Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeitende/r

Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Ahne, Natalie
Research associate
Image: Picture People
Foto von Natalie Ahne
Aichmayr, Marcus
Computer Algebra
Aichmayr, Marcus
Alidousti-Shahraki, Ahmadreza
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Alidousti-Shahraki, Ahmadreza
Althoff, Marie
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Althoff, Marie
M. Sc. Nano Altmann, Yannic Mitja
Doktorand - Experimentalphysik II
Altmann, Yannic Mitja
Dr. Antoni, Markus
Dr. Markus Antoni
Dr. Appel, Jens
Research Associates
Image: Jeremias Gutekunst
Appel, Jens
Arbeitmann, Claudia
Postdoc - Theoretical Physics II
Arbeitmann, Claudia
Barquero González, José Pablo
Barquero González, José Pablo
Dr. Bauerhenne, Bernd
Experimentalphysics I - PostDoc
Bauerhenne, Bernd
Dr. Birkenstock, Marina
Research associate
Image: Picture People
Foto von Marina Birkenstock
Dr. Bloß, Dana
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Bloß, Dana
Dr. Böhm, Marko
Research Associates
Image: Jeremias Gutekunst
Böhm, Marko
Bothor, Janne
Research associate
Bothor, Janne
Bradtke, Niclas
Didactics of Mathematics, Lower Secondary Education
Niclas Bradtke
Dr. Brenner, Sofia
Discrete Mathematics
Brenner, Sofia
Brumm, Leonie
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Brumm, Leonie
Dr. Büchler, Bernd
Institute of Mathematics
Dr. Bernd Büchler
Büchter, Theresa
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Image: Sonja Rode
Theresa Büchter
Dr. Bugase, Jonas
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Bugase, Jonas
Can Ülkü, Barış
Can Ülkü, Barış
M. Sc. Physik Ciobotea, Elena Ramela
Research Fellow
Image: privat
Ciobotea, Elena Ramela
Dr. Cioica-Licht, Petru
RG Ana­ly­sis and Ap­p­lied Ma­the­ma­tics -- Stochastics
Research Assistant
Image: P. Cioica-Licht
Dr. Petru Cioica-Licht
M. Sc. Physik Das, Sagnik
Research Fellow
Das, Sagnik
Dr. de Sena Oliveira, Ivo
de Sena Oliveira, Ivo
Deuermeier, Paula
Research associate
Image: Lengemann Photographie Kassel
Foto von Paula Deuermeier
Dutta, Soumi
PhD Student
Dutta, Soumi
Dr. Filimonova, Natalia
Numerik und mathematische Modellbildung
Filimonova, Natalia
Dr. Flock, Susanne
Scientific staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Flock, Susanne
Flückiger, Timo
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Flückiger, Timo
Dr. Dr. Frevert, Mareike
Research associate
Image: Fotostudio Orendt
Foto von Mareike Frevert
Dr. Fürmeier, Sven
Scientific staff of the Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems
Image: S. Fürmeier
Fürmeier, Sven
Dr. Ghasemi, Foad
Ghasemi, Foad
M. Sc. Physik Gheibi, Mirali
Research Fellow
Gheibi, Mirali
Dr. Goldhausen, Ines
Research associate
Goldhausen, Ines
Dr. Guicking, Daniela
Research associate
Image: Daniela Guicking
Guicking, Daniela
Dr. Gusman, Nina
Institute of Mathematics
Gusman, Nina
Hahn, Philipp
Discrete Optimisation
Hahn, Philipp
Dr. Hans, Andreas
Subgroup leader spectroscopy and physics with synchrotron radiation
Hans, Andreas
Dr. Hering, Lars
Hering, Lars
Dr. Huhnstock, Rico
Teilgruppenleiter Funktionale dünne Schichten
Huhnstock, Rico
Dr. Ivanov, Dmitry
Postdoc - Theoretical Physics II
Ivanov, Dmitry
Dr. Izgin, Thomas
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Izgin, Thomas
Klaproth, Hannah
