Experimental platform
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At four locations in Hesse(Domäne Frankenhausen near Kassel, Weilburger Grenze near Giessen, Groß-Gerau and Darmstadt), field trials are being carried out with annual wheat, caraway and coriander as well as perennial wheat, caraway and fennel, both in pure seed and in mixed cultivation. Thanks to the cooperation between the three university locations and the associated partners Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research, Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen, Forschungsring e.V. and Ökoplant e.V., LOEWE-TRIO has a broad interdisciplinary basis. Four experimental sites supplemented by seven practical sites in Hesse and a dry sand site in Brandenburg represent the various soil-climate areas in Hesse.

Summer crops | perennials |
Wheat | Wheat |
Caraway | Cumin |
Coriander | Fennel |
Wheat + caraway | Wheat + caraway |
Wheat + coriander | wheat + fennel |
At the Geisenheim and Kassel-Harleshausen sites, large container trials are also being carried out with wheat in pure seed and in mixed culture with coriander, which enable targeted variation of environmental factors (drought stress, increasedCO2, pathogen pressure).