Mixed cropping / agroforestry

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Use of different ecological niches

Plants with complementary resource utilization enable eco-functional intensification.

Mixed crops are an example of intensification of crop production through greater use of ecological processes instead of increased use of external inputs. Ideally, they enable increases in yield and quality while simultaneously adapting to climate change and increasing biodiversity. Mixed crops that we are investigating include legume-cereal mixtures with the aim of optimizing nitrogen utilization by the legumes, mixed crops of deep-rooted medicinal and aromatic plants and cereals, and agroforestry systems.

Agroforestry overview page

Agroforestry systems increase resilience

Agroforestry systems are strips of woodland, in arable land or grassland, laid out to match the working widths of agricultural machinery. They also include orchards. They can provide a variety of benefits for agriculture: They reduce erosion and drought and thus create resilience to extreme weather events, which are becoming increasingly frequent due to climate change. They provide protection and shade for poultry and grazing animals. They provide a refuge for beneficial insects, wild animals, insects and wild plants. In agroforestry systems, we are researching the development of crops, soil biological parameters, root growth, carbon dynamics and the effects on biodiversity and nature conservation.

The Department of Organic Farming and Crop Production is a member of the DeFAF trade association.

Selected publications / lectures

Burzik, W., Voßkuhl, L., Müller, M., Graß, R., Athmann, M. (2024): Agroforestry: Root carbon contents in an alley cropping system of short rotation willow and grassland. In: Agriculture and nutrition - transformation only makes sense together. 17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming from March 5-8, 2024, Giessen

Voßkuhl, L., Müller, M., Burzik, W., Graß, R., Athmann, M. (2023): Alley cropping with walnut, hazelnut and currant: Design of an agroforestry experiment (P4). In: Morhart C, Schindler Z, Göbel L, Obladen N, Krüner K, Westerwalbesloh: Forum Agroforstsysteme: Landwirtschaft zukunftsfähig gestalten. 28-29.9.2023 in Freiburg im Breisgau: 53-54

Kemper R, Döring TF, Legner N, Meinen C, Athmann M (2022) Root traits in cover crop mixtures of blue lupin and winter rye. Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05366-9

Shanmugam S, Hefner M, Pelck JS, Labouriau R, Kristensen HL (2022) Complementary resource use in intercropped faba bean and cabbage by increased root growth and nitrogen use in organic production. Soil use and management, 38(1), 729-740.

Hupe A, Naether F, Haase T, Bruns C, Heß J, Dyckmans J, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2021) Evidence of considerable C and N transfer from peas to cereals via direct root contact but not via mycorrhiza. Scientific reports 11: 11424. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-90436-8