Digital transformation of central applicant and student administration
What is it about?
The Online Access Act standardized the framework conditions for access to digital public administration services and defined maturity levels for the degree of digital implementation (paperless, without media discontinuity, platform-based, etc.). The OZG forms the legal basis, so to speak, for the already intended digital transformation of the "central" student administration both externally (online access, online platform, digital processes) and internally (digital file management, digital registers).
Goals/(planned) results:
- Milestone 1: Digital processes without media discontinuity in all reference processes of the central student administration (application, admission, enrolment, re-registration, leave of absence, de-registration) including quality assurance, digital file
- Milestone 2: Digital identity/signature, digital administrative act, platform centralization if necessary
- Milestone 3: ePayment
In addition to the application processes, the enrolment process and thus all customer processes (front end) were successfully digitalized in time for the start of the summer semester campaign (application, enrolment, re-registration) on 01.12.2022. By creating the legal framework (adapted Imma statutes), neither a written application nor the submission of physical documents are now required for a successful application. The written form and therefore a separate digital signature are therefore obsolete. With the start of the winter semester campaign (application, enrolment, re-registration) on 1 June 2023, file management via a document management system (DMS) and thus all internal processes (backend) will also be digitalized. Milestone 1 has thus been successfully completed.
The focus currently remains on implementing the task packages from milestone 2. The processes for the digital administrative file were tested in parallel with the 2025 summer semester campaign. The aim is to carry out customer communication (including the legally compliant digital delivery of notifications) exclusively digitally within the campus management platform and in this respect also legally compliant. The digital administrative file has currently only been implemented by the software provider in the area of applications and will go live on June 1, 2025 for the 2025/26 winter semester campaign. It is also being examined whether a connection to the "federal user account" (BundID) for digital, automated identity verification appears feasible by then, which would eliminate the need for verification by presenting an analog ID document. The relevant decentralized stakeholders have not currently prioritized the integration of processes for suitability assessment procedures.
With regard to milestone 3, it is becoming apparent that the ePayment task package will be delayed due, among other things, to the currently outstanding clarifications regarding usable payment services and their integration into the campus management software used.
Project title
Digital transformation of central applicant and student administration
Contact us
University of Kassel
Department of Student and Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs Group
Mario Keim
Project periods
Milestone 1 (2022/2023)
Milestone 2 (2023/2024)
Milestone 3 (2024/2025)