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A multifunctional agriculture of the future faces the challenge not only of producing healthy food, but also of preserving and developing the diversity of plant and animal species in the historically evolved cultural landscapes. Biodiversity encompasses various levels - from genetic diversity to the diversity of varieties and species to the diversity of biotope types at the landscape level.
While today's predominant type of land management is considered the main cause of species loss in Germany, numerous comparative studies attest to the positive effects of organic farming on biodiversity at various levels. Nevertheless, there is a need for action: Today's optimization of production techniques needs to be complemented by active measures to demand biodiversity; a conversion to organic farming does not automatically mean a species-rich landscape in order to protect biodiversity, to promote it in a targeted manner, and to actively develop diverse and regionally typical cultural landscapes.
With this objective, research projects have been carried out at FÖL for more than 25 years. Currently, investigations are being carried out to monitor the success of the measures taken within the framework of the above-mentioned project to enhance the cultural landscape of the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen. Further investigations concern synergies Social agriculture with nature and cultural landscape development.
Selected publications / lectures
- Stein-Bachinger K, Brock C, Matouschek M, Athmann M (2023): Nature conservation on Demeter farms. Status quo, individual motivations and development potential. Living Earth 2: 16-17
- Gärtner, A.-C., van Elsen, T. (2013): Reintroduction of rare and endangered arable wild plants on organic farms. Subproject Witzenhausen: Experiments on practical farms. - Contrib. 12th Research Conference Ecol. Landbau: 394-397, Bonn.
- van Elsen, T. (2009): Landscape seminars in social farming. New impulses for cultural landscape development through organic farming. - Contrib. 10th Research Conference on Organic Farming. Landbau (Vol. 1): 418-421, Zurich.
- van Elsen, T. (ed.) (2005): Individual farm nature conservation advice - a recipe for success for more nature conservation in agriculture. Contributions to the conference from October 6-8, 2005 in Witzenhausen. FiBL Germany e.V., 200 p., Witzenhausen.
- van Elsen, T., Godt, J. (2000): Landscape Development by Organic Farming - Methodology and first practical steps on the Hessian Domaine Frankenhausen. - In: Alföldi, T., Lockeretz, W., Niggli, U. (Eds.): IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic. Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference: 446, Zurich.
Ongoing projects
Completed projects
- Reintroduction of rare and endangered arable wild plants (2011-2015).
- Establishment of a nationwide network of protected areas for arable wild herbs (2009-2012).
- Integration of nature conservation goals into organic farming - the example of the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen (2008-2010)
- Nature indicators for agricultural practice (2001-2003)