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Soil mechanics supplements
Type of module:
Compulsory elective module - consisting of soil mechanics supplements and soil mechanics laboratory practical course.
This course is taught exclusively in German.
Course content:
Soil mechanics supplements: Time-dependent material and deformation behaviour of soils (consolidation of soils and soil creep); material laws for soils (deformation behaviour from linear-elastic to hypoplastic, shear strength, planning and interpretation of element tests); numerics in geotechnics (basics, selection of calculation sections and discretization of the model, simulation of construction stages and non-linear calculations); subsoil dynamics; model tests in geotechnics.
Student workload:
Attendance time: 28 hours
Self-study: 62 hours
Number of credits for the sub-module (soil mechanics supplements):
(Partial) examination
see module handbook
Venue / time (summer semester 2025)
Seminar room 0404b, Mönchebergstraße 7
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Start of lecture / end of lecture (summer semester 2025)
Start: Tuesday, 22.04.2025
End: Tuesday, 22.07.2025