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Together with Mascha Kleinschmidt-Bräutigam editor of Grundschulunterricht Deutsch (Oldenbourg Verlag)


Writing by hand. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch Heft 1/2019. Berlin: Oldenbourg.



(a) Multilingualism. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1/2017.
(b) Kruse, I./Kruse, N. (eds.): Reading to write. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch Heft 3/2017.



(a) Kruse, N./Ritter, M.(eds.): Inklusiver Deutschunterricht. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch Heft 1/2015. 
(b) Kruse, N. /Topalović: Grammatik bewusst machen. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3/2015.


(a) Kruse, N./ Ehlich, K./ Maubach, B./ Reichardt, A. (Eds.) (2014): Unconventionality in learner texts. On the function of divergence and ambiguity in text writing. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
(b) Writing down and formulating. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1/2014.
(c) Kruse, N./Maubach, B.: Listening Media. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch Heft 3/2014.


Examining language - grammar. Elementary school teaching German H. 01/2013


(a) together with Messner, Rudolf/Wollring, Bernd (eds.): Martin Wagenschein - Faszination und Aktualität des Genetischen, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren.
(b) Teaching in a competence-oriented way - spelling. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 03/2012 


Text types - text forms. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 03/2001 


(a) Reading and reading aloud. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 01/2010
(b) Revising texts. Elementary school teaching German 03/2010 


(a) Literacy acquisition. Seeing and hearing language. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 01/2009
(b) Language observation and grammar. Elementary school teaching German 03/2009 


(a) Understanding texts - shaping texts. Introduction to the topic booklet. Elementary Education 5/2
(b) Competencies and Teaching: Facilitating Learning Processes. Introduction to the theme booklet. Primary school teaching 9/2


(a)Self-activity and task setting. Elementary School Teaching H. 1, 2006.
(b)Feedback/Performance-Assessment. Elementary school teaching H. 10, 2006.


together with Iris Block): Learning observations - learning diagnoses. Grundschulunterricht H. 11 2004.


Erika Brinkmann/Norbert Kruse/Claudia Osburg (eds.): Kinder schreiben und lesen. Beobachten - Verstehen - Lehren, Freiburg: Fillibach.


Writing texts - developing grammar. The Elementary School Journal 15th ed. (Nov. 2001) H. 149.


Learning in early teaching. Ansätze zu einer subjektwissenschaftlichen Grundlegung, Hamburg: Ergebnisse.

Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult Learning Development and Teaching Concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz.


(a) Writing letters - a child's game? On Literary Practices in Preschool and School. In: Lehnen, Katrin/ Pohl, Thorsten/ Rezat, Sara/Steinhoff, Torsten/Steinseifer, Martin (eds.): Feilke revisited - 60 Stellenbesuche. Siegen: universi, pp. 131-134. 
(b) Writing by Hand. Some points of orientation for teaching writing. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 1/2019, pp. 4 - 9.
(c) Writing fluently and correctly. Challenging and connecting handwriting and spelling. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 1/2019, pp. 32 - 36. 
(d) Positionen und Perspektiven der Deutschdidaktik 2019 ff. In: Standke, J./Topalović (eds.): German didactics 2000 - 2018. debates - developments - perspectives. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanisten H. 1/2019, pp. 103 - 106.


(a) Reichardt, A./ Kruse, N. (2018): Von Kritikern und Ko-Autoren - Wie Grundschulkinder über ihre Texte sprechen. In: Bär, C./ Uhl, B. (Eds.): Texte schreiben in der Grundschule - Zugänge zur kindlichen Perspektive.
(b) Bennewitz, Hedda/Breidenstein, Georg/Kramer, Rolf-Torsten/Kruse, Norbert/Ritter, Michael, Tyagunova, Tanya (2018): 'Arbeit am Text'. Subject didactic and educational perspectives on a scene from German lessons. In: Martens, Matthias/Rabenstein, Kerstin/Bräu, Karin/Fetzer, Marei/Gresch, Helde/Hardy, Ilonca/Schelle, Carla (Eds.): Konstruktionen von Fachlichkeit. Approaches, yields, and discussions in empirical classroom research. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, pp. 289 - 303.
(c) Ideologiekritischer Klassik-Didaktiker und deutschdidaktischer Editions-philologe - Zum Tod von Bodo Lecke (1939-2018). Symposion German Didactics. Members' Newsletter 56, 2018


(a) Multilingualism. Using and expanding the repertoire of languages and writings. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1/2017, pp. 4 - 8.
(b) What can children do linguistically and in writing? Initial explorations of language and writing experiences of newly immigrated students. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1/2017, pp. 13 - 15.
(c) Kruse, I./Kruse, N.: Lesen, um zu schreiben. Using foreign texts for one's own writing. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3/2017, pp. 4 - 8.



