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Image: Yvonne Sophie Thöne

Dr. theol. Daniel Bertram

Former research assistant at the Chair of Religious Education

Former coordinator of the Innovation Unit I "Curricular Coherence" (PRONET²)

Doctoral candidate in the field of religious education

Short vita

2008 - 2013 Studied Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt, degree: Magister Theologiae (M. Theol.)

2010 - 2013 (par.) Teacher for Catholic Religious Education in the Diocese of Erfurt

2013 - 2016 Doctorate at the Chair of Moral Theology and Ethics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt

from 2016 Research assistant at the Chair of Religious Education at the Institute of Catholic Theology at the University of Kassel



Bertram, Daniel, Miscarried and stillborn children. The dignity of the prenatal human being in the perception of parents and in ethical discourse [Erfurter Theologische Studien; 112], Würzburg 2016.



Reese-Schnitker, Annegret / Bertram, Daniel / Franzmann, Marcel (eds.), Migration, Flight and Displacement. Theologische Analyse und religionsunterrichtliche Praxis [Religionspädagogik innovativ; 23], Stuttgart 2018. (With, among others, the contribution: Bertram, Daniel, Von "Fremden" zu "Schwestern und Brüdern". Theological-Ethical Aspects of Naming Refugees, in: ibid, 67-75).

Reese-Schnitker, Annegret / Bertram, Daniel / Fröhle, Dominic (eds.), Conversations in Religious Education.  Insights, Insights, Potentials [Religionspädagogik innovativ; 45], Stuttgart 2022 (in press).


Contributions to anthologies and journals

Bertram, Daniel / Franzmann, Marcel, Die Rolle der Lehrkraft in Unterrichtsgesprächen: Moderator - Motivator - Auditor, in: Katechetische Blätter 2/19, 117-122.

Bertram, Daniel, Changing Perspectives and Empathy in the Context of Interreligious Encounters, in: Schober, Michael / Espelage, Christian / Mohagheghi, Hamideh (eds.), Interreligiöse Öffnung durch Begegnung. Grundlagen - Erfahrungen - Perspektiven [Hildesheimer Universitätsschriften; 45], Hildesheim 2021, 253-262.

Bertram, Daniel, What do the encounters in the Compassion project have to do with my faith? Compassion und die eigene Einstellung zur Religiosität - Eine Verhältnisbestimmung, in: FORUM 75, 2021, 32-48.



Bertram, Daniel, review of: Fuchs, Monika / Hofheinz, Marco (eds.), Theologie im Konzert der Wissenschaften, Stuttgart 2018, in: Theologische Revue 4/19, sp. 344-346.

Bertram, Daniel, review of: Baumert, Britta / Röhll, Stefanie (eds.), Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Schule. Religionsunterricht als Ort der Kulturbegegnung, Stuttgart 2021, in: Katechetische Blätter 4/21, 400.

Bertram, Daniel, Rezension zu: Schweitzer, Friedrich, Religion noch besser unterrichten. Qualität und Qualitätsentwicklung im RU, Göttingen 2020, in: Katechetische Blätter (not yet published).

Research focus

I. The Compassion Project as a Model of Ethical Learning in Religious Education

II. conversations in religious education

III. Interreligious and Inclusive Religious Education

Current doctoral project (Dr. phil. | University of Kassel)

"The Compassion project at school in the context of migration, asylum and flight".

The "Compassion" project has been in existence since the mid-nineties. The special feature: students complete a social internship and come into contact with people with whom they mostly do not meet in their everyday lives. Studies show the success of this model: students improve their ability to empathize, assume responsibility and develop a "co-passion" for their neighbor, whom they perceive as a human being, as an individual, in his or her particular situation.

Now it must be stated: These people also encounter the students within their school, in their class. They are, for example, migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, in any case people with experiences and adventures, to whom it is important to pay attention and listen within the framework of "compassion". If this is successfully reflected, as studies show, the project has the chance to increase the willingness to help and social acceptance.

So how can the "compassion" idea be applied here and made fruitful for the promotion of understanding, recognition, and indeed "co-suffering"? In the context of migration, asylum and flight, can we even succeed in reducing prejudices and sustainably dismantling racism and discrimination from an early stage?

