Promote your

From 2024 to 2028, the University of Kassel will carry out its 'Promote your' project as part of the program 'Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents (FIT)' with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Academic Exchange Service.
The funding will total around 1.15 million euros. The International Office, the International Study Center and the Career Service as well as internationally oriented Master's degree courses are involved. Targeted new offers for orientation on the labour market, the acquisition of German language skills and more intensive networking will help to ensure the academic success of international students and increase their employability on the German labour market after graduation. The involvement of employers in the region is particularly important here.

Project titlePromote your
Department in chargeDepartment of Student and Academic Affairs
Project periodApril 1, 2024 – December 31, 2028



Student and Academic Affairs
Head of the International Office
Britta Wöbbeking

Phone: +49 561 804-7159

Funding information