(a) Kruse, N./Ritter, M.: Deutschunterricht in der inklusiven Schule. Different together - learning in heterogeneous learning groups. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H 1/2015, pp. 4 - 8.
(b) Kruse, N. /Topalović: Making grammar conscious. Discovering, using and ordering "grammatical" in words, sentences and texts. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3/2015, pp. 4 - 8.
(c) Writing for others and for oneself. Review of: Feilke, Helmuth/Pohl, Thorsten (2014) (eds.): Schriftlicher Sprachgebrauch - Texte verfassen (= Deutschunterricht in Theorie und Praxis (DTP), ed. by Winfried Ulrich, vol. 4). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. Didaktik Deutsch H. 39, pp. 89-93.


(a) Reichardt, A./ Kruse, N./ Lipowsky, F. (2014): Text revision with writing conference or text magnifier - On the influence of the writing environment on the quality of student texts. In: Didaktik Deutsch, H. 36, Jg. 19, pp. 64-85.

(b) Kruse, N./ Maubach, B./ Reichardt, A. (2014): Conventional and unconventional in primary school children's learner texts - A plea for changing assessment practices. In: Kruse, N./ Ehlich, K./ Maubach, B./ Reichardt, A. (Eds.): Unconventionality in learner texts. On the function of divergence and ambiguity in text writing. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. Pp. 185-217
(c) Kruse, N./ Reichardt, A. (2014): Evaluating children's texts. Criterion-guided feedback on text features. In: Grundschule Deutsch, H. 43, Jg. 11, pp. 10-11 (+ material part).
(d) Writing down and formulating - a white spot in writing lessons? How to give linguistic form to thoughts in writing and use linguistic forms to produce writing thoughts. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1/2014, pp. 4 - 8.


(a) (together with Lipowsky, F., Herrmann, M., Ludwig, M., Eckermann, T., Heinzel, F.): Text revisions in the elementary school classroom - What is the influence of the learning environment and the social cohesion of the group? In: Unterrichtswissenschaft, H. 1 (2013), 38-56.
(b) (together with Friederike Heinzel, Frank Lipowsky, Torsten Eckermann, Miriam Ludwig, Anke Reichardt): Cooperative student feedback in text revision in elementary school German classes (KoText). In: Schulpädagogik-heute, 7/ 2013 (4th ed.). Url:
(c) Examining language - is it grammar? Language considerations on the grammatical system in elementary school. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 1/2013, pp. 4-7.
(d) (together with Dehn, M.): Early intermediary spaces of the literary when looking at picture books - or "'Putte' goes to the post office". In: Ritter, A., Ritter M., Schulz, N., Wunderlich, E. (eds.): Poetic Play Spaces for Children. Literary Experience and Linguistic Productivity, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohegehren, pp. 65 - 74.


(a) Learning to read and write in the sense of Martin Wagenschein? In: Kruse, Norbert/Messner, Rudolf/Wollring, Bernd (eds.): Martin Wagenschein - Faszination und Aktualität des Genetischen, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 151-174.
(b) Wenn Kinder schreiben... In: Ritter, Michael/Ritter, Alexandra (eds.): Schreibkompetenz und Schriftkultur. Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch, Frankf./M.: Grundschulverband, p. 132.
(c) Literaturvermittlung in formal educational institutions. In: Bockhorst, Hildegard/Reinwand, Vanessa-Isabelle/Zacharias, Wolfgang (eds.): Handbuch Kulturelle Bildung, Munich: kopaed, pp. 480-484.
(d) Teaching Spelling. Structures of spelling and competence orientation. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 4-7.
(e) Competence-oriented spelling tasks. Working on orthographic principles with own words. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 38-45.
(f) (together with Reichardt, A./Herrmann, M./Heinzel, F./Lipowsky, F.): On the quality of children's texts. Development of an assessment instrument in elementary school. In: Didaktik Deutsch, H.32 (2012), 87-110.
(g) (together with Reichardt, A., Heinzel, F., Lipowsky, F., Ludwig, M., Eckermann, T.): Of mermaids and zombie fish. Exploring the influence of student feedback. In: The Elementary School Journal, 258,259, 20-23. 


