Vertiefungsseminar Planungsinstrumente

Planning tools for cooperation and care

Glossary of planning instruments for a socio-ecological housing turn

Deep Research Seminar /Vertiefungsseminar

Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl; WM M.Sc. Iva Marčetić

Seminar, English / German

Thursday, 10-13:30 weekly 


The seminar “Urban planning tools for cooperation and care” will focus on developing a glossary of transformative practices of urban regulation and land policy. We will examine existing and historical examples of tools used in urban planning and land policies that aim to thwart speculation and develop available,affordable and inclusive spaces of reproduction in the City. 


Affordability and density; Baumrecht/Baurecht; Protection of existing on site common practices and vegetation; Reuse/Renewal; Land value and urban planning Requirements for the seminar are to examine and research thematic urban planning tools, work collectively in developing a joint glossary and actively participate in discussion including one thematic presentation. Hand in document is a joint glossary.

Readings by  Eve Blau, Gabu Heindl, Andrej Holm, Raquel Rolnik etc.


Numbers: C-2.1-40; C-2.1-52; D-2.1-40,  C-2.0-40, C-1.0-40