Contact and location

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University of Kassel

"Grüne Schachtel"
Nordbahnhofstraße 1a
D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany

Phone: +49 5542-98 1536
Email: mail[at]synsicris[dot]de

OpenStreetMap - Map of the University of Kassel, Witzenhausen site, Nordbahnhofstraße
OpenStreet-Map "Nordbahnhofstraße"

Arrival by train

The nearest railway stations with connections to the long-distance traffic are Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe or Göttingen. Change there to regional trains and travel to Witzenhausen-Nord. From the railway station you walk approx. 10 minutes to our offices.

Arrival by car

Approach from the north:
Take the A7 to the Drammetal interchange. Change there to A38 in the direction of Halle/Leipzig/Nordhausen. Take exit 3 "Friedland". Follow B27 towards Bad Hersfeld/Eschwege. After a short time you will reach B80, which will take you directly to Witzenhausen.

Approach from the south and west:
Drive on A7 until exit 75 "Hann.Münden - Werratal" and follow B80 until Witzenhausen.

Project title: Transformative Mixed Culture Systems for One Health (TRIO)

Duration: 01.2024 - 12.2027

Funding: Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK) - LOEWE priority funding