(a) On poetics in children's texts in school learning processes. A Proposal for Extending the Linguistic Framework for Analysis. In: Ritter, Michael (ed.): Die Stimmern der Kinder. Kindertexte in Forschungsperspektiven, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 73-82.
(b) Lesart zu: Rotkäppchen. In: Ritter, Michael (ed.): Die Stimmern der Kinder. Kindertexte in Forschungsperspektiven, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 171-173.
(c) (together with Heinzel, F.,Lipowsky, F.): Working report to the DFG on the project "Cooperative student feedback in the teaching of German in elementary school". University of Kassel.
(d) Conversations between adults and children in class about their texts - Development of writing competence?. In: Heinzel, Friederike (ed.): Generational mediation in elementary school, end of child appropriateness?. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, pp. 174-189.
(e) (together with Anke Reichardt): Patterns or form specifications in text writing - help or hindrance? The emergence of text type knowledge and the use of patterns in writing. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 4-7. 


(a) Reading and reading aloud. Targeting basic reading skills - developing reading habits - facilitating literary competencies. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1 2010, pp. 4-7.
(b) Developing revision skills in elementary school. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, H. 3 2010, pp. 4-7.
(c) (together with Miriam Ludwig) Acquiring revision competence - Teaching tasks and learning arrangements. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, H. 3, pp. 8-15.
(d) (with Karin Buchgeister): From foreign text to own text. Children change the text of the picture book "Mama Muh schaukelt". In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, H. 3 2010. 


(a) Listening to, reading, and writing scripture: Developing literacy as a teaching challenge. Grundschulunterricht deutsch Heft 1/2009, pp. 4-5.
(b) Sprachbetrachtung und Grammatik mit Kindern. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H 2/2009.
(c) (with Anke Reichardt): Spelling support in the social space of the classroom - Results of a teaching research project with students. In: Heinzel, Friederike/Panagiotopoulou, Agyro (eds.): Qualitative Educational Research in Elementary and Primary Education, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 225 - 244.
(d) Feedback from teachers on text writing in elementary school - conducting text conversations with children? In: Hofmann, Bernhard/Valtin Renate (eds.): Projects, Positions, Perspectives. 40 Jahre DGLS, Berlin: DGLS, pp. 206-225. 


 Children write to pictures. In: Barsch, Achim/Scheuer, Helmut/Schulz Georg-Michael (eds.): Literatur - Kunst - Medien (= Festschrift für Peter Seibert zum 60. Geburtstag); Munich: Martin Meidenbauer, pp. 243-259.


(a) Understanding texts - shaping texts. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grundschulunterricht Heft 5, 2007.
(b) Encountering the book as a book. The importance of texts about a book for understanding literary texts. Grundschulunterricht Heft 5 2007.
(c) (together with Iris Kruse): Using text patterns to create your own texts - stimulating text pattern use. Grundschulunterricht Heft 5 2007.
(d) Competencies and teaching: facilitating learning processes. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grundschulunterricht Heft 9 2007. 


(a) The use of text patterns in providing feedback on children's texts. Writing didactic and text linguistic perspectives on learning processes in text writing in elementary school. In: Spiegel/Carmen/Vogt, Rüdiger (Eds.): Vom Nutzen der Textlinguistik für den Unterricht, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 133-150.
(b) (together with Friederike Heinzel): Feedback as a self-directed teaching-learning situation - Interactions in text revision. In: Rabenstein/Reh, Sabine (Eds.): Cooperative and independent student work. On the quality development of teaching, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 131-158.
(c) (with Friederike Heinzel): Literacy acquisition. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft H. 4/2006, p.
(d) Selbsttätigkeit und Aufgabenstellungen in der Grundschule. Introduction to the theme booklet. Elementary Education H 1, 2006, pp. 2-4.
(e) Feedback in the classroom and its importance for learning. Introduction to the theme booklet. Elementary Education H. 10, 2006, pp. 2-3.
(f) Feedback in text writing. Or, How to create a good feedback culture on texts in the classroom. Elementary Education H. 10, 2006, pp. 14-17. 


(a) Task of Teaching: Learning to Understand Literary Practice. In: Dehn, Mechthild/Hüttis-Graff, Petra (eds.): Kompetenz und Leistung im Deutschunterricht. Scope for Patterns of Learning and Teaching. Ein Studienbuch, Freiburg: Fillibach, pp. 155-172.
(b) (together with Friederike Heinzel): Feedback situations in text revision in elementary school German classes. In: Carle, Ursula/Panagiotopoulou, Argyro (eds.): Jahrbuch Grundschulforschung 2004, Opladen: Leske and Budrich, pp. 188-191. 


(a) Writing and writing norms. Reflections on a subject-scientific perspective on text writing and spelling in school. In: Thomas Rihm (Ed.), School development through learning groups. Starting from the subject point of view.... Opladen: Leske u. Budrich, pp. 297-313.
(b) Can ideology critique still offer didactic orientation in German teaching today? In: Bodo Lecke (ed.): Fazit Deutsch 2000. Asthetische Bildung, moralische Entwicklung, kritische Aufklärung? Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang, pp. 101-120.
(c) Literarisches Lernen in der Grundschule - Textschreiben als Herausforderung literarischen Lernens bei Kindern. In: Erika Brinkmann et al. (eds.): Kinder schreiben und lesen. Beobachten - Verstehen - Lehren, Freiburg: Fillibach, pp. 233-254.
(d) (together with Iris Block): When do children learn by reading aloud? Grundschulunterricht H. 12, pp. 10-12. 


Writing in Elementary School: The Challenge of Literary Learning for Children in the Classroom. In: Günter Helmes et al. (eds.): Literature and Life, Niemeyer: Tübingen, pp. 343 - 358. 


Discovering grammar in children's texts. The Elementary School Journal 15th ed. (Nov. 2001) H. 149, pp. 5 - 11. 


BÄCKA - Does this spelling have to be corrected in grade 1? An answer to the question and comments on the training of primary school teachers in German. In: H. Balhorn/H. Giese/C. Osburg (eds.): Betrachtungen über Sprachbetrachtungen. Grammar and Teaching, Seelze: Kallmeyer, pp. 76 - 86. 


Focusing on writing and characters from the beginning - creating conditions for learning to spell. Grundschulunterricht, 46th ed. h. 5, pp. 11-14. 


(a) Games with language and the acquisition of linguistic resources. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 12. Jahrg. (Jan. 1998), H. 111, pp. 46 - 48.
(b) Eine subjektwissenschaftliche Sicht auf das Schriftlernen, in: H. Giest/J. Lompscher (eds.): Jahrbuch der Grundschulforschung. Tagungsband zur 6. Tagung der AG Grundschulforschung in Potsdam 1997, Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag, pp. - .
(c) Spelling from the beginning: Teaching Problems in the Acquisition of Writing in the Context of Writing and Literacy, in: Claudia Osburg (ed.): Text Writing - Spelling - Literacy. Initiating Language Learning Processes in Elementary School, Special School, and Adult Education, Hohengehren: Schneider, pp. 72-96.
(d) Experiences with writing and literacy at the beginning of school, in: H. Balhorn/H. Bartnitzky/I. Büchner/A. Speck-Hamdan: Schatzkiste Sprache 1. Von den Wegen der Kinder in die Schrift (= Beiträge zur Reform der Grundschule Bd. 104), Frankf./M.: Arbeitskreis Grundschule, pp. 81-93. 


(a) (together with Oliver Lüth): "tiger, das fängt mit 'nem "I" an. On the problem of accessing written language with anlaut methods. Friedrich Jahresheft VX Learning Methods - Teaching Methods. Paths to independence, pp. 60 - 62.
(b) (together with Sigrun Richter): Spelling methods - spelling situations. The Elementary School Journal 11th ed. (Sept. 1997) H.107, pp. 42 - 46. 


(a) With Ingeborg Wolf-Weber (1996): Jennifer: "Geschrieben ist die beste Hoffnung" - Mit Schrift Zutrauen gewinnen, in: Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult learning development and teaching concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz., pp. 54 - 65.
(b) With Ingeborg Wolf-Weber (1996): Rechtschreiben von Anfang an - Übung im sozialen Kontext, in: Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult Learning Development and Teaching Concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz., pp. 99 - 106. 


Encouraging and understanding children. Reflections on learning processes at the beginning of writing in school. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), (May 1995) issue 51, pp. 61-84. 


