PB D: Socio-economic evaluation

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Project area D evaluates mixed cropping systems, taking into account their ecological effects from PBs A-C. By evaluating and synthesizing the results from the other PBs, farmers and consumers are provided with information for cultivation and purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the provision of site-specific information at the state level serves as an advisory basis for the LLH and as a basis for policy decisions. PB D comprises two sub-projects:

In TP D1(True Cost Accounting), the overall social costs of the innovative mixed cropping systems are determined by integrating economic operating data from the experimental and practical farms and ecosystem performance information. Here, site-specific variances in the effects on production and regulatory functions caused by climate change and the cultivation system are taken into account. In addition, the monetarily assessed yield and ecosystem service dynamics are spatially scaled to the whole of Hesse. In SP D2(determining the preferences/appreciation of the various stakeholders), quantitative market research approaches (e.g. discrete choice experiment) are used to analyze the subjective attitudes and preferences of farmers and consumers.
