Summer semester 2016

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The Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences honored its graduates on July 15, 2016. 74 students graduated in the summer semester 2016.Award winners:were:

-     Best graduation Bachelor Ecological Agriculture: Ulla Rosskopf
-     Best graduation Master Ecological Agriculture: Elsa Ortlieb
-     Best non-European Bachelor thesis: Sebastian Kußmann
-     Award of the association "Sustainable Landuse + Food Culture": Kamal Hossain


    Last name, first nameThesis1. Supervisor2. Supervisor
    Bartel, ChristineThe language of our farm animals - An extracurricular educational event for 5th/6th grade students at the school farm HutzelbergKnierimHethke, Marina
    Böning, AndreasAgronomic and morphological characteristics of 12 winter wheat composite cross  populations (F13) under conventional and organic growing conditionsWeeden, OdetteBackes
    Borgböhmer, MichaelInvestigation of the status of designated orchards in the vicinity of Witzenhausen and perspectives for their future developmentHofmannGraß
    Büttner, Clara MariaEffects of different space concepts in loose housing on agonistic behavior and integument injuries in horned dairy cowsKnierimKrutzinna
    Dorkewitz, KatrinSurvey of the status quo of health and hygiene management on farms with ruminants of endangered breeds in Germany, with regard to a possible protection status for the disease caseDoehring, C.King
    Dunkl, IstvanSoil carbon modeling  with the SoilR package in RLudwigUteau-Puschmann
    Elsner, MarenThe agronomic  and morphological characteristics of 4 winter wheat broadseeded populations in the 2014/15 crop year. Weedon, OdetteBackes
    Ender, MarcusWorm compost in the school garden! - A lesson plan for the 3rd grade of the Kesper elementary school in Witzenhausen, GermanyHethkeHerzig
    Frank, TinaThe acquisition of farms for the conversion to organic farmingMühlrathHerzig
    Gleitz, Janne-MarikeStudies on fencing systems of different manufacturers- cost calculation and technical analysisRichterUhlig
    Hermann, JuliaHygienic hypothesis, farm effect and possible relevance for organic agricultureKuscheBehrendt
    Hüsing, StefanHuman feces from alternative sanitation systems, a raw material for agriculture?LudwigJörgensen
    Jorberg, Stefan MichaelDevelopment of a mechanism to provoke a hissing behavior in colonies of the western honey bee Apis MelliferaJudgeKrutzinna
    Junker, SimoneFuel self-sufficiency in organic agriculture with biogenic fuelsSiegmeierGrass
    Karg, BenediktDirect marketing as an opportunity for small organic farms with regard to the use of marketing conceptsZanderSiegmeier
    Kawerau, Lauranot publicBackesKrikser
    Kersting, FraukeExperiences of organic layer farms with the rearing and marketing of male laying hybridsHammKnierim
    Köthe, JanaThe international transport system using the example of the import of three horse breeds to GermanyKingBrügemann
    Kümmerer, Christophnot publicPloegerHofmann
    Kulow, Lauranot publicBrunsMöller
    Kuschel, Sarah SimoneSocial standards in the guidelines of German organic associations - development, formulation and implementation - (group work)HerzigMühlrath
    Kußmann, SebastianSeed systems of rural Punjab in Pakistan: actors, patterns of innovation processes and their relation to changes in the contextual legal frameworkBackesChristinck (DITSL)
    Lauks, Vanessa Repeatability of selected measures of the human-animal relationship over time in dairy cowsIvemeyerKnierim
    Luick, JorisAgrarian history in the Hegau- agrarian structural transformation processes and perspectives in farming villages using the example of the municipality of HilzingenTroßbachMühlrath
    Rahimi, Thomas Cyrus RezaSecurity in networked systems of agriculture using the example of dairy farmingJudgeKrikser
    Röhl, SusannePerennials for endangered specialized  wild bees of the state of BrandenburgHofmannGrass
    Rose, Markusnot publicBrunsHeß
    Rosskopf, UllaInfluence of tillage and compost application on stability, air conductivity and coarse pore volume of a Hessian loess soilPethUteau-Puschmann
    Schmeling, JannikDetermining the Contribution of Biotic Factors of Composts in Disease SuppressionFinckhBacanovic
    Schmidt, ClaudiaPathways of pesticides into the environmentLudwigJörgensen
    Schröter, StefanieRhön sheep breeding in the Rhön biosphere reserve, reasons for the conservation of the Rhön sheep and importance for sheep breeders and the biosphere reserveKingBrügemann
    Sellugga, SimonPossibilities and limits of an on-farm young plant breeding - A business comparison - Own production versus purchaseMöllervon Fragstein
    Sobeck, MarcelCriteria and approaches for the organic production and rearing of fattening rabbits, in combination with mobile free-range systemsKnierimBean
    Stawinoga, Agata Gabrielanot publicFritzWeedon
