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Privacy Policy:

I assure you that I:

  • I will only use all materials in the video database in compliance with data protection regulations.
  • the videos will only be used for the training and further education of teachers at the University of Kassel. The video database is cited as the source.
  • I will not pass on the teaching videos to unauthorized persons and will not make them accessible to anyone outside the protected framework of a course, not even in excerpts.
  • I will only use my access data to access the video platform myself and will not pass it on to third parties.
  • I will only use the teaching videos in the video database via the streaming service made available to me.
  • not attempt to save, film, transmit (e.g. via video conference) or copy them in any other way, not even in excerpts.
  • I will keep all facts that become known to me through the videos to myself.
  • I will respect the anonymity of the persons to be observed on the videos.

I undertake to observe and comply with the relevant data protection regulations of the University of Kassel and the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act.

The teachers to be observed on the teaching videos deserve appreciation. The lesson videos should be used constructively. In the joint reflection on the teachers and pupils to be seen, disrespectful and derogatory remarks should be avoided or counteracted immediately.

Further information on the subject of data protection can be found on the following page: