
Dr. Feder Maiorov
Abschluss: 29. Juli 2004
Dr. Thomas Marita
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Felicia Marschang
Pädagogische Mitarbeitende (Sachunterricht) Didaktik der Physik
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Masjed-Jamei
Algebra and Differential Equations (Humboldt-Fellow)
Telephone +98 21 23064336
Email mmjamei[at]yahoo[dot]com
Max Masuhr
Experimentalphysics VI - Masterstudent
Prof. Dr. Roland Matthes
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Gunar Matthies
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Olaf Maurer
Discrete Optimization
Simona Elena Melcioiu
Miriam Mendoza Delgado
Experimentalphysik I - Wissenschaftliche Bedienstete
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Mentemeier
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Bettina Messerschmidt
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dipl.-Phys. Markus Meyl
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Thordis Michalke
Ehemalige - Experimentalphysik II
Dr. Sebastian Mietke
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Hans-Christian Milde
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Jutta Mildner
Abschluss am 28.04.2008
Deborah Milwa
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Didaktik der Physik
Telephone +49 561 804-4162
Dr. Harry Mönig
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Anna Mohela
Abschluss im April 2011
Dr. Junais Habeeb Mokkath
former group member - theoretical physics I
Dipl.-Nano. Silvio Morgenstern
Ehemaliger Doktorand
Abschluss im Juni 2011
Dr. Nicolas Müglich
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Detlef Müller
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Jennylee Müller
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dipl.-Phys. Christoph Muster
Dr. Peter Otte
Engineering Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-2888
Dipl.-Phys. Dirk Otto
Abschluss im November 2014
StEx. Huda Otto
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
M. Sc. Chrisitian Ozga
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Stella Pede
Didactics of Mathematics
Dominik Pengel
Abschluss im Dezember 2013
Abschluss im Oktober 2011
Dipl. Phys. Björn Peterson
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Dr. Martin Pitzer
Dipl. Phys. Tatjana Podlich
Ehemalige - Experimentalphysik II
Stefan Podworny
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Andreas Präkelt
Abschluss: 28. Juni 2006
B. Sc. Helen Preiß
Victor-Marius Privan
M. Sc. Physik Madallin Stefan Radu
B.Sc. Bhavadip Rakholiya
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Sebastian Rauchhaus
Partial Differential Equations and Continuum Mechanics
Telephone +49 561 804-4285
Dr. rer. nat. Phillip Reiß
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Lucila Maitreya Juárez Reyes
former group member - theoretical physics I
Mohsen Rezapour
Discrete Optimization
M. Sc. Physik Tom Ring
Abschluss im Mai 2015
Abschluss im Oktober 2012
Dr. Wellmann Robin
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Klaus Röll
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Rebekka Roetger
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Didaktik der Physik
M. Sc. Physik Tonio Rosen
Abschluss im Juni 2018 und Juli 2022
Prof. i.R. Dr. Hans-Georg Rück
Arithmetic Geometry
M. Sc. Jonathan Rühl
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
B. Sc. Carsten Rühling
Dr. Martin Ruge
Abschluss: 12. Juni 2013
Abschluss am 13. März 2010
Guillaume Sagnol
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dipl.-Ing. Sharmila Sait
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Dr. Matthieu Saubanère
former group member - theoretical physics I
M. Sc. Physik Mihaela Roxana Savulea
Ehemalige Doktorandin
Dr. Deise Schafer
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Dr. Henning Schatz
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Christoph Schmidt
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Philipp Schmidt
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Ehemaliger - Peter-Paul-Ewald-Arbeitsgruppe
Angela Schmitz
Didactics of Mathematics
Felix Schneider
Didactics of Mathematics
Dr. Johannes Schneider
Abschluss: 24. Juli 2014
Dipl.-NanoSc. Karin Schultz
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Sabrina Schuster
Abschluss im September 2019
Michael Schweinfurter
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dipl.-NanoSc. Martin Siebert
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Jan Simon
Prof. Dr. Maria Specovius-Neugebauer
Partial Differential Equations and Continuum Mechanics
Telephone +49 561 804-4421
Vanessa Sporleder
Abschluss im Dezember 2012
Abschluss im August 2010
Dr. Torsten Sprenger
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Hendrik Spüwe
Abschluss im April 2011
Martin Steigemann
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Judith Stein
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Emma Steinbrecher
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Florin-Andrei Stirbu
Prof. Dr. Walter Strampp
Apl.-Professor of Mathematics at the Wilhelmshöher Allee
Stefanie Strauch
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4464
Dipl.-NanoSc. Andreas Stricker
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Tanveer
former group member - theoretical physics I
Stephanie Thomas
Telephone +49 561 804-4376
Dipl.-Phys. Karla Türschmann
former group member - theoretical physics I
Dr. Irina Tulin
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Dr. Timo Ueltzhöffer
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Koray Ütkür
PhD Student
Prof. Dr. Werner Varnhorn
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Telephone +49 561 804-4409
Email varnhorn[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
Website Prof. Dr. Werner Varnhorn
Nick Vogeley
Experimentalphysik I - Masterstudent
Marina-Geanina Voinea
Jan Philipp Volkmer
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Manuel von Briel
Abschluss im Februar 2019
Dipl. Phys. Michael Waelsch
Ehemaliger - Experimentalphysik II
Dr. Daqing Wang
Experimental Physics VI
M. Sc. Björn Waßmuth
StEx. Laura Weidenfeller
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Thomas Weidner
Pädagogischer Mitarbeitender (Physik) Didaktik der Physik
Dr. Tanja Weis
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Prof. Dr. Kurt Weising
Previously leader of the Plant Molecular Systematics Group (retired October 2020)
Image: Kurt WeisingM. Sc. Phillip Wenzel
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Lutz Werner
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Veronika Wihl
Didactics of Mathematics
Dipl.-Nano. Roland Wilcken
Abschluss im Oktober 2011
M. Sc. Martin Wilke
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Thomas Winkler
Abschluss: 10. Januar 2018
Abschluss im Mai 2014
Abschluss im Mai 2012
Dr. Marc Winter
Abschluss: 13. Februar 2008
Dr. Daniel Witsch
B. Sc. Physik Constantin Witte
Abschluss im November 2020
Vivien Wolf
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4921
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wollenhaupt
01.10.1999 bis 31.07.2013, jetzt Universität Oldenburg
Prof. em. Bernd Wollring
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Telephone +49 561 804-4630
Daniel Würzler
Abschluss im August 2011
Dominik Wulf
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Florian Zanger
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
B. Sc. Jan Zappe
Dr. Philipp Zardo
Analysis and Applied Mathematics
B.Sc. Volodymyr Zhyrnyi
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Dr. Bastian Zielinski
Abschluss im August 2014
Norbert Zingsem
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger