Counselling Services
Studying with a child: Meet & Eat in the mensa

When? every 2. tuesday monthly 12:30– 14:30
Where? the play corner in the new part of the mensa
You have questions about studying with children, childcare opportunities or networking with other parents?
Then you are in the right place!
Together, the Family Welcome Service, the Autonomous parents' department and the Flying Nannies are offering a Meet & Eat.
At the back of the cafeteria, by the play corner, we can have lunch together, answer questions, meet each other and get into conversations. Let us know how you are doing as a student with a child, what is on your mind, and which challenges you are facing. Share your worries and your positive experiences. We are happy to advise you on all matters. If you are soon to be a student with a child, get to know other parents!
Everyone is welcome! Feel free to stop by!
Contact person for queries:
Family Welcome Service