Gleichstellung / Diversity

Diversity Week 2023

together with Dr. TamaraBodden, Dr. Julia Drube and Vanessa-Nadine Sternath)

As a further developed and thematically expanded follow-up project to the event series "Vielfalt didaktisch (er)leben", a Diversity Week took place at FB02 from 06.-10.11.2023. With an extensive range of courses, talks, panels, workshops and a reading by Dr. ReyhanŞahin (aka Lady Bitch Ray), it offered a diverse program.

(Design: Luisa Doels, School of Art and Design Kassel)

Series of Events

Diversity - Living and Experiencing Diversity Didactically

Following the successful launch in the summer semester 2021, further events are now planned to address the dimensions and conditions for success of diversity in the context of teaching and learning. Because where there are people, there is diversity. And diversity needs teaching and learning opportunities that recognize, reflect and reflect this in planning and implementation.

This sequel therefore also focuses on an interweaving of theoretical and practical perspectives.

The series is funded and made possible by the Special Fund for Structural Equal Opportunities (University of Kassel) and by relief funds for Women's and Equality Officers of Faculty 02. The Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College (Gekko) of Faculty 02 has also financially supported the launch of the series of events in the summer semester 2021.

Many thanks to all supporters, especially the two assistants Franziska Rozicki and Anna Fechner!

Summer Semester 2022

  • Digital workshop:
    I see something you don't see - unconscious bias in teaching
    How we perceive other people shapes our actions. Distortions of perception (bias) can lead to unfair behavior, especially in our roles as teachers and examiners, especially as these are mostly unconscious processes, i.e. unconscious bias. In this workshop, we will raise awareness of unconscious bias and show ways to avoid it.

    Leader: Prof. Dr. Frank Linde (TH Köln) & Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis (Uni Duisburg-Essen)
    When: Thu, May 05, 16:00-18:00
    Where: via Zoom
  • Symposium (keynote speeches and discussion):
    Aktuelle Kindheiten | Aktuelle Didaktiken
    The central questions of this event are: "What do we know about current childhoods?" and "What does this mean for current didactics?"

    The Advisers are: Susanne Jurkowski (Uni Erfurt), Boris Reichenbach (Staatliches Schulamt Kassel) and Julian Storck-Odabaşı (Uni Kassel)
    Also taking part in the discussion are: Detlev Barth (Schulvermeidung - Die 2. Chance) and Katharina Seifarth (primary school teacher)
    The plenum is also welcome to contribute questions and thoughts to the discussion at any time.

    When: Wed, May 18 from 18:00-20:00
    Where: Diagonale 1, Lecture Hall 1
  • Lecture with panel discussion (hybrid event):
    #Diklusion: Chancengerechtigkeit durch einen digital-inklusiven Unterricht
    Digitality and diversity are among the key topics of current (higher) education didactic discourse. Identifying development potential and searching for solutions among experts is therefore of central importance for (higher) education development.

    The keynote speech will be given by Dr. LeaSchulz (Europa-Uni Flensburg)
    Participating in the discussion: Dr. CatrinSiedenbiedel (Uni Kassel)
    When: Wed, June 1 from 18:15-19:45
    Where: Moritzstr. 18 / Campus Center, lecture hall 2 and via Zoom
  • Digital workshop:
    Accessible digital teaching and learning media - tools and instructions for your own teaching
    The provision of digital teaching and learning media is a central component of blended learning and other digital educational formats. The accessible and inclusive design of media is not only important for students with health impairments. Using the example of text documents and presentations, the workshop shows how teachers can make their materials accessible themselves. Additional content and instructions for the workshop will be made available online.

    Leader: Dr. Björn Fisseler (Fern-Uni Hagen)
    When: Thu, June 23, 16:00-18:00
    Where: via Zoom
  • Reading and talk (SAVE THE DATE!):
    Language and Being
    Reading including follow-up discussion with bestselling author Kübra Gümüşay
    The topic of diversity is now firmly established in public discourse. Current non-fiction books in particular often address it from a racism-critical, feminist and/or postcolonial perspective. As literature is able to provide a different approach to highly relevant social issues, a reading from "Language and Being" will take place in the fall.
    Following the reading, a discussion on language and being in the context of teaching and learning processes is planned. The discussion will include impulses from a language and literature didactic perspective. The plenum is also welcome to contribute questions & thoughts to the discussion at any time.

    Reading: Kübra Gümüşay
    Participating in the follow-up discussion: Prof. Dr. Norbert Kruse (University of Kassel) and Maria Gallinat (University of Kassel)
    When:Thu, October 20 from 18:15-19:45

Download: Program overview 2022

Summer Semester 2021

  • "Diversity. Conceptual considerations and pedagogical challenges" by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tuider (University of Kassel). Digital lecture: Thu, May 6, 2021, 4-6 p.m. (c.t.)
  • "The role of social networks and social support in promoting student success" by Shweta Mishra (INCHER, Uni Kassel). Digital lecture in English: Thu, May 27, 2021, 4-6 p.m. (c.t.)
  • "Diversity perspectives in higher education - an interactive introduction for studying and teaching" by Prof. Dr. Frank Linde (TH Köln) & Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis (Uni Duisburg-Essen). Digital workshop: Wed, June 2, 2021, 4-6 pm (s.t.)

    In the workshop, teaching and learning were presented as dynamic and per se diverse concepts (due to the individuals, the materials and media as well as the teaching-learning goals). The focus was initially on reflecting on one's own attribution of diversity dimensions. Subsequently, the distinction between potential and relevant diversity aspects in teaching-learning contexts was discussed. The workshop culminated in a model-based development of theoretical starting points for diversity-oriented teaching and learning.
  • "Diversity perspectives in higher education - methods and tools for my teaching design" by Anna Carolin Müller (University of Kassel) Digital workshop: Wed, June 23, 2021, 4-6 p.m. (s.t.)

    In this workshop, various contents for the practical implementation of a gender- and diversity-sensitive design of one's own (university) teaching were developed. The focus was on diversity-critical reflection on one's own teaching experiences, the exchange of ideas and the joint further development of one's own didactic methods and tools in order to be able to respond competently and with little discrimination to different learning styles and needs of learners.

Download: Program overview 2021