(a) New Ways of Teacher Training. Report on a cooperative week L.I.S.A. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and BLK model experiment of the Hamburg school authority. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 7th ed. (Oct. 1993) H. 68, p. 39.
(b) Nico cuts an N ... And has too many leftovers. Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 7th ed. (Nov. 1993) issue 69, 24f. 

Publications in journals and periodicals:


(a) New Ways of Teacher Training. Report on a cooperation week L.I.S.A. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and BLK model experiment of the school authority Hamburg. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 7th ed. (Oct. 1993) H. 68, p. 39.

 (b) Nico cuts an N ... and has too many leftovers. Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 7th ed. (Nov. 1993) issue 69, 24f.


Encouraging and understanding children. Reflections on learning processes at the beginning of writing in school. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), (May 1995) issue 51, pp. 61-84.


(a) With Ingeborg Wolf-Weber (1996): Jennifer: "Written is the best hope" - With writing Zutrauen gewinnen, in: Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult Learning Development and Teaching Concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz., pp. 54 - 65.

 (b) With Ingeborg Wolf-Weber (1996): Rechtschreiben von Anfang an - Übung im sozialen Kontext, in: Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult learning development and teaching concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz., pp. 99 - 106.


(a) (together with Oliver Lüth): "tiger, das fängt mit  'nem "I" an. On the problem of accessing written language with anlaut methods. Friedrich Jahresheft VX Learning Methods - Teaching Methods. Paths to independence, pp. 60 - 62.

 (b) (together with Sigrun Richter): Spelling methods - spelling situations. The elementary school journal 11th ed. (Sept. 1997) H.107, pp. 42 - 46.


 (a) Games with language and the acquisition of linguistic resources. The elementary school journal 12th yr. (Jan. 1998), H. 111, pp. 46 - 48.

 (b) A subject-scientific view of learning to write, in: H. Giest/J. Lompscher (eds.): Jahrbuch der Grundschulforschung. Tagungsband zur 6. Tagung der AG Grundschulforschung in Potsdam 1997, Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag, pp.   -   .

 (c) Spelling from the beginning: Teaching Problems in the Acquisition of Writing in the Context of Writing and Literacy, in: Claudia Osburg (ed.): Text Writing - Spelling - Literacy. Initiating Language Learning Processes in Elementary School, Special School, and Adult Education, Hohengehren: Schneider, pp. 72-96.

 (d) Experiences with writing and literacy at the beginning of school, in: H. Balhorn/H. Bartnitzky/I. Büchner/A. Speck-Hamdan: Schatzkiste Sprache 1. Von den Wegen der Kinder in die Schrift (= Beiträge zur Reform der Grundschule Bd. 104), Frankf./M.: Arbeitskreis Grundschule, pp. 81-93.


Focusing on writing and characters from the beginning - creating conditions for learning to spell. Grundschulunterricht, 46th ed. vol. 5, pp. 11-14.


BÄCKA - Does this spelling have to be corrected in grade 1? An answer to the question and comments on the training of elementary school teachers in German. In: H. Balhorn/H. Giese/C. Osburg (eds.): Betrachtungen über Sprachbetrachtungen. Grammar and Teaching, Seelze: Kallmeyer, pp. 76 - 86.


Discovering grammar in children's texts. The elementary school magazine 15th year (Nov. 2001) H. 149, pp. 5 - 11.


Writing in the Elementary School: The Challenge of Literary Learning for Children in the Classroom. In: Günter Helmes et al. (eds.): Literature and Life, Niemeyer: Tübingen, pp. 343 - 358.


(a)     Writing and Writing Norm. Reflections on a subject-scientific perspective on text writing and spelling in school. In: Thomas Rihm (Ed.), School development through learning groups. Starting from the subject point of view.... Opladen: Leske u. Budrich, pp. 297-313.

(b)     Can ideology critique still offer didactic orientation in German teaching today? In: Bodo Lecke (ed.): Fazit Deutsch 2000. asthetic education, moral development, critical enlightenment? Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang, pp. 101-120.

(c)     Literary Learning in Elementary School - Text Writing as a Challenge of Literary Learning in Children. In: Erika Brinkmann et al. (eds.): Kinder schreiben und lesen. Beobachten - Verstehen - Lehren, Freiburg: Fillibach, pp. 233-254.

(d)   (together with Iris Block): When do children learn to read aloud? Elementary Education H. 12, pp. 10-12.


