Discrete Event Systems and Control / Ereignisdiskrete Systeme und Steuerungstheorie (DESC / ESS)
The course aims at providing fundamental insight into mathematical modeling of and control design for processes with sequential behavior, including:
- to learn about common modeling concepts for discrete event systems,
- to get knowledge on systematic design of sequential and supervisory controllers,
- to obtain the ability to analyze properties of controlled discrete event systems,
- and to aquire competence in applying the learned principles to examples from different application domains.
- Introduction into discrete event behavior
- Modeling with finite state automata
- Control synthesis based on finite state automata
- Modeling, Analysis and control design based on Petri nets
- Hierarchical system design with statecharts
- Stochastic discrete event models
- Timed discrete event models
- Simulation of discrete event systems
- Analysis by model checking
- Optimal control of discrete event systems
- Languages for programmable logic controllers
- Lecture slides
- C.G. Cassandras, S. Lafortune: Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, 2008.
- J. Lunze: Ereignisdiskrete Systeme, 2006.
- J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 2000.
Recommended Prerequisites
Basic principles of control of dynamic systems (as taught in the course "Fundamentals of Control (GRT)") and basic knowledge of linear algebra.
3.5 L + 1.5 T, 6 Credit Points
(L: lecture hours per week, T: tutorial hours per week)
The course is offered in the summer semester; the examination in the winter and summer semester (in English language only).
Note that the submission of a homework solution is mandatory for admittance to the exam.
Course Number
FB16 - 4001
Assignment to Course Programs
BSc Electrical Engineering
MSc Mechatronics
BSc Computer Science
as elective course in additional programs