Women's and Equality Office

Mentoring Hessen - Women in Science and Technology

ProCareer.MINT is the funding line for female STEM students; ProCareer.Doc for female doctoral students and early postdocs.

Mentoring Hessen - Women in Science and Technology: More Info

Women in STEM - Information page of the Equal Opportunities Office

The first point of contact for all questions relating to equal opportunities, family and diversity at the University of Kassel is the

Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Kassel: Stabstelle Gleichstellung

Newsletter of the Equal Opportunities Office

The Equality Office newsletter on the topics of "Gender equality, family friendliness and diversity" is published every three months.

Newsletter of the Equal Opportunities Office: Subscribe to the Newsletter

The faculty's student women's and equality officers represent the interests of female students, take up suggestions for improving the study situation of female students, develop measures to achieve equality and implement propositions. They provide advice and support in current problem situations.

Student Women's Representative:

Nicola Kistner, email contact