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Soil mechanics laboratory practical course

Type of module:
Elective module - consisting of Soil Mechanics Supplements and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Practicum.

Course content:
Independent performance of geotechnical field and laboratory tests: standard laboratory tests, determination of stiffness parameters of soils (compression tests), determination of strength parameters of soils (triaxial and frame shear tests), determination of permeability coefficient; plate load test, handling of evaluation programs.

Student workload:
Laboratory practical:  70 hours
Self-study:    20 hours

Number of credits for the sub-module (Bo­den­me­cha­ nicallaboratory practical):

(Partial) examination­fung
see module manual

Seminar room 0404b, Mönchebergstraße 7


Lecture notes and further information can be found at
The course password (if available) will be given to you before the start of the lecture.

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