IN­­CHER col­­lo­qui­um: Innovation, tranformation and the role of the state

INCHER Forschungskolloquium
Professor Dr. Jakob Edler (Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI, Karlsruhe, und Manchester Institute of Innovation Research [MIoIR], University of Manchester, UK)

In recent years, the role of the state regarding the key transformations of our economy and society has been discussed very intensively. This has led to a shift in research and innovation policy towards so-called "mission-orientation". This basically means that research and innovation policy instruments should be designed in such a way that knowledge and innovation contribute to achieving concrete economic and social goals ("missions") - a further development of the state's intervention logic in research and innovation policy. My talk will discuss this development and its particular challenges on a conceptual level, also addressing the possible consequences of a mission-orientation for research organisations and funding agencies.

INCHER-Colloquium in Summer Semester 2022 – Research Colloquium 16.30 – 18.00 (hybrid-event)

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