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Monographs/ Publications

  1. Bringing to language. Biblical texts and sexualized violence in pastoral care and schools, Ostfildern 2024 (together with Andreas Heek, Aurica Jax, Ilse Müllner).
  2. Diversity and the question of justice. Pastoral theology course, published by Theologie im Fernkurs, Würzburg 2022 (together with Mirja Kutzer).
  3. Sacred texts. Understanding between Theology and Cultural Studies, Stuttgart 2022 (together with Mirja Kutzer and Ilse Müllner).
  4. Conversations in religious education. Insights - Insights - Potentials, Stuttgart 2022 (together with Daniel Bertram and Dominic Fröhle).
  5. "When the center dissolves..." - Large and small narratives in society and religious education. Journal for religious education. Theo-web. Academic Journal of Religious Education 20th volume 2021/2, 5-195 (together with Kaupp, Angela; Käbisch, David; Meyer, Karlo, Miot, Julian; Schwarz, Susanne Schwarz (eds.)), at
  6. Migration, Flight and Expulsion as an Opportunity and Challenge for Religious Education, Munich 2018 (together with Daniel Bertram and Marcel Franzmann).
  7. Inside views of the traineeship. How do prospective religious education teachers at elementary school experience their traineeship? An empirical study on the development of (religious) pedagogical competence, Münster 2006 (together with Rudolf Englert, Burkard Porzelt and Elisa Stams).
  8. "I don't know where religion begins and ends". An empirical study on the connection between lifeworld and religiosity among single women, Gütersloh 2006.
  9. Violence against women. Power and gender as instruments of a feminist-theological analysis. Studies in Moral Theology (Department Supplements, Vol. 1), Münster 1997.

Contributions to anthologies and journals

  1. "Perhaps you know a country where there will certainly never be war in my lifetime?", in: Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum, 32(1) (2024), pp. 10-31 (together with Helena Fernys-Adamietz).
  2. Bringing up the subject... The contribution of religious education to removing the taboo on sexualized violence as an important preventative measure, in: Andreas Heek, Aurica Jax, Ilse Müllner, Annegret Reese-Schnitker, Zur Sprache bringen. Biblical Texts and Sexualized Violence in Pastoral Care and Schools, Ostfildern 2024, (in print).
  3. On the neglect of religious education teacher training at lower secondary level. Empirical insights, specific requirements, didactic tasks, in: ÖRF 31 (2023) 2, pp. 200-219.
  4. Curricular coherence as a quality feature of teacher education, in: SEMINAR 2/2023 "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung - Zeit für eine Bilanz" (together with Daniel Bertram), pp. 54-64.
  5. Religious education teacher training. School type-specific requirements and modeling. Religionslehrer:innenbildung Sekundarstufe I, in: Martin Hailer / Andreas Kubik-Boltres / Matthias Otte / Mirjam Schambeck / Bernd Schröder / Helmut Schwier (eds.), Religionslehrer:in im 21. Jahrhundert - Transformationsprozesse in Beruf und theologisch-religionspädagogischer Bildung in Studium, Referendariat und Fortbildung 2023, pp. 195-204.
  6. Listening to and understanding each other, responding to each other and talking to each other. Tracing the success factors of conversations in religious education, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 148, Heft 4 (2023), p. 305-309.
  7. Change of perspective - empathy - language sensitivity. Empathic and language-sensitive speaking as a central competence of interreligious teaching and learning, in: Massud Abdel-Hafiez / Hild, Christian (eds.), Religion and Communication in Education and Society (RKBG), 2022, 2nd year, vol. 2, (23 pages, in print) (together with Christian Espelage, Katharina Gaida, Rebecca Niehoff & Annegret Reese-Schnitker)
  8. Listening to and understanding each other, responding to each other and talking to each other. Tracing the success factors of conversations in religious education, in: Katechetische Blätter (submitted 3/2022, 5 pages)
  9. Becoming able to speak in religion lessons. The thematization of biblical texts on sexualized violence as a preventive measure, in: Bibel und Kirche, Themenheft: Sexualisierte Gewalt in und mit der Bibel, 1/2023 (8 pages, in print)
  10. Classroom discussions in the religious education debate. Conversations in religious education, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Insights - Insights - Potentials (Religionspädagogik innovativ Vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 17-41.
  11. The methodological approach in the lesson study, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Insights - Insights - Potentials (Religionspädagogik innovativ vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 191-215.
