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Completed projects
- Reflection in teacher training as part of a teaching-learning laboratory
- "ballstars II": Ball sports groups at primary school age - further conceptual development
- Promotion of reflective competence in the context of practical school studies II (PRONET, subproject 2)
- Sports Clubs, Professional Associations and Schools in Cooperation - Structural Features and Quality Development in the Hessian State Program "Talent Search - Talent Promotion
- Gender and coeducation in physical education and school sports (PRONET, subproject 31)
- Diversity in the pedagogical-didactic training of physical education teachers - Development and use of a teaching concept for inclusion in the first phase of teacher training.
- "ballstars I": Ball sports groups at primary school age Conception and scientific monitoring of a ball sports center
- "stark bewegt" - Evaluation of an experiential education program for elementary school teachers
- Analysis and effectiveness of reflection talks in the context of school practical studies.
- Development of inclusive physical education against the backdrop of current educational standards and specific competence teaching
- Online-based lesson evaluation in the context of school practical studies subject sport
- Sports and leisure time behavior of children of primary school age (Bock auf Bewegung)
- Development of motor skills and social competences in early childhood. An intercultural comparison of Chinese and German children at kindergarten.
- Quality development at the partner schools of competitive sports in the Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Promotion
- Promoting development through movement "Sport in Kassel daycare centers
- HeLPS-3: Educating physical education in the movement fields of play
- Cooperation kindergarten - sports club: "More movement in the kindergarten".
- HeLPS-2: Integrative sport game teaching - good practice methods of educative sport teaching in different movement fields.
- Junior competitive sports in the D squad
- Search, selection and promotion of talents in the Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Promotion