Introductory events and beginning of the studies

The most important dates and offers for the start of studies

Date: Tuesday, 22.04.2025

Introduction to the Master's Programme in Physics

Time: 11:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Oberzwehren, Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40, lecture room 1135
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. René Matzdorf

Immediately followed by:

General introduction of the student council

Time: 12:30 - 12:45 p.m.
Location: Oberzwehren, Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40, lecture room 1135


Lehrveranstaltungszeit: 22.04.25 - 25.07.25

Im Sommersemester 2025 finden die Einführungsveranstaltungen am Dienstag, den 22. April statt. An diesem Tag beginnen auch die Lehrveranstaltungen. Den Einführungsveranstaltungen ist gegenüber den Lehrveranstaltungen in jedem Fall der Vorzug zu geben.

Dienstag nach Pfingsten (8.-9. Juni 25) und sog. Brückentage (Freitage nach Himmelfahrt 29.05.25 und Fronleichnam 19.06.25) sind nicht veranstaltungsfrei.

Between admission and matriculation:

On OpenMoodle you can get information about study organisation, hints for preparation of your studies, and other topics.

How to register for OpenMoodle

  1. If you use OpenMoodle for the first time, press the Button "Neues Konto anlegen?".
  2. Then you can create an account ("Anmeldename") with passwort ("Kennwort"). You have to enter you e-mail twice, your first and last name. In the last line you have to agree to the Data privacy rules (English version available accessible via link).
  3. Your entry point is the OpenMoodle course for new Master students in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. A link will forward you from there to the specific course for MSc Nanoscience students (also directly accessible via

Introduction to the Faculty

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences!

We are very pleased that you have decided to complete your studies - and thus a very important part of your training - with us! It is our aim to offer you a well-organized, modern range of courses. Modern teaching content will make you fit for a career in research, development, production or teaching, and our support and information offers will help you not to lose track even if you have questions or need help. We look forward to seeing you at our family location in the AVZ on Heinrich-Plett-Straße!

Introduction to the Faculty: Zur Fachbereichswebseite

Standort Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40

Standort Heinrich-Plett-Straße

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