Blended learning concepts in sport pedagogical teacher training for teaching quality in the subject sport

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The project is part of UKS_digi (University of Kassel digital: redesigning university teaching), which is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching from August 2021 to July 2024. The sports pedagogy sub-project from the field of action "The didactic interaction of face-to-face and digital teaching" focuses on the further development of reflective, video-supported case work. Various blended learning formats are offered and evaluated for this purpose.

Based on competence and quality concepts, the three quality dimensions of good (sports) teaching (e.g. Herrmann, Seiler & Niederkolfler, 2016) are addressed and reflected on using suitable video scenes. The project pursues three tasks in this context:

  • The rubric on physical education already set up in the video portal "Unterricht unter der Lupe" (see PRONET projects) will be systematically expanded on all three quality dimensions through annotated video scenes.
  • Using this infrastructure (reflective case work), sports education courses on teaching quality are designed, implemented and evaluated in blended learning formats. The use of different formats is based on the work of Würffel (2014), among others.
  • The evaluation of the project work relates on the one hand to the assessment and systematization of the video material. On the other hand, the effect of the digitized event formats on the participating students (evaluation of the teaching-learning formats as well as the development of professional knowledge and the ability to reflect; e.g. Baumert & Kunter, 2013; Krieg & Kreis, 2014) will be examined.

The project work should result in evaluated teaching materials and digitized event formats that can be used in future (sports pedagogy) sports teacher training.



  • Baumert, J., & Kunter, M. (2013). Keyword: Professional competence of teachers. In I. Gogolin, H. Kuper, H-H. Krüger & J. Baumert (Eds.), Keyword: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (pp. 277-338). VS.
  • Hermann, C., Seiler, S. & Niederkofler, B. (2016). What is good physical education? Dimensions of teaching quality. Physical education 65(3), 77-82.
  • Krieg, M., & Kreis, A. (2014). Reflection in mentoring conversations - a myth? Journal of Higher Education Development, 9(1), 103-117.
  • Würffel, N. (2014). Towards a theory of blended learning. Critical assessment of models - In K. Rummler [Ed.], Lernräume gestalten - Bildungskontexte vielfältig denken (pp. 150-162). Waxmann.


Project management: Prof. Dr. Volker Scheid, Dr. Andreas Albert

Employee: Tobias Hillebrand

Duration: 08/2021 to 07/2024