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Klaproth, Hannah
Dr. Klassen, Roland
Research Associates
Klassen, Roland
Klinger, Michael
PhD Student
Klinger, Michael
Dr. Kochiev, Mikhail
Research assistant
Kochiev, Mikhail
Körtling, Julian
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Körtling, Julian
Dr. Kopecz, Stefan
Institute of Mathematics
Kopecz, Stefan
Dr. Kürpick, Ulrike
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Experimentalphysik II
Kürpick, Ulrike
Dr. Kundu, Narayan
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Postdoc
Kundu, Narayan
Dr. Lakhal, Anen
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lakhal, Anen
Marchionne, Lucia
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Marchionne, Lucia
Markefka, Sophie
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Markefka, Sophie
Dipl.-Biol. Meißner, Meike
Research associate
Meißner, Meike
Dr. Merkel, Maximillian
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Merkel, Maximillian
Metzendorf, Niklas
PhD Student
Metzendorf, Niklas
Meyer-Odewald, Lars
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeitender Didaktik der Biologie und Physik
Meyer-Odewald, Lars
M. Sc. Physik Mir, Mashood Tariq
Research Fellow
Mir, Mashood Tariq
Mouafo Wouodjie, Merlin
Institute of Mathematics
Mouafo Wouodjie, Merlin
Dr. Orth, Matthias
Algebra and Differential Equations
Orth, Matthias
Dr. Pandey, Deepak K.
Structural Molecular Dynamics - Postdoc
Image: E. Klass
Deepak Kumar Pandey
Dr. Plath, Jenny
Plath, Jenny
Dr. Randriamaro, Hery
Computer Algebra (Humboldt-Fellow)
Randriamaro, Hery
M. Sc. Materials Science Ranecky, Simon
Research Fellow
Ranecky, Simon
Dr. Roy Chowdhury, Madhusree
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Roy Chowdhury, Madhusree
Dr. Sabouri, Mania
Numerics and Mathematical Modelling
Sabouri, Mania
Salzmann, Julia
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Salzmann, Julia
Schmidtpott-Schulz, Hendrikje
Algorithmic Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Schmidtpott-Schulz, Hendrikje
Dr. Schneider, Anna
Schneider, Anna
Dr. Schomburg, Christoph
Research associate
Image: Christoph Schomburg
Schomburg, Christoph
Dr. Schrodt, Alexander
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemaliger
Schrodt, Alexander
Dr. Seiss, Matthias
Algebra and Differential Equations
Dr. Matthias Seiss
Dr. Shcherbakov, Viktor
Analysis (Humboldt-Fellow)
Shcherbakov, Viktor
Dr. Singh, Krishna Kant
Singh, Krishna Kant
Speer, Annabelle
Didactics of Mathematics, Upper Secondary Education
Speer, Annabelle
Dr. Stylianou, Athanasios
Directorate Member
Dr. Athanasios Stylianou
Dr. rer. nat. Töws, Waldemar
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Theoretische Physik I
Töws, Waldemar
Dr. Treffkorn, Sandra
Treffkorn, Sandra
Dr. Tyagi, Rohit
Experimentalphysik IV - Postdoc
Tyagi, Rohit
M. Sc. Physik Ungeheuer, Arne
Research Fellow
Ungeheuer, Arne
M. Sc. Optische Technologien Vasudevan, Sudheendran
Research Fellow
Vasudevan, Sudheendran
Dr. Vogel, Michael
Experimentalphysik IV - Ehemalige
Vogel, Michael
Dr. Wallenta, Daniel
Engineering Mathematics
Wallenta, Daniel
Weber, Thorsten
Didactics of Mathematics, Primary Education
Weber, Thorsten
Dr. Zahariev, Peter
Experimentalphysics I - PostDoc
Dr. Peter Zahariev
Dr. Zier, Tobias
Postdoc - Theoretische Physik II
Zier, Tobias