Faculty Civil and Environmental Engineering

Study programs at FB 14


03/19/2025 | EventProfessor Carsten Sommer supports the Hannover Region on its path to climate neutrality

As part of an exploratory hearing at the so-called "Climate Wise Council", Professor Carsten Sommer was invited as an…

Professor Carsten Sommer supports the Hannover Region on its path to climate neutrality: read more
@Transportation Planning and Traffic Systems
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Master's degree program in Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure

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Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering
Master's program in Environmental Engineering
Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering
Master's degree in Civil Engineering

The profile of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

At the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, five Institutes with 20 subject areas cover the wide range of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Kassel. The education in the Bachelor's degree courses is practice-oriented and the specialization options in the Master's degree courses offer many professional development opportunities. Our research focuses on the areas of new materials, environment, traffic and mobility as well as modeling and simulation.

More about the Faculty's profile

Faculty 14 from A - Z

Specialty (A-Z)HeadInstitute
Construction and Maintenance of Traffic RoutesApl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad MollenhauerIfV
Construction ManagementProf. Dr. Peter Racky *IBW
Building InformaticsProf. Dr.-Ing. Jakob KirchnerIBW
Structural Mechanics / Structural DynamicsProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef KuhlIBSD
Structural AnalysisProf. Dr.-Ing. Jens Wackerfuß *IBSD
Building preservation and timber constructionProf. Dr.-Ing. Werner SeimIKI
GeotechnicsProf. Dr.-Ing. Oliver ReulIKI
HydrogeologyProf. Dr. Adrian MellageIWAU
Hydrology and matter balanceProf. Dr. Matthias Gaßmann *IWAU
Solid constructionProf. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Fehling *IKI
Cycling and local mobilityProf. Dr. rer. pol. Angela FranckeIfV
Resource Management and Waste TechnologyProf. Dr. techn. David LanerIWAU
Urban Water ManagementProf. Dr.-Ing. Tobias MorckIWAU
Steel constructionProf. Dr.-Ing. Mathias ClobesIKI
Traffic planning and traffic systemsProf. Dr.-Ing. Carsten SommerIfV
Traffic Engineering and Transport LogisticsProf. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hoyer *IfV
SurveyingDr.-Ing. Rainer FletlingIfV
Hydraulic Engineering and Water ManagementProf. Dr.-Ing. Stephan TheobaldIWAU
Construction materials and construction chemistryProf. Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard MiddendorfIKI


Central Experimental Laboratory (ZE-IKI)Dr.-Ing. Jenny ThiemickeIKI
Official Materials Testing Institute (AMPA)Dr.-Ing. Viola KochIKI
Testing Institute and Testing Center
for Environmental Technology and Hydraulic Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Klaus TräbingIWAU

* Managing Director of the respective institute

In study

Service & Contact


University of Kassel
Faculty 14
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Student Services

Mönchebergstr. 7
D-34125 Kassel (letter post)

Room: 2313

Service hours

Current opening hours in presence:

Mon. to Thurs.
09:00 - 12:00

Outside these times, please send us your request by e-mail.


To the pages >>>Student Services


University of Kassel

    Ba­che­­ lor and Master's degree programs according to examination regulations (PO)

    To the pages >>>Study programs

    University of Kassel
    Faculty 14
    Civil Engineering and
    Environmental Engineering
    Department for Practical Studies

    Mönchebergstr. 7
    D-34109 Kassel (letter post)

    Room 2312 / 2311

    Dipl.-Ing. Bettina Compart

    Department for Practical Studies / Decentralized Student Advisory Service

    +49 561 804-2643


    To the pages >>>Practical studies

    Especially at the beginning of your studies, it can happen that you feel overwhelmed by the new challenges. The field of mathematics is always a particular hurdle in this regard.

    For this particular task,  offers various propaedeutic courses in mathematics for students of civil and environmental engineering.

    To the pages >>>Propaedeutics - ProMath

    The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering evaluates its courses across the board every three semesters. The quality of the lectures, the didactic implementation and numerous other points are recorded. A large number of lecturers also evaluate their own courses on their own initiative each semester.

    In addition to the central evaluation of courses, the department carries out a number of other elements of evaluation as part of the BIWSTEQ project(CivilEngineering- ContinuousEvaluationand Quality Assurance Tool).

    Student Council

    University of Kassel
    Faculty 14
    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Student Council
    Mönchebergstr. 7
    Engineering Sciences III

    Room: 2214

    D-34125 Kassel
    D-34109 Kassel (mailing address)

    +49 561 804-2680 Phone


    University of Kassel
    Faculty 14
    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Dean's office
    Mönchebergstr. 7
    Engineering Sciences III

    Room: 2308 / 2309

    D-34125 Kassel
    D-34109 Kassel (mailing address)

    +49 561 804-2637 Phone
    +49 561 804-7501 Fax


    People & Contact


    Prof. Dr. Laner, David

    Vice Dean

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Middendorf

    Dean of Studies

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Sommer

    To the pages >>>Dean's Office

    Departmental advisor:
    Dr. Volker Jahr

    Study Coordination:
    Dipl.-Ing. Cécile Vonderscher

    Student Services:
    Anna-Lena Bickhard & Jasmin Romeis

    IT Coordinator:
    Andreas Röber

    Student Marketing and Quality Management, PlusMINT project team member:

    Robin Kreutz

    The Faculty Women's Representatives and their deputies are elected in the Faculties in the Women's General Assembly for a period of two years and appointed by the respective Dean. They carry out their activities during their term of office; there is no discharge.

    University of Kassel
    Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1
    Women's and Equality Officer

    Mönchebergstr. 7
    D-34109 Kassel (letter post)

    Room 2312

    Dipl. - Ing. Bettina Compart
    +49 561 804-2643