(a)     Teaching task: Learning to understand literacy practice. In: Dehn, Mechthild/Hüttis-Graff, Petra (eds.): Competence and Performance in German Teaching. Scope for Patterns of Learning and Teaching. Ein Studienbuch, Freiburg: Fillibach, pp. 155-172.

(b)   (together with Friederike Heinzel): Feedback situations in text revision in elementary school German classes. In: Carle, Ursula/Panagiotopoulou, Argyro (eds.): Jahrbuch Grundschulforschung 2004, Opladen: Leske and Budrich, pp. 188-191.


(a)     The use of text patterns in giving feedback on children's texts. Writing didactic and text linguistic perspectives on learning processes in text writing in elementary school. In: Spiegel/Carmen/Vogt, Rüdiger (eds.): Vom Nutzen der Textlinguistik für den Unterricht, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 133-150.

(b)   (together with Friederike Heinzel): Feedback as a self-directed teaching-learning situation - Interactions in text revision. In: Rabenstein/Reh, Sabine (Eds.): Cooperative and independent student work. On the quality development of teaching, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 131-158.

(c)     (together with Friederike Heinzel): Written language acquisition. Journal of Educational Science H. 4/2006, pp.

(d)   Self-activity and task setting in elementary school. Introduction to the theme booklet. Elementary Education H 1, 2006, pp. 2-4.

(e)   Feedback in the classroom and its importance for learning. Introduction to the theme booklet. Elementary School Teaching H 10, 2006, pp. 2-3.

(f)       Feedback in text writing. Or: How to create a good feedback culture on texts in the classroom? Elementary Education H. 10, 2006, pp. 14-17.


(a)     Understanding Texts - Shaping Texts. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grundschulunterricht Heft  5, 2007.

(b)   Encountering the book as a book. The importance of texts about a book for understanding literary texts. Elementary School Teaching Issue  5 2007.

(c)     (with Iris Kruse): Using text patterns to create your own texts - stimulating text pattern use. Grundschulunterricht Heft 5 2007.

(d)   Competencies and Teaching: Enabling Learning Processes. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grundschulunterricht Heft 9 2007.


 Children write to pictures. In: Barsch, Achim/Scheuer, Helmut/Schulz Georg-Michael (eds.): Literature - Art - Media (= Festschrift für Peter Seibert zum 60. Geburtstag); Munich: Martin Meidenbauer, pp. 243-259.


(a)     Listening to, Reading, and Writing Scripture: Developing literacy as an instructional challenge. Grundschulunterricht deutsch Heft 1/2009, pp. 4-5.

(b)   Language observation and grammar with children. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H 2/2009.

(c)     (with Anke Reichardt): Spelling support in the social space of the classroom - Results of a teaching research project with students. In: Heinzel, Friederike/Panagiotopoulou, Agyro (eds.): Qualitative Educational Research in Elementary and Primary Education, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 225 - 244.

(d)   Feedback from teachers on text writing in elementary school - conducting text conversations with children? In: Hofmann, Bernhard/Valtin Renate (eds.): Projects, Positions, Perspectives. 40 Jahre DGLS, Berlin: DGLS, pp. 206-225.


(a)     Reading and Reading Aloud. Targeting basic reading skills - developing reading habits - enabling literary competencies. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 1 2010, pp. 4-7.

(b)   Developing revision skills in elementary school. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, H. 3 2010, pp. 4-7.

(c)     (together with Miriam Ludwig) Acquiring revision competence - teaching tasks and learning arrangements. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, ed. 3, pp. 8-15.

(d)   (with Karin Buchgeister): From foreign text to own text. Children change the text of the picture book "Mama Muh schaukelt". In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch, H. 3 2010.


(a)     On poetics in children's texts in school learning processes. A proposal for expanding the linguistic framework for analysis. In: Ritter, Michael (ed.): The voices of children. Kindertexte in Forschungsperspektiven, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 73-82.

(b)   Reading re: Little Red Riding Hood. In: Ritter, Michael (ed.): Die Stimmern der Kinder. Kindertexte in Forschungsperspektiven, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 171-173.

(c)     (together with Heinzel, F.,Lipowsky, F.): Working report to the DFG on the project "Cooperative student feedback in the teaching of German in elementary school". University of Kassel.

(d)   Conversations between adults and children in class about their texts - developing writing competence?. In: Heinzel, Friederike (ed.): Generation mediation in elementary school, end of child appropriateness?. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, pp. 174-189.

(e)   (together with Anke Reichardt): Patterns or form specifications in text writing - help or hindrance? The emergence of text type knowledge and the use of patterns in writing. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 4-7.


(a)     Learning to read and write in the sense of Martin Wagenschein? In: Kruse, Norbert/Messner, Rudolf/Wollring, Bernd (eds.): Martin Wagenschein - Faszination und Aktualität des Genetischen, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren, pp. 151-174.

(b)   When children write... In: Ritter, Michael/Ritter, Alexandra (eds.): Schreibkompetenz und Schriftkultur. Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch, Frankf./M.: Grundschulverband, p. 132.

(c)     Teaching Literature in Formal Educational Institutions. In: Bockhorst, Hildegard/Reinwand, Vanessa-Isabelle/Zacharias, Wolfgang (eds.): Handbuch Kulturelle Bildung, Munich: kopaed, pp. 480-484.

(d)   Teaching Spelling. Structures of spelling and competence orientation. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 4-7.

(e)   Competence-oriented spelling tasks. Working on orthographic principles with own words. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 3, pp. 38-45.

(f)         (together with Reichardt, A./Herrmann, M./Heinzel, F./Lipowsky, F.): On the quality of children's texts. Development of an assessment instrument in elementary school. In: Didaktik Deutsch, H.32 (2012), 87-110.

(g)     (together with Reichardt, A., Heinzel, F., Lipowsky, F., Ludwig, M., Eckermann, T.): Of mermaids and zombie fish. Exploring the influence of student feedback. In: The elementary school journal, 258,259, 20-23.


(a)     (with Lipowsky, F., Herrmann, M., Ludwig, M., Eckermann, T., Heinzel, F.): Text revision in the elementary school classroom - What is the influence of the learning environment and the social cohesion of the group? In: Unterrichtswissenschaft, H. 1 (2013), 38-56.

(b)   (together with Friederike Heinzel, Frank Lipowsky, Torsten Eckermann, Miriam Ludwig, Anke Reichardt): Cooperative student feedback in text revision in elementary school German classes (KoText). In: Schulpädagogik-heute, 7/ 2013 (4th ed.). Url:

(c)     Examining language - is it grammar? Language considerations on the grammatical system in elementary school. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 1/2013, pp. 4-7.

(Together with Dehn, M.): Early intermediary spaces of the literary when looking at picture books - or "'Putte' goes to the post office". In: Ritter, A., Ritter M., Schulz, N., Wunderlich, E. (eds.): Poetic Play Spaces for Children. Literary Experience and Linguistic Productivity, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohegehren, pp. 65 - 74.

Monographs and editorial boards


Learning in early teaching. Ansätze zu einer subjektwissenschaftlichen Grundlegung, Hamburg: Ergebnisse.


Mechthild Dehn/Petra Hüttis-Graff/Norbert Kruse (eds.): Elementare Schriftkultur. Difficult learning development and teaching concept, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz.


Writing texts - developing grammar. The elementary school journal 15th ed. (Nov. 2001) H. 149.


Erika Brinkmann/Norbert Kruse/Claudia Osburg (eds.): Kinder schreiben und lesen. Observing - Understanding - Teaching, Freiburg: Fillibach.


(together with Iris Block): Lernbeobachtungen - Lerndiagnosen. Grundschulunterricht H. 11 2004.


(a) Self-activity and task setting.

Grundschulunterricht H. 1, 2006.

(b) Feedback/performance assessment.Elementary Education H. 10, 2006.


 (a) Understanding texts - shaping texts. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grundschulunterricht 5/2

(b) Competencies and teaching: facilitating learning processes. Introduction to the theme booklet. Grunschulunterricht  9/2.


(a)                 Literacy Acquisition. Seeing and hearing language. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 01/2009

(b)                 Language viewing and grammar. Elementary school teaching German 03/2009


(a)                 Reading and reading aloud. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 01/2010

(b)                 Revising texts. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 03/2010


Text types - text forms. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 03/2001


(a)     (together with Messner, Rudolf/Wollring, Bernd (eds.): Martin Wagenschein - Faszination und Aktualität des Genetischen, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Hohengehren.

(b)   Kompetenzorientiert unterrichten - Rechtschreibung. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 03/2012


Investigating language - grammar. Grundschulunterricht Deutsch H. 01/2013