Riccardo Montaldo


The protection of the human right to water in the multi-level governance: a comparison between Italy and Germany

The dissertation represents an in-depth analysis of the multi-level protection of the human right to water: first it will consider its recognition and evolution on the most relevant documents on international level, both binding and not; secondly, the dissertation will follow the progresses made on the European level, with the analysis of EU law sources of primary and secondary law and the jurisprudence of the EUCJ, as well as the ECHR and the jurisprudence of the Court of Strasbourg; finally, the main focus will be on the national levels of Italy and Germany, considering primarily the constitutional sources and jurisprudence, and in particular the subdivision of competences between the State and the local levels. The main research goal is therefore the definition of the current state of protection of the human right to water on the analysed levels, and the understanding of the shared responsibilities of each one of them.

Prof. Dr. Silke Ruth Laskowski


Riccardo Montaldo
Universität Kassel
Fachbereich 05 Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Promotionskolleg Soziale Menschenrechte
Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
34127 Kassel


Research interests
human right to water; multilevel protection of human rights; social rights; human right to health; public participation; indigenous rights

Born on April 16th in 1987 in Cagliari (Italy)


Since 2016

Doctoral candidate at Kassel University


Master law degree at Cagliari University


Summer School "Europe, Regions, Human Rights" at Cagliari University


Erasmus in law studies at Trier University

2001-2006Classical studies in Cagliari

Professional experience

Since 2014

Honory fellow in Constitutional Law at Cagliari University


Legal practinioner in Cagliari


Headtutor for the Summer School "Europe, Regions, Human Rights" at Cagliari University

Other experience

Rapporteur in the following seminars:

- Seminar on the constitutional reform at the Parliament of the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 28.09.2016–29.09.2016 - presentation title "Der verfassungsrechtliche Schutz des Grund- und Menschenrechts auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung"

- Joint German-Turkish Seminar on Environmental Justice in Turkey and Germany in Berlin, 20.10.2016–25.10.2016 - presentation title "Public Participation and the Human Right to Water"

- Joint German-Turkish Seminar on Environmental Justice in Turkey and Germany in Kassel, 17.10.2017-30.10.2017 - presentation title "Water Protection Law and the Human Right to Water from the Perspective of EU Law"


Emergenza carceri: a tre anni dalla sentenza Torreggiani, gli esiti e l’effettività delle riforme, 3. Februar 2016, in <link http: www.forumcostituzionale.it>www.forumcostituzionale.it

La tutela del diritto all’acqua nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca, in S. STAIANO (ed.), Acqua – Bene pubblico, risorsa non riproducibile, fattore di sviluppo, Jovene, Napoli, 2017

To be published

Der verfassungsrechtliche Schutz des Grund- und Menschenrechts auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung

Public Participation and the Human Right to Water and Water Protection Law (with E.G.M. INCONIS) and The Human Right to Water from the Perspective of EU Law, representing scientific expositions of the presentations held during the Joint German-Turkish Seminars on Environmental Justice in Turkey and Germany held in Berlin (2016) and Kassel (2017)

Igiene e Sanità, in G. Demuro & M. Betzu (eds.), Lineamenti di diritto costituzionale della Regione Sardegna

(with E.G.M. Inconis) Tutela dell'ambiente e protezione della natura,  in G. Demuro & M. Betzu (eds.), Lineamenti di diritto costituzionale della Regione Sardegna