    Taschenmacher, JudithThe social dimension in organic agriculture - an explorative study on social aspects in the guidelines of the farming associations and the EC organic regulationStoehr, JohannaSiegmeier
    van Uelft, LeonardRegulation of perennial root weeds in no-till organic farming systemsFinckhSchulz, Hannes
    Varelmann, KatharinaSocial standards in the guidelines of German organic associations - development, foruming and implementation - (group work)HerzigMühlrath
    Weber, ArianAnalysis of hive weight data in the project 'Development of a health monitoring system for bee colonies'.RichterKrutzinna
    Last name, first nameThesis1. supervisor2nd supervisor
    Becher, ThorbenSite-specific population development by natural sectioning using lentil as an exampleBackesHorneburg
    Braun, AnnemarieThe farm as school - case studies and perspectives of schools on organic farmsvan ElsenTroßbach
    Diem, SarahSustainability assessment of land use strategies in the development zone of the biosphere reserve Rhön, Bavarian part HahneHannes King
    Heirs, GabrielPerspectives on the design of jobs and income  in solidarity agriculturevan ElsenMöller
    Göbel, Maria ElisabethEffect of living plant roots, burial depth and homogeneity of incorporation on the decomposition of poplar root residuesWachendorf, ChristineLudwig
    Happel, ClarissaNature and extent of implementation and adjustment costs of investment subsidies in enterprises processing and marketing agricultural products MöllerSiegmeier
    Hesse, JulianeAnalysis of seed multiplication and cooperation in solidarity agriculture BackesKrikser
    Hezel, DennisEstimation of biomass of willow foliage on grassland vegetation using field spectroscopyWachendorf, Prof.Möckel
    Lindner, KathrinS1-family selection in maize population breeding: analysis of the method using germination and field experimentsBackesHorneburg
    Maass, HenrikAlternatives of clover-grass utilization in livestock-poor and livestock-less farmsMöllerBruns
    Mallast, SteffenPolitical currents within the reform movement using the example of the fruit-growing settlement Eden near Berlin in the years 1893 - 1945 with special consideration of the völkisch ideologyTroßbachMöller
    Marzinzig, BirgitPollination potential of bee pollinators and their effect on the degree of cross-fertilisation in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) BackesWestphal
    Müller, StephanieCurrent consumer attitudes towards pork in Saxony using the example of the state capital DresdenHammSiegmeier
    Ortlieb, ElsaEffects of pasture access on dairy cow welfare - a reviewKnierimIvemeyer
    Pfeiffer, TabeaMorphological characteristics of spring barley for weed suppressionBackesMüller
    Possit, KatharinaMarketing strategies for the valorization of conservation measures in organic direct marketing ZanderMöller
    Last name, first nameThesis1. supervisor2nd supervisor
    Boutopoulou, ArgyroFood Companies'  Engagement in Decent Work HerzigKühn, A.
    Großewinkelmann, Evanot publicPloegerHamm
    Herzig, Johannanot publicFreytag-LeyerJoh. Janssen
    Hossain , Md KamalDevelopment of a natural beverage (non-alcoholic) based on Moringa oleifera leaves extract (from Bangladesh) and comparison of cross-culltural and cross-national consumer acceptance of product between Bangladesh and Germany"PloegerQuadt
    Licheva, DimanaSingle-echelon inventory optimization of a B2C e-commerce web store. Case study of Zelen Bio, BulgariaHerzigD. Siegmeier
    Nandwa, Caroline Kendinot publicHerzigFreytag-Leyer
    Cobbler, NadjaPotentials of sustainable regional food systems to foster sustainable development in GermanyPloegerHerzig
    Tjoa, ReginaPotentials of sustainable regional food systems to foster sustainable development in GermanyPloegerHerzig
    Wijaya, DessyActor-networks and implementation: A case study of ASC Scheme Implementation by a Certification Body in IndonesiaHerzigBirringer
    Last name, first nameThesis1. supervisor2nd supervisor
    Achille, AndrewDetermination of Credit Risk through Weather Events and Behavioural Economics in Agricultural MicrofinanceMußhoffRomans
    Ahmadi, KatayounEffect of surfactant on physical and biological properties of rhizosphere under drought stress in lupine Andrea CarminatiDittert
    Brown, Michael MensahPhenotypic characterisation, performances and husbandry conditions of local poultry in urban and peri-urban households in TamaleRegina RoesslerBad
    Ellison, James PorterSpatial modelling of soil and water conservation activities for a catchment in the central Ethiopian HighlandsLea BrinkmannProf. Bürkert
    Najmudinrohman, CahyaDeterminants of Rice Consumption in IndonesiaMatin QaimStefan Black
    Steinhübel, LindaThe impact of index funds on grain futures markets revisited BruemmerPrehn
    Weckesser, FabianStatus quo of vegetable soybean worldwide - <br/>quality characteristics and growing potential of "Vegetable soybean" in GermanyHorneburgPawelzik