PB A: Soil-plant interactions

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PB A is concerned with the investigation of ecological and physiological processes relevant for yield and ecosystem services. Adaptation reactions to drought stress will be investigated (i) in the above-ground plant parts at the level of yield formation and composition of nutrients (SP A1) and plant morphology and physiology (SP A2), and (ii) the below-ground parts of the plant in terms of root expansion, morphology, nitrogen and water uptake (SP A3). SP A4records water, material and greenhouse gas flows, soil water contents, nitrate contents and losses, as well as carbon uptake and release of the plants to the soil in interaction with the soil biota. The collected data characterize soil-plant interactions with the resulting quantitative information on ecosystem services required in PB D depending on the crop duration (annual or perennial) and the plant association (pure sowing or mixed cultivation) at the four experimental sites. Supplemented by yields and basic soil and climate parameters of the twelve practical farms and the experimental site at ZALF, they form the basis for the parameterization of the process-based models for water balance, material flows and plant growth in PB C.