  12. What characterizes classroom discussions? Features and characteristics - evaluation and interpretation of frequencies and correlations, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Bd. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 229-238 (together with Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic and Franzmann, Marcel).
  13. Types of classroom conversations and their characteristics Evaluation and interpretation of the high-inferential rating, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 287-306 (together with Bertram, Daniel and Fröhle, Dominic).
  14. What characterizes the different learning groups and their teachers? Presentation in case profiles, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Bd. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 307-336 (together with Bertram, Daniel and Fröhle, Dominic).
  15. Structures and patterns of classroom discussions Results of statistical evaluations, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Bd. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 337-368 (together with Wagener, Hermann-Josef and Fröhle, Dominic).
  16. "I didn't understand that!". Dealing with misunderstandings in a real classroom discussion after a pictorial presentation by female students on the ontological proof of God in a 9th grade class, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 369-392 (together with Hanser, Marion and Bertram, Daniel).
  17. "But we should go even further!". A real classroom discussion in a 6th grade secondary school class on the question of why there are no more stories about God today, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 393-408 (together with Michel-Heldt, Theresa and Bertram, Daniel).
  18. "What is the problem? Why don't suffering and God go together for you?". Do not simplify the theodicy question! Detailed analysis of a strongly guided classroom discussion in a 9th grade class, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Vol. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 409-423 (together with Michel-Heldt, Theresa and Bertram, Daniel).
  19. The potential of classroom discussions. Central findings of the Kassel study, in: Reese-Schnitker, Annegret; Bertram, Daniel; Fröhle, Dominic (eds.): Gespräche im Religionsunterricht. Einblicke - Einsichten - Potenziale (Religionspädagogik innovativ Bd. 45), Stuttgart 2022, pp. 503-527 (together with Bertram, Daniel and Fröhle, Dominic).
  20. Love and sexuality, in: Martin Rothgangel / Henrik Simojoki / Ulrich H.J. Körtner (eds.): Ethische Kernthemen (Theologie für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, vol. 2), Göttingen (2021), pp. 285-297.
  21. Classroom discussions in religious education. Forms and conditions for success, in: Stefan Altmeyer / Bernhard Grümme, et al. (eds.): Sprachsensibler Religionsunterricht (Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik vol. 37), Göttingen 2021, pp. 189-200.
  22. Language, in: Ulrich Kropač/ Ulrich Riegel (eds.): Handbuch der Religionsdidaktik, Stuttgart 2020, pp. 406-413.
  23. Learning through encounters in the context of flight and migration. Possibilities and limits of religious education work, in: Christian Espelage/ Hamideh Mohagheghi/ Michael Schober (eds.): Interreligiöse Öffnung durch Begegnung. Grundlagen - Erfahrungen - Perspektiven im Kontext des christlich-islamischen Dialogs (Hildesheimer Universitätsschriften Bd. 43), Hildesheim 2021, pp. 155-174.
  24. Single - An ecclesial non-status of provisionality? Empirical foundations and religious education questions, in: Dominique-Marcel Kosack/ Anna Reinhardt/ Dominik Abel (eds.): Lebensabschnittspartner? Identity, faith biographies and church life forms in transition (Erfurter Theologische Schriften vol. 54), Würzburg 2022, pp. 127-151.
  25. Referendarinnen und Referendare in ihrer Ausbildung zwischen Anleitung und Autonomie, in: Julia Peitz/ Marius Harring (eds.): Das Referendariat. A systematic look at the practical school preparation service, Münster 2020, pp. 139-152.
  26. Mind the gap. Gender and theology didactics. Insights from university teaching, in: Heimbach-Steins, Marianne, Könemann, Judith, Suchhart-Kroll, Verena (eds.), Gender (Studies) in Theology. Begründungen und Perspektiven, ("Münsteraner Beiträge zur Theologie"), Münster 2021, pp. 155-166 (together with Nele Spiering-Schomborg).
  27. Religion and religiosity among single women. The findings of an empirical interview study, in: Michael Klöcker/ Udo Tworuschka (eds.): Handbuch der Religionen Vol. 59, Munich 2019, pp. 1-25.
  28. Becoming capable of speaking. Thematizing sexualized violence in religious education, in: Katechetische Blätter 4 (2019), pp. 311-317 (together with Ilse Müllner and Nele Spiering-Schomborg).
