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Search, selection and promotion of talents in the Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Promotion
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Volker Scheid, Andreas Albert, Dr. Helga Adolph, (student assistants: Martin Busch, Ina Merkel)
Duration: 1.2006 - 6.2010
Based on the central results of the research project "Evaluation of the State Cooperation Program: Talent Search, Talent Promotion, in Hesse", this follow-up project deals with the questions of entry into the talent development groups (TAG), the change from talent development to talent promotion groups (TFG), and the motor development of the supported elementary school children in the talent development groups.
The aim of the research project is to find out which measures, strategies and selection criteria are used in the search for and selection of talent. With a view to the selection of talent, the transition to the talent development group, on the other hand, measures and criteria for a successful, sport-related continuation in the development system are to be investigated.
The second focus of the study is the performance level and performance development of the TAG children. Since the effectiveness of TAG training is repeatedly questioned in the current discussion and has hardly been systematically investigated so far, the performance development of TAG children will be examined longitudinally in an experimental control group design.