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Articoli in riviste specializzate e antologie

Bank, Charlotte: "Negotiating masculinity in the works of Iranian Diaspora artists", in Schirin Nowrousian, Michael Hofmann and Tobias Schickhhaus (eds.): Transcultural interactions through arts and social affairs. Iranian Diaspora in Europe and beyond, Würzburg: Königshausen and Neumann 2022, pp. 123 - 137

Bank, Charlotte: "Performing critique: Chaza Charafeddine's Divine Comedy as an inter-temporal dialogue on gender and sexual diversity", in Pedram Khosronejad (eds.): Beauty and the Beast: photography, the body and sexual discourse in the Middle East and Central Eurasia, Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia 5 & 6, Summer 2017 - Winter 2018/19, pp. 85 - 101 (published 2021)

Bank, Charlotte: "Feminism and Social Critique in Syrian Contemporary Art", in Ceren Özpınar and Mary Kelly (eds.): Under the Skin: Feminist Art from the Middle East and North AfricaToday, Oxford: Proceedings of the British Academy 2020, pp. 26 - 40 

Bank, Charlotte:"Film e video come spazio di espressione politica e critica sociale in Siria", Artl@s Bulletin 9:1, 2020

Bank, Charlotte: "Give Sorrow Images: Trauma and Loss in the Works of Displaced Artists from Syria", in Lucy Wrapson, Victoria Sutcliffe, Sally Woodcock and Spike Bucklow (eds.): Migrants: Art, Artists, Materials and Ideas Crossing Borders, London: Archetype Publications 2019, pp. 130 - 140

Bank, Charlotte: "Art Education in Twentieth Century Syria", in Nino Nanobashvili e Tobias Teutenberg (eds.): Drawing Education Worldwide! Continuities - Transfers - Mixtures, Heidelberg: University of Heidelberg Press 2019, pp. 305 - 319.

Bank, Charlotte: "Remaking a world: Recently displaced artists from Syria in Berlin", in: Johanna Rolshoven and Joachim Schlör (eds.): Artistic Positions and Representations of Mobility and Migration, Mobile Cultures Studies 4, 2018, pp. 171 - 182

Bank, Charlotte: "Tradurre l'impegno. Some Thoughts on Critical Artistic Production in the Arab World", in: Jelle Bouwhuis (eds.): Furthering, nurturing and futuring Global Art Histories?, Kunstlicht 39:1, 2018, pp. 35 - 42

Bank, Charlotte: "Painting as critique: Oil painting as a site for social and political negotiation in Syria",in: Silvia Naef and Elahe Helbig (eds.): Visual Modernity in the Arab World, Turkey and Iran: Reintroducing the 'Missing Modern', Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 70:4, 2016, pp. 1285 - 1306

Bank, Charlotte:"Chiamare le cose con il loro vero nome: la produzione artistica anonima e la rivolta siriana", Fusion Journal 9, Anonymous: The Void in Visual Culture, Autunno 2016

Bank, Charlotte: "L'arte della persuasione. I manifesti del collettivo di artisti siriani anonimi Alshaab alsori aref tarekh", in:Malu Halasa, Zaher Omareen e Nawara Mahfoud (eds.): Syria Speaks. Art and Culture from the Frontline, London: Saqi Books 2014, pp. 66-83.

Bank, Charlotte:"Veiled Visuality. Video Art in Syria", ISIM Review, autunno 2008.

Articolo dell'enciclopedia

Bank, Charlotte:"Marwan Kassab-Bachi", Enciclopedia Mathaf, Doha: Mathaf Arab Museum of Modern Art, 2021

Saggi in cataloghi di mostre

Bank, Charlotte: "Un/sichtbare Städte - die Bildwelten von Tammam Azzam", in Tammam Azzam Dämmerung und Morgenlicht, Sexten: Museum Rudolf Stolze Berlin: Galerie Kornfeld 2020 (senza numero di pagina).

Bank, Charlotte: "Metamorfosi perpetua. I dipinti di Marwan", Berlino : Galerie Haas 2018, pp. 13 - 14

Bank, Charlotte: "Vita precaria. La fotografia di Mohamed Badarne", in: Come Back Safely. Mohamad Badarne, Berlino: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V., 2016, pp. 85-87.

Bank, Charlotte: "Marwan. Topografie dell'anima", in :Marwan Qassab Bachi. Topografie dell'anima, Sharjah: Barjeel Art Foundation, 2014, pp. 1 - 3.

Bank, Charlotte e Leccas, Delphine: "Whose Contemporaneity?", in: Errors Allowed, Mediterranea 16 - Biennale Giovani Artisti Ancona 2013, Macerata: Quodlibet 2013, pp. 130 - 137.

Bank, Charlotte: "Segreti aperti. Arte contemporanea in Siria", in: After the Rage, Atene 2011 (senza numeri di pagina).

Bank, Charlotte: "Still Lives - Still Alive", in:Mohammad Said Baalbaki, Damasco: Rafia Gallery, 2010 (senza numero di pagina).