  29. Is talking really just silver? Insights into videographed conversations in religious education, in: Pädagogische Stiftung Cassianeum (ed.): Dokumentation des 13. Arbeitsforum für Religionspädagogik, Munich 2018, pp. 125-140 (together with Dominic Fröhle).
  30. Interactive learning processes in the context of biblical learning. Eine sequenzielle Gesprächsfeinanalyse, in: Mirjam Schambeck/ Ulrich Riegel (eds.): Was im Religionsunterricht läuft. Wege und Ergebnisse religionspädagogischer Unterrichtsforschung, Freiburg 2018, pp. 233-251.
  31. Academic and didactic perspectives on the representation of sexualized violence in the Bible and religious education, in: Monique Meier/ Kathrin Ziepprecht/ Jürgen Mayer (eds.): Lehrerausbildung in vernetzten Lernumgebungen, Münster 2018, pp. 163-178 (together with Ilse Müllner and Nele Spiering-Schomborg).is
  32. "Migration and flight" as themes in contemporary art. Explorations at Documenta 14, in: Annegret Reese-Schnitker/ Daniel Bertram/ Marcel Franzmann (eds.): Migration, Flight and Expulsion as an Opportunity and Challenge for Religious Education, Munich 2018, pp. 99-122 (together with Viera Pirker).
  33. Why "migration and flight" as a topic in religious education? Necessary skills for (prospective) religious education teachers, in: Annegret Reese-Schnitker/ Daniel Bertram/ Marcel Franzmann (eds.): Migration, flight and displacement as an opportunity and challenge for religious education, Munich 2018, pp. 139-156.
  34. Performance measurement in religious education. A challenging balancing task for religious education teachers, in: Kontaktheft- Informationen zum Religionsunterricht im Bistum Augsburg, Issue 13 (2018), pp. 8-13.
  35. Overcoming silence. Teaching and learning in the wake of biblical representations of sexualized violence, in: Meier, M., Ziepprecht, K., Mayer, J. (eds.), Lehrerausbildung in vernetzten Lernumgebungen. Waxmann, Münster, pp. 163-178.
  36. "Rendezvous with reality"? Two reviews of the annual conference of the AKRK 2016, in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge, Heft 77 (2017), pp. 45-50 (together with Hans Mendl).
  37. Successful classroom discussions: Getting into conversation with one another, in: Volker Garske/ Thomas Nauerth/ Anja Niermann (eds.): Vom Können erzählen: Ein Lesebuch zum Frieden (Festschrift for Egon Spiegel), Münster 2017, pp. 163-165.
  38. How are biblical texts 'played' in religious education lessons? Insights into an empirical teaching research study, in: Paul-Gerhard Klumbies/ Ilse Müllner: Bibel und Kultur. The Book of Books in Literature, Music and Film, Leipzig 2016, pp. 221-250.
  39. Biography as a fundamental category of religious education research. A research and literature report, in: Österreichisches Religions-pädagogisches Forum Jg. 23 (2015), pp. 93-99.
  40. Biography, in: Burkard Porzelt/ Alexander Schimmel (eds.): Strukturbegriffe der Religionspädagogik, Bad Heilbrunn 2015, pp. 27-32.
  41. Praying: (K)ein Problem im Religionsunterricht?, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 140, Heft 3 (2015), p. 204-211 (together with Marion Hanser, Jesus Sola Requena).
  42. The theme of happiness in advice literature. A religious education analysis with a view to diverging intentions, in: Rudolf Englert/ Helga Kohler-Spiegel/ Elisabeth Naurath/ Bernd Schröder/ Friedrich Schweizer (eds.): Glück und Lebenskunst (Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik), Neukirchen-Vluyn 2013, pp.173-181.
  43. Productive interruptions in classroom discussions. Typical patterns, stumbling blocks and learning opportunities in classroom discussions - illustrated by a case study, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 138, Heft 2 (2013), p.130-137.
  44. The Relevance of Religion and Religiosity in the Biographies of Single Women Estranged from the Church and Young Girls and Women Associating with the Church: Methodological Considerations on Empirical Biographical Research, in: Journal of Empirical Theology 25 (2012), pp.153-188 (together with Angela Kaupp).
