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Reflection in teacher education within the framework of a teaching-learning laboratory in sports education

After the approach for the promotion and evaluation of the reflective ability among sports students in the context of the school practical studies has proven itself (subproject P02, PRONET 2015-2018), the application field of reflective practical studies will be expanded in the follow-up study PRONET2 from 2019 to 2023 and institutionalized through the establishment of a teaching-learning laboratory sports pedagogy.

In terms of content, the reflexive, video-based case work will be continued with the use of the video portal "Unterricht unter der Lupe" (lessons under the magnifying glass) and supplemented by further sports pedagogy and sports didactics application and topic areas (such as heterogeneity and differentiation, moving lessons). The focus in PRONET2 is no longer primarily on promoting the ability to reflect. Through the reflexive examination of one's own and other people's teaching scenarios, the development of subject-specific action competence is also to be taken into account.

Teaching-learning labs - which have been established and developed at the University of Kassel initially as study and learning workshops for more than 30 years - enable competence development on the basis of a reflexive, theory-guided practice. From the perspective of higher education didactics, they thus represent significant places of action-oriented, reflexive learning (Schude, Bosse & Klusmeyer, 2017). Basically, teaching-learning formats can be distinguished between discovery learning (initiating and developing pedagogical action competencies based on experience) and research learning (conducting pedagogical research projects and gaining insights) (Wedekind & Schmude, 2017).

Based on this, a second focus of subproject P02 - in addition to the differentiation of content - is the conception and establishment of a teaching-learning laboratory for sports pedagogy, in the context of which topics relevant to teaching are pedagogically prepared, didactically tested, and individually reflected upon (portfolio) at university and school learning sites. The theoretical points of reference are the areas of pedagogical knowledge in relation to university teacher education (e.g. Baumert & Kunter, 2006) and the quality dimensions of good (sports) teaching in relation to school teaching (e.g. Herrmann, Seiler & Niederkofler, 2016).

PRONET2 is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" of the federal and state governments.


  • Baumert, J. & Kunter, M. (2006). Keyword: Professional competence of teachers. Journal of Educational Science, 9 (4), 469-520.
  • Herrmann, C., Seiler, S. & Niederkofler, B. (2016). "What is good physical education?" Dimensions of teaching quality. Physical Education, 65 (3), 77-82.
  • Schude, S., Bosse, D. & Klusmeyer, J. (Eds.). (2016). Study workshops in teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Wedekind, H. & Schmude, C. (2017). Workshops at universities - places of discovery and/or inquiry learning. In M. Kekeritz, U. Graf, A. Brenne, M. Fiegert, E. Gläser & I. Kunze (Eds.), Learning Workshop Work as a Principle. Possibilities for teaching and research (pp. 185-200). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Project management: Prof. Dr. Volker Scheid, Dr. Andreas Albert.

Collaborators: Tobias Hillebrand

Duration: 01/2019 to 12/2023