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Geotechnical Engineering 1, 2 for Environmental Engineers - from summer semester 2025: two semesters

Type of module:
Compulsory module (summer semester: Geotechnics 1; winter semester: Geotechnics 2 )
This course is taught exclusively in German.

Course content:
Geotechnics 1 (summer semester):
Introduction to geotechnical fields of work; geological principles; soil physics; water in the soil; protection of structures against groundwater and soil moisture; stresses in the soil; deformation properties of soils; settlement calculations; exploration of the subsoil.

Geotechnics 2 (winter semester):
Shear strength; safety concept and standardization in geotechnics; earth pressure; slope and terrain failure; earthworks; rock mechanics.

Student workload:
Attendance time: 4 SWS (56 hours)
Tutorial: 28 hours
Independent study: 92 hours

Number of credits for the module:

(Partial) examination
see module handbook

Geotechnics 1 - summer semester:

Venue / time (summer semester 2025)
Wednesday: Lecture hall 0117, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Start of lecture / end of lecture (summer semester 2025)
Start: Wednesday, 23.04.2025
End: Wednesday, 23.07.2025

Geotechnics 2 - winter semester:

Venue / Time (winter semester 2025/2026)
Not yet known

Start / end of lecture (winter semester 2025/2026)
Start: Not yet known
End: Not yet known


Lecture notes and further information can be found at
The course password (if available) will be given to you before the start of the lecture.

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