  45. Single - a way of life in transition? A sociographic analysis, in: Praxis Gemeindepädagogik, Vol. 65, Issue 2 (2012),
  46. Variants of correlative didactics in religious education. Eine Essener Unterrichtsstudie, in: Horst Bayrhuber/ Ute Harms/ Bernhard Muszynski/ Bernd Ralle/ Martin Rothgangel/ Lutz-Helmut Schön/ Helmut J. Vollmer/ Hans-Georg Weigand (eds.): Empirische Fundierung in den Fachdidaktiken (Fachdidaktische Forschungen Bd. 1), Münster/New York/München/Berlin 2011, pp. 59-73 (together with Rudolf Englert).
  47. Diverse aesthetic approaches to the multi-layered biblical reality. A critical analysis of didactic picture-text compositions on the Bible in current religion books at secondary level I, in: Religionsunterricht an höheren Schulen Jg. 53, Heft 5 (2010), pp.280-288.
  48. Learning with contemporary art, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 135, Heft 5 (2010), p.365-370 (together with Alexander Schimmel).
  49. Quality of religious education. An overview of religious education research, in: Religionsunterricht an höheren Schulen Jg. 53, Heft 3/4 (2010), S.140-148 (together with Katrin Bederna).
  50. Religion and religiosity among single women. A gender-sensitive view from a religious education perspective, in: Wolfgang Mazal (ed.): Familie und Religion. Aktuelle Beiträge aus der interdisziplinären Familienforschung (Schriftenreihe des Österreichischen Instituts für Familienforschung Vol. 22), Opladen 2010, pp.135-172.
  51. On the (religious) life culture of female singles. What can pastoral care learn from them?, in: Lebendige Seelsorge Jg. 61, Heft 3 (2010), p.162-168.
  52. On the religious relationship between single women who are distant from the church and men who are distant from the church. Annegret Reese-Schnitker's reply to Peter Scheuchenpflug, in: Lebendige Seelsorge Jg. 61, Heft 3 (2010), p.175-178.
  53. It all depends on the beginning. Religious learning in elementary school, in: Church and School Vol. 37, Issue 154 (2010), pp.6-10.
  54. Performance in religious education. Chances and dangers for an evaluation, in: Orientamenti Pedagogici Jg. 57/2, Heft 338 (2010), S.103-129.
  55. 'Now tell me, how do you feel about performance'. Understanding performance and performance orientation in religious education, in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge Jg. 64 (2010), p.31-50.
  56. Religion in the everyday life of single women. Challenges for pastoral work, in: Diakonia Jg. 40, Heft 1 (2010), p.130-136.
  57. Performance and grace in religious education, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 134, Heft 6 (2009), p.431-436.
  58. Keeping the question of God alive as a core task of religious education processes. Empirical explorations and didactic considerations on the question of God and images of God today, in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie Jg. 61, Heft 3 (2009),
  59. An investigation into variants of correlative didactics in religious education, in: Empirische Fundierung der Fachdidaktiken. Tagungsband der Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik, Berlin 2009, pp.25-27 (together with Rudolf Englert).
  60. The difficult connection between the quality of student performance and the quality of schools and the unintentional mix-ups. Critical inquiries into the concept of educational standards from the perspective of the current debate on performance assessment, in: Theo-Web. Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2009), pp.141-150.
  61. Zeitgenössische Kunst als Gegenstand im Religionsunterricht, in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge Jg. 61 (2008), pp.33-54 (together with Alexander Schimmel).
  62. The scope and limits of religious education research. Kritische Überlegungen zum Gegengegenstandsbereich der Religionspädagogik, in: Reinhold Boschki/ Matthias Gronover (eds.): Junge Wissenschaftstheorie der Religionspädagogik (Tübinger Perspektiven zur Pastoraltheologie und Religionspädagogik Bd. 31), Münster 2007, pp.88-106.
  63. Enabling children and young people to read intertextually. Report on a teaching-learning research study on the acquisition of religious orientation skills in the classroom, in: Karin Herrmann/ Sandra Hübenthal (eds.): Intertextualität. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge aus Theorie und Praxis, Aachen 2007, pp.82-94.
  64. Violence and gender, in: Werner Haußmann/ Hansjörg Biener/ Klaus Hock/ Reinhold Mokrosch (eds.): Handbuch Friedenserziehung. interreligiös - interkulturell - interkonfessionell, Gütersloh 2006, pp.269-274.
  65. Life organization and coping with life of childless and single women around the age of 40: Appendix with method description and evaluation texts for the study. A qualitative-empirical study on the connection between religiosity and lifeworld, Essen 2005 (available online at - last accessed on 25.05.2021).