Completed doctoral project (Dr. theol. | University of Erfurt)

"Miscarried and Stillborn Children. The Dignity of the Prenatal Human Being in the Perception of Parents and in Ethical Discourse".


Since 1988, parents affected by miscarriage or stillbirth have repeatedly petitioned legislators to strengthen the rights of deceased children and their rights as parents. They have actively participated in the discourse on miscarried and stillborn children against the backdrop of their own direct and profound experience.


The paper reflects on the relevance of this discourse. In doing so, it describes a convergence between parents' pre-reflexive experience and systematic argumentation. Always at the center of the study is the question of recognition on the one hand of the prenatal human being, also and in particular in the case of his prenatal death, and on the other hand of the loss of the orphaned parents and the grief of those affected.

(see also "Publications")

Lectures and workshops

  • Forbidden Love - The Church and Celibacy (Workshop on 28.11.2018 at the Religious Education Study Day for Pupils at the University of Kassel)
  • The role of the teacher in classroom discussions: Auditor, motivator, moderator? (Workshop on 28.09.2018 at the dkv annual conference in Leitershofen)
  • Parents in conflict - pregnancy and prenatal diagnostics (presentation and panel discussion on 17.04.2018 for the "Week for Life" in Erfurt)
  • On the protection of unborn life (presentation and panel discussion on 17.03.2018 BDKJ Youth Forum in Heilbad Heiligenstadt)
  • Meine Gerechtigkeit, Deine Gerechtigkeit - Was wir meinen, wenn wir von Gerechtigkeit reden (Lecture on 15.11.2017 at the Religious Education Study Day for pupils at the University of Kassel)
  • "They didn't immigrate for no reason." (Finn, 15 years old). Questions about flight and migration in a theological context (workshop for the "Day of Catechesis" on 08.06.2017 in Fulda)
  • A model for the future? Opportunities, limits and the value of confessional-cooperative religious education (lecture on 03.02.2017 at the "Day of Religious Education" in Kassel)
  • Arguments of Christian ethics in the public euthanasia discourse (lecture on 06.11.2015 at the Kolping Education Days in Schirgiswalde)

Teaching at the University of Kassel from summer semester 2017 to summer semester 2023

Summer semester 2023
Rome: On the theological and cultural significance of the "eternal city" for religious educators today

Winter semester 2022/23
Fundamentals of Learning and Teaching in Religious Education: Introduction to Religious Education Part I

Summer semester 2022
Of American gods, good omens, midnight masses, a shipwreck with a tiger and much more. Religion and faith in films and series ... in the classroom

Winter semester 2021/22
Ethical education in religious education

Summer semester 2021
Accompanying semester didactics of religion
Reli 2.0 - Planning and designing digital religious education lessons

Winter semester 2020/21
Exercise on the introduction to religious education

Summer semester 2020
Accompanying seminar practical semester religion
Our responsibility for one world: justice, environment, peace, ... - global learning and religious education
Why do I want to become a religious education teacher? - Fundamentals of learning and teaching in religious education: Introduction to religious education, Part II (L2) 

Winter semester 2019/20
"Show me your world!" The Compassion Project as a method of ethical learning in religious education (advanced seminar)
Fundamentals of learning and teaching in religious education: Introduction to religious education, Part I (L1 and L2)
Fundamentals of learning and teaching in religious education: Introduction to religious education, Part I (L3 and L4)

Summer semester 2019
Accompanying seminar practical semester in religion
Why do I want to become a religious education teacher? - Fundamentals of learning and teaching in religious education: Introduction to religious education, Part II  (L2)

Winter semester 2018/19
Accompanying seminar for the practical semester in religion
You and me - human and human. The claim and contribution of religious education to inclusion.

Summer semester 2018
The problem of theodicy: between (religious) pedagogical demands and personal challenges

Winter semester 2017/2018
Ethical learning in religious education
Sollen, Wollen, Können - Einführung in dieologische Ethik (Lehrauftrag)

Summer semester 2017
Accompanying seminar practical semester in religion