  66. Singles in the context of social modernization: Development of question perspectives for a qualitative-empirical study of the connection between the lifeworld of and religiosity among single women, Essen 2005 (available online at - last accessed on 25.05.2021).
  67. The development of competence in religious education in the situation of trainee teachers. An empirical project of the research group "Religious learning at primary school age", in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge Jg. 51 (2003), pp.113-116 (together with Rudolf Englert).
  68. Violence against women - violation of norms or extension of norms? Women's experiences of violence as a critical corrective for a theologically responsible discourse on God, in: Essener Unikate 21 (2003), pp.22-27.
  69. Everyone builds their own tower...? "On what common ground do the gender towers in religious education in San Gimignano stand?" On the question of the identity of the subject 'Religious Education' and its own research position. On the occasion of the annual congress of the working group "Catholic Religious Education and Catechetics": "Religionspädagogik: Wissenschaftstheorie, Interdisziplinarität, Forschungspolitik", in: KERYKS, Internationale religionspädagogisch-katechetische Rundschau 2 (2003), pp.219-238.
  70. Violence against women - violation of norms or extension of norms? Women's experiences of violence as a critical corrective for a theologically responsible discourse on God, in: Schlangenbrut. Dispute for feminist and religiously interested women, Vol. 76 (2002), pp. 5-9.
  71. Can happiness be a goal of religious education?, in: Katechetische Blätter Jg. 127, Heft 3 (2002), p.175-180.
  72. Coping with life and life organization in single, childless women around the age of 40. A qualitative empirical study on the connection between religiosity and lifeworld, in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge 46 (2001), pp.123-127.
  73. When the children change, the university can't just stay the same. Innovative models of religious education teacher training and continuing education must take into account the new challenges facing today's teachers in the face of changing childhood and changing religiosity, in: Dominik Abel/ Dominique-Marcel Kosack/ Anna Reinhardt (eds.): Kompetenz für die Praxis? Innovative models of religious education teacher training and continuing education, Bergisch Gladbach 2000, pp.99-115.
  74. Evaluation of the questionnaire on the situation of pastoral staff in university pastoral care, on: Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholischer Studenten- und Hochschulgemeinden 1973-2000 CD-ROM 2000, pp.1-29.
  75. Die Mutter als lebendiger Spiegel der Tochter - Auf der Suche nach der verborgenen Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung in christlicher Tradition, in: Feministische Adventsliturgien VI. Gottes Wort durch Frauen Wort, Aachen 1998, p.24-28.
  76. Liberating Education for Women, in: Udo Schnieders/ Stefan Kellner (eds.): Churches at the University, Göttingen 1996, pp.101-111.
  77. Being vulnerable, having compassion, being courageous. Feminist-liberation theological perspectives on a theology of relationship, in: Schlangenbrut. Streitschrift für feministisch und religiös interessierte Frauen 14 (1996), p.40f.
  78. Jewish questions to feminist theology, in: Rosch Pina: der eckstein, exegetische Ausgrabungen 16 (1992), pp.57-71.


  1. Elisabeth Caloun / Silvia Habringer-Hagleitner (eds.): Spiritualitätsbildung in Theorie und Praxis. Ein Handbuch, München 2018, in: Katechetische Blätter, Heft 5 (2018), p.897f.
  2. Ilse Flöter: God in Kinderköpfen und Kinderherzen, Münster 2007, in: Katechetische Blätter 133, Heft 5 (2008), p.386f.
  3. Sandra-Büchel-Thalmeier: Deconstructive and Reconstructive Perspectives on Identity and Gender. Eine feministisch-religionspädagogische Analyse (Theologische Frauenforschung in Europa Bd. 19), Münster 2005, in: Schlangenbrut. Streitschrift für feministisch und religiös interessierte Frauen Jg. 25 (2007), p.47f.
  4. Sybille Becker:  Leib - Bildung - Geschlecht. Perspektiven für die Religionspädagogik (Theologische Frauenforschung in Europa Bd. 13), Münster 2005, in: Religionspädagogische Beiträge (2007), p.129f.
  5. Elisabeth Gössmann et al: Wörterbuch der Feministischen Theologie, Gütersloh²2002, in: Katechetische Blätter 128 (2003), pp.310-311.
  6. Kristina Augst: Religion in der Lebenswelt junger Frauen aus sozialen Unterschichten, Stuttgart 2000, in: Journal of Empirical Theology Jg.14, Heft 2 